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RWoM Custom Class Framework
Mod, 1.4
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1.203 MB
18 Jun, 2023 @ 10:44am
14 Jul, 2023 @ 1:07pm
6 Change Notes ( view )

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RWoM Custom Class Framework

Adds some new verbs and utilities used across my custom class mods.
They are usable by other modders, no C# required.
Most code is relevant to the creation of new spells, but some can be useful for summons or extra hediff effects.

You can find a brief documentation in this mod's files, read the source code, or ask questions about it.

Some of the features are:
- Verb_SayThingOnCast: a verb that behaves like Verb_SB and throws a text mote from a list on cast. The text mote is yellow-colored; I may make the color a property of the verb later.
- Verb_ShootDifferentProjectiles: a verb that lets a single verb shoot projectiles from a list, firing different projectiles in the same burst. Can be random or follow the list order, takes forcedMissRadius into account (so make them explosive because they don't seem to hit targeted pawns correctly), and can increase the number of shots per burst according to the caster's level.
- Verb_ShootTLine: a verb that fires projectiles in a line tangent to a circle of which the caster is the center, like Arcane Barrier. Can be used to spawn things in a line or just to shoot. Has an argument to increase the distance between target tiles, default is 1.
- Verb_HurtOrSpawnInCone: a verb that fires projectiles in a cone. You can define the angle of the cone, minRange lets you exclude tiles close to the caster, and the projectile's postExplosionSpawnChance lets you make only X% of tiles be shot at.
- HediffComp_CorpseDamagerToHD: a hediff comp that checks for corpses near the owner and applies hediffs as defined. Applies a different hediff depending on corpse type (human, non-bug animal, bug, mech). You can have the same hediff for different corpse types if you want all non-mech corpses to give a boost. The amount of damage dealt to the corpse is configurable and can be 0. Also exists as a comp.
- HediffComp_SummonFromHediffSeverity: a hediff comp that costs its hediff severity to summon things. Pairs well with the above.
- Projectile_LightningStrike: A projectile that does a lightning strike on impact.
killer_bug 19 Jun @ 1:24am 
summon 1.5 update