Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

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Grethereich 1.0
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207.562 MB
31 May, 2023 @ 11:21am
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Grethereich 1.0

The mod is using Polish only, so If you understand this language that's not a problem.

Gretheran is a virtual state that was created on the Internet in 2020, founded by Gretheran Grethewski. This country is unique because it exists virtually and has no territory on earth. Its structure is mainly based on online platforms and online communities.

Gretheran Grethewski, as the founder of the country, played a key role in its development and organisation. His vision was to create a place where people could work together, exchange ideas and develop projects fully online. Gretheran promotes openness, free speech and free access to information.

Gretheran, as a result of a time travel experiment, unexpectedly moves back in time to January 1, 1936. This phenomenon changes the course of history and affects many events.

Reaching the past, Gretheran Grethewski begins to use his knowledge from the future to introduce innovations and changes that have a huge impact on the development of the world. His technological know-how, ideas and innovative approaches to political, social and economic issues are revolutionizing many areas.

With his knowledge of the future, Gretheran anticipates upcoming events and takes appropriate action to prevent conflicts, wars and disasters. It introduces technological advances that accelerate the development of the country and improve the quality of life of its inhabitants.