Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

52 ratings
Pool Stations Pack
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8.030 MB
4 Aug, 2023 @ 5:53pm
10 Aug, 2023 @ 10:16am
3 Change Notes ( view )

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Pool Stations Pack

In 1 collection by Sully
Water Park 1
26 items
Water Park 1

Create the Water Park of your dreams with 'Water Park 1' in Cities: Skylines! A fully customisable asset pack to create your own unique and functional Water Slides, Pools, Lazy River and more.

Click here to check out the full Water Park 1 Collection. Subscribe to stay notified as more assets will likely be added following the initial launch.


I would recommend watching my Video Guide on YouTube to help better understand the assets, to learn how to use them, and for some tips and techniques on usage. It's the easiest way to learn about the assets.

Steam Workshop Guide for Water Park 1 if you prefer written format:

Pool Stations Pack

The Water Slide assets have been created using the in-game ‘train’ functionality. This will allow citizens to take the slides as a form of public transport.

- Water Slides have replaced Train Tracks.
- Water Slide stations and Pool stations have replaced train stations.
- Cims sliding down the slides have replaced train vehicles.

We will be setting the slides up (in theory) the same way as we would a train service, just with a few special assets and tricks to have them functioning correctly.

The Swimming Pools are technically functional train stations, which is why they have been named 'pool stations'. They are set up in a specific way to only allow citizens to exit the vehicle, and not board. This is so citizens can enter the public transport at the top of the slide, and exit on the steps of the pool.

There are 5 different size pools to choose from, including a double pool and triple pool station which you can connect multiple slides to.

*Note more Pool Stations may be added following release. Sub to the Water Park 1 collection to stay notified.

The pools are empty of water when plopped, we will simply add in-game water using my 'Fresh Water Source' assets. Although the assets are ploppable buildings, technically they have been created from a variety of networks which will allow us to add in-game water.

  • 5 ploppable 'Pool Stations' (Function as a train station)

Recommended Mods

1. RON Network Replacer or Railway Replacer - Use RON to change the 'teal water slide network' used as default on slide and pool stations to an alternative color/style of Water Slides. Alternatively, can use Railway Replacer but double tracks will both change. (see section below for more information).

2.Network Anarchy - The pool networks (Quays) and Lazy River networks (Canals) are used in close proximity, and as such network anarchy is a required mod to plop some of the station assets.

How to use and FAQ

To learn more about the Water Slide assets, the process to create them and for frequently asked questions, please see the Water Slide Guide.

Want to support me?

If you enjoy the assets, please consider donating or supporting me on Patreon, supporting me will also mean supporting future development of Water Park 1 and Water Park 2 in Cities: Skylines 2. As a thank you, the first 5 Patrons and contributors who start supporting me, I will create them a custom 'Cinematic Cim' prop or animated prop of their choice.




Please like and comment if you use and enjoy the asset.

Follow me on the Steam Workshop and follow the 'Water Park 1' collection to be notified on new releases.

domoriazeria01 3 Nov, 2024 @ 9:36pm 
Broken assets:

Custom Assets: 3015048181.Pool Station 6x8_Data: NetInfo missing

its every pool asset
Sully  [author] 2 Sep, 2023 @ 3:17am 
@cultural_lover these assets fail when you dont read the description and dont have the required mods and asset dependencies. Please ensure you have these.
cultural_lover 31 Aug, 2023 @ 3:21am 
These assets fail, even when everything is selected
Sully  [author] 17 Aug, 2023 @ 12:33pm 
@DRYorange - please make sure you have all the dependencies listed on the asset, specifcally you NEED all the networks otherwise it won't load.
DRYorange 13 Aug, 2023 @ 3:45am 
Loading screen mod tell me that i couldn't load the assets successfully.
Sully  [author] 10 Aug, 2023 @ 11:56am 
@Splifsend thank you for your patience. I have now added a new asset to the workshop - Pool Stations LHT (Left hand traffic) pack. You should now be all set to use the assets :) everything else works same as before, just for changes to take effect you must unsub and resub. Hope you enjoy! And unsub to this pack, so you only need the LHT Pool Stations.
Sully  [author] 9 Aug, 2023 @ 3:56pm 
@m.crienen you need network anarchy enabled
m.crienen 9 Aug, 2023 @ 7:10am 
very nice , however i can,t plop te pools , message : distance to short
Sully  [author] 6 Aug, 2023 @ 2:51pm 
@splifsend... ohhh really. ok so i defo haven't checked left hand traffic, that must be it! humm, interesting. i'll need to have a test and get back to you. hit me up on discord and i'll see if i can find a fix.
Splifsend 6 Aug, 2023 @ 11:42am 
ok.. got that, my fault for not thinking it was a network..
next problem I ran into is that the directional arrows in the pools and starting platforms are pointing the wrong way.. I use left hand traffic maybe that's a problem?