Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

67 ratings
Concrete Pedestrian Paths
Assets: Road, Park Area
File Size
3.769 MB
3 Aug, 2023 @ 3:28pm
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Concrete Pedestrian Paths

In 1 collection by Sully
Water Park 1
26 items
Water Park 1

Create the Water Park of your dreams with 'Water Park 1' in Cities: Skylines! A fully customisable asset pack to create your own unique and functional Water Slides, Pools, Lazy River and more.

Click here to check out the full Water Park 1 Collection. Subscribe to stay notified as more assets will likely be added following the initial launch.


I would recommend watching my Video Guide on YouTube to help better understand the assets, to learn how to use them, and for some tips and techniques on usage. It's the easiest way to learn about the assets.

Steam Workshop Guide for Water Park 1 if you prefer written format:

Concrete Pedestrian Paths

5 plain concrete pedestrian paths with different settings applied in asset editor - normal, one direction only, slow paths x2 (1/4 speed and 1/8 speed) and no pedestrians allowed. The only difference visually from the vanilla version is I have removed the lamposts.

These networks are designed to block access or slow down citizens journeys so they choose to take the water slide to reach their destination. For more information on how to do this please watch my video guide or read the Steam Workshop guide.

  • 5 networks

Main Models
Tris: no mesh
Textures: no texture

LOD Models
Tris: no mesh
Textures: no texture

How to use
In this example below using the 'normal' pedestrian path citizens will not take the water slide. It's faster to walk between the slide station and the pool station. By changing that one network to a one direction only path, we can completely block access on one side, so citizens will have no choice but to take the slide station to reach the other side. If you change the original network to a 1/4 speed slow path, a few citizens will choose to take the slide but others will decide its faster to walk. If you change it to an 1/8 of the speed slow path, more citizens will choose to take the slide. By changing a few segments of the pedestrian paths to these different variations you can manipulate citizens into taking the slide.


Q: Citizens won't take my water slide using these paths?
A: The water slides won't attracts cims, they're a form of public transport, you need commercial, parks, events etc. to attract citizens. Once you have citizens coming into your park you can then block their access to the destination using my pedestrian networks, forcing them to use the water slide to reach their destination. Using the slow paths you can get people using them, but if you want lots of citizens using them then block off their access completely using one direction paths or no pedestrian paths. TIP: don't make the route too popular to avoid overcrowding at stations due to the low capacity vehicles.

Want to support me?

If you enjoy the assets, please consider donating or supporting me on Patreon, supporting me will also mean supporting future development of Water Park 1 and Water Park 2 in Cities: Skylines 2. As a thank you, the first 5 Patrons and contributors who start supporting me, I will create them a custom 'Cinematic Cim' prop or animated prop of their choice.




Please like and comment if you use and enjoy the asset.

Follow me on the Steam Workshop and follow the 'Water Park 1' collection to be notified on new releases.
