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Wanost's Mods
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A collection of my mods, mostly urbworld themed.
아이템 (4)
Urbworld Weaponry: Caseless
제작자 wanost77
Super-high density planets dominated by cities. Urbworlds’ population growth outstripped their social and technological development, so they tend to be overcrowded, polluted, violent places... A pack of 8 new weapons; 50% health of regular firearms but fas...
Urbworld Weaponry SDS
제작자 wanost77
"Super-high density planets dominated by cities. Urbworlds’ population growth outstripped their social and technological development, so they tend to be overcrowded, polluted, violent places..." - Cryptosleep Revival Briefing Smart Defense Systems was a co...
Plinker Pack
제작자 wanost77
A pack of light, low caliber weaponry with slight bonuses to skills. Excellent hunting equipment for small game like rabbits, squirrels, iguanas etc. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CombatExtended-Continued/CombatExtended/Development/Media/Badge_CE_compa...
Mechanoid Recon Hive
제작자 wanost77
The urgent rumble of a crier's drum could be heard over the commotion of the outlander market. A young woman stood on a box of muffalo pelts with a basket of fliers at her feet. "Mechanoid hive ship spotted in the night sky! Astronomers council reports two...