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Custom Xenotype Exporter Tool
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Mod, 1.4
43.090 KB
22. juli 2023 kl. 9:14
30. juli 2023 kl. 9:34
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Custom Xenotype Exporter Tool

I 1 samling af Gegegeb
Gegegeb's mods
5 genstande
Adds a way to export custom xenotypes for easy conversion to modded xenotypes. This mod is a modding tool, but it can be used to convert your custom xenotypes to modded versions so they function correctly with mods like Xenotype Implanters, Xenotype Xenogerms, Outland - Genetics.
  • Step 1: Open the Xenotype Editor. (Mods like Tabula Rasa or Xenotype And Ideology Buttons TitleScreen are recommended for easy access to the Xenotype Editor.)
  • Step 2: Select genes and an icon for your xenotype. Give your xenotype a name and choose whether it will be heritable or not. (Alternatively, you can load a custom xenotype you've already created.)
  • Step 3: Click the Export Xenotype button in the top left corner. Fill in the description for your xenotype.
  • Step 4: You have 2 options:
    • A. The Copy to Clipboard button will transfer the xenotypeDef to your clipboard as text. This will allow you to paste the created def anywhere you want.
    • B. The Export to Local Mods Folder button will create a mod in your local Mods folder and place the file with your custom xenotype there.
    • C. Choose an existing xenotype to edit its label, icon, description, short description, genes, and gene inheritance.
  • Step 5B: If you chose option B, enable a local mod called ExportedXenotypeStorageModFolder. This will allow you to use your newly created xenotype.
  • Step 5C: If you chose option C, click the Export as a Patch to Local Mods folder button, then enable a local mod called ExportedXenotypeStorageModFolder. This will allow you to use your newly edited xenotype.
  • Step 6: Click the Open export folder button to inspect the results.
  • This mod doesn't automatically remove your custom xenotype when exporting it.
  • You can export as many xenotypes as you like. They will all be stored in ExportedXenotypeStorageModFolder/1.4/Defs/XenotypeDefs.
  • You will have to restart the game every time you export to the local Mods folder to see the results.
  • This mod is not neccessary for ExportedXenotypeStorageModFolder mod to function.
  • If you create xenotypes using modded genes or icons and then remove the mod that added those genes or icons, the game will throw errors. You will have to remove the problematic xenotype manually.
  • Exporting a xenotype with a name that was already exported will overwrite the previous file.
  • Patching an existing xenotype will not break references to it in the game code. That means:
    • If you edit the Baseliner xenotype, most of the people on your planet will be changed.
    • If you edit the Sanguophage xenotype, changed Sanguophages will appear in quests.
    • If you have Vanilla Factions Expanded - Empire, the Empire will send you edited Highmates.
  • This mod allows for arguably faster creation of other Xenotype mods, as Xenotype Editor is more practical than just editing XMLs.
  • The functionality of this mod on non-Windows systems has not been tested.
  • Harmony library - Brrainz
  • Rimworld - Ludeon Studios
  • Check discussions.
51 kommentarer
LAZER™ 26. maj kl. 13:56 
CTH2004 23. maj kl. 12:07 
So someone will have to make it from scratch… we’ll, I’m busy doing other things, so, well, sorry, I don’t volenteer
漆黑之梦 20. maj kl. 18:41 
The main reason is that the author did not provide the source code, otherwise someone would have updated it long ago
Silent 9. maj kl. 18:29 
Hope there is plans to update this considering people wont be able to play around with any new anomaly themed genes that modders are making.
比那名居桃子 5. maj kl. 22:40 
thank you maxdbg and rynnever
RynnEver 5. maj kl. 15:26 
Can confirm that what maxdbg said is true. I found this mod in 1.5 and made it work by forcing my game back to 1.4 and creating the xenotype there. When I went back to 1.5, the special folder with the created xenos will have its name in red because it's for 1.4, but it loads and plays just fine.

I'm guessing this method will work as long as all the mods you're taking genes from to create your custom xenos are available in both 1.4 and 1.5.
CTH2004 4. maj kl. 7:23 
with some work, you can use Lycanthropes to do that kinda
Cadet CStinky 3. maj kl. 23:15 
Is it possible to make a xenotype that can morph into multiple other xenotypes?
maxdbg 3. maj kl. 0:48 
You can un-update (downdate?) to 1.4, do all the custom exporting you want, then re-update and play with your new xenotypes with no ill effects.
漆黑之梦 29. apr. kl. 18:56 
If you remove this mod, the exported xenotypes will still be available