Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

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Vanilla Navy Rework
46.449 MB
2023年6月23日 19時38分
9月15日 6時51分
63 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )
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Vanilla Navy Rework

MrPunk 作成の 1 件のコレクション
Navy Rework Collection
12 アイテム

Hi there, this is the Vanilla Navy Rework mod, or VNR, a project originated from Kaiserreich Navy Rework. The intention of this mod is to create a soft-core, RP-oriented naval experience with as few changes as possible applied to vanilla naval system.
Please don't expect too much competitiveness out of this mod, for it is not designed to make you feel painful against AI.
Subscribe this mod if you love:
-Historical/realistic ship design
-Historical navy lineups, a more immersive WWII naval combat experience
-Want unique icons more than those default vanilla ones
-More reasonable AI naval designs/production strategy
-Naval history

Historical Navy (designs and fleet composition): Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Chile, Columbia, Cuba, Denmark, UK, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Netherlands, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Norway, Persia, Peru, Poland, Portugal, British Raj, Romania, Siam, Soviet Union, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, Uruguay, United States, Venezuela, Yugoslavia
Hundreds of customized icons: Unique ship icons for every major country and some minor countries
Historical Designer: A semi-realistic designer, have fun designing historical ships but not that complex
New Naval Tech Tree: A completely reworked naval tree extending to 1955, slightly extended ship gun tree and a new naval auxiliary tree. They add more depth and flavor to each ship hull and fleet management.
New Modules: Hundreds of new ship modules. New GFX for almost all vanilla modules.
AI Improvement: Historical and reasonable AI naval production strategies for all major countries to make them react with different fleet building focus in war and peace.
Cheating: Find the navy too hard to play? Take the cheating options to build starships and burn your enemies.

-Current compatible version: 1.14.*
The mod targets to be compatible with any national focus/event/decision mods and other minor fixes mods, but it's not compatible with alt-history and tech mods. Please use at your own risk.
-Only 1936 scenario supported
-To ensure the best compatibility, the mod uses post-loading mechanism to avoid overwriting any country history files. So don't panic when you find fleet and tech tree missing at game start, click continue on the intro panel, and everything will be set.
-The cost of such compatibility is that all national focus/events/decisions which grants you ship designs will be broken, though it won't crash the game. Naval tech focus or such won't be affected. Please just ignore that.

-Road to 56
-Road to 56 RP
-Expanded Designer Combined
-Ultimate Tech Tree
-Extended Techtree 1960

-Kaiserreich Naval Rework
-Kaiserredux Naval Rework
-Pearl Harbor Expansion
-Sea Trade Fixes


A Simple Guide to Vanilla Navy Rework[docs.google.com]

This is where I deposit all the codes, you may use it to learn/explore.


I'd like to thank
vonlüttich, for inspiration of naval history introduction
Dankuser, for permission to use cruiser submarine arts from MTGE
Jayy von 𓎡𓄿𓈙, for making the compatch for 56RP
GDI Trooper, for making the compatch for EDC
211869620, for making the compatch for UTTNH and ETT60
人気スレッド 全て表示 (13)
9月20日 16時36分
ピン留め: Suggestions
8月20日 17時35分
Battleship conversion
8月6日 9時27分
Need help to make a compatibility patch with NSB Tank Overhaul.
Le Grand Pope! (Mergyme [FR])
928 件のコメント
Dahak 9月25日 17時03分 
@shura Con't in terms of the auxiliary ships it is a mission by mission assignment, they are cheap, often slow and die easy but if you want to operate at a distance then you'd want to add them as you need them. the one thing i would add on is that if you are using a large amount of old destroyers in a battlefleet you need to be concerned about them melting rapidly and leaving you without escort on your fleet destroyers, on the flipside if you are using mkII destroyers or better they will survive significantly better and you can cut minimum escorts much closer (refits of old destroyers work wonders on submarines and mine warfare)
Dahak 9月25日 17時03分 
@shura the composition is more or less the same with the caveat that fully built up destroyers, cruisers and battleships are more effort than they are worth and that you are better served with mid rated ships to maintain enough hulls (i usually do tree twin destroyer guns with two torpedoes some aa and an ASW slot, light cruisers with three to five cruiser turrets, i honestly don't ever do heavy cruisers except for large super cruisers, and you'll have to figure out treaty battleships and carriers to get the stats you want) the main change to fleet composition is in non battlefleets, cheap ASW and mine warfare ships are more plentiful and expendable, so are escort carriers, and there is more degrees of punch between a small and large ship.
MrPunk  [作成者] 9月21日 16時57分 
oh, so it was modding you mean? go to gfx/interface/technologies/Generic
MrPunk  [作成者] 9月21日 16時55分 
As said in the guide, this is a maths question, you can draw a curve of the function and simulate with tools like matlab or python
MrPunk  [作成者] 9月21日 16時51分 
yeah, you can refer to common/scripted_effects/add_naval_variants.txt

for the usage of auxiliary ship, it is mentioned in the guide in intro panel, you can find out by yourself
freeforaugust 9月21日 11時40分 
no i ment like changing the generic icons and stuff
Shura 9月21日 11時19分 
So what are "good" navy compositions like with this mod?
Reading the guide a bit, auxiliary ships being used to improve range is nice, but how many of these would/should be in a fleet?
Guess this is also more of a general question, since I don't like using the brainless doomstack tactics that all navy guides boil down to, what should navy compositions look like?
trainvoi 9月21日 10時38分 
also what does auxiliary ships do
trainvoi 9月21日 10時03分 
@MrPUnk, since you aren't doing focus compat patch, I would plan to port the ships design from Soviet focus trees with Vanilla Naval Rework standards. is that okay for you?

This includes Kronstadt Class battlecruiser, Sovetsky Soyuz Class battleship, K Class submarine and Project 71 Class Carrier

Do you have any guides on implementing these designs while faithfully matching what VNR would do?
trainvoi 9月21日 9時56分 
also, the mod is missing the localization for Soviet Fire Control Computer module tier 2,3 and 4.