Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

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Items (32)
Created by dybhkc
以决议方式添加《亮剑》中部分将领 ai不会使用,玩家可以在任何国家使用此决议 肖像是网上找的,自己简陋地处理了一下...
俘获战败国将领Captured Enemy's Commander
Created by 杨白给
已修复弹窗,改成决议设定 俘获战败国将领MOD玩法: 很简单的玩法,如果你将一个敌国击败(触发XX停止抵抗事件),或者是在和平会议中将他吞并、傀儡,都可以使该战败国的将领全部转移到你的国家中! 同样这是一个兼容性很好的MOD,几乎和所有MOD兼容! Capture the defeated country's general's Mod play method: It's a very simple way to play. If you defeat an enemy country (trigger X...
Created by dybhkc
原版 改名mod 多次被屏蔽后的新版 受 Rename States (with keyboard!) 启发,感谢mod原作者Yard1,DRAFT 改名,支持简体中文 目前能改:国家,地区,阵营,党派,领袖,城市,将领名字 其它功能:设置胜利点,移除城市,迁都 如果觉得有用,左上角点个赞👍吧,非常感谢 因为游戏没开放输入相关的接口,所以利用p社开放了的接口简单实现了一个拼音输入法,用于输入中文(简体),包含gb2312-80内的6700多汉字,及其对应的繁体中文(要用包含繁体中文的字体才会显示,否则显示?...
Created by dybhkc
一个简单的通用中文番号池 玩任何国家都可以使用 不知道为什么这个mod好像不会生效,试过改版本号,也没用,然后我新建了个mod,把文件复制过去,开新的mod,就有用了???就很奇怪。所以如果不生效的,可以去试试新的:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3057428397 如果想自己加点番号或者改一改的,可以改mod文件: steam路径\steamapps\workshop\content\394360\2914783445\com...
The New Order: The East is Red
Created by 雾岛小枝3737
https://s2.loli.net/2024/07/21/UVqc3rzTtNuCDhS.png English Localization Mod of TER V1.1.0 “关山月”将与TNO深冻行动版本同步更新,有大量翻新及剧情补充,敬请期待。 如无特殊说明,本模组到“关山月”版本发布前的一切更新均为修复BUG类更新,暂不再加入新内容。 https://s2.loli.net/2024/07/21/sQLmcuepYhVRTyC.png 一场死伤千万的战争,一个赓续十五年的统一战线,一条布满荆棘的...
Created by Lohengrin
新秩序:深冻行动 “深冻行动”将第七块冰封大陆——南极洲带入了TNO的世界之中。三个超级大国在此均拥有各自的宣称,被瓜分殆尽的南极洲成了冷战中的又一处争议焦点。 可玩性 深冻行动目前提供三个南极领地的游玩内容:阿根廷属南极,内容至南纬90行动结束;德国南极领地,新施瓦本,内容至德国内战结束;OFN南极洲事务局,内容至1965年雷伯恩海军上将退休。各个领地均包括各自独特且富有深度的机制、以及独有GUI界面,供玩家游玩。才华横溢的写手团队为现有内容撰写了将近一千个事件。当前版本还包括FM104.5麦克默多站电台...
Created by 胖虎胖虎胖
星星之火,可以燎原。 中国革命的成功,鼓舞了全世界被压迫人民;被压迫民族为谋求自身独立幸福的斗争。 在这个黑暗世界东方亮起的星火, 将会以燎原之势席卷全球,终结刽子手的残暴统治。 本电台收录来自苏、法、中、朝、德、日的革命音乐共249首,并且会在后续继续更新,欢迎同志们支持星火的工作,订阅收听 星火之声和巨人之声音乐包,请自行取用 链接:{LINK REMOVED} 提取码:1234 --来自百度网盘超级会员V3的分享 链接可能放不出来,有需...
新秩序:光自贝加尔湖来The New Order:Last Days of Europe
Created by N.Bourbaki
Modifier Icons (TNO version) CN Ver.
Created by 1+1=⑨
Hi, This is a Chinese localised version of the mod "Modifier Icon" for The New Order. The original one has been deleted by the author already but someone posted a brand new version for English player, please go - https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/file...
Radio TNO: Music of the New Order
Created by Chris
An unofficial, fan made mod, Radio TNO is a musical accompaniment to The New Order: Last Days of Europe. Consisting of over 600 pieces of popular music across six unique stations, Radio TNO gives an all-encompassing depiction of the musical worlds of 1960'...
Created by 捏造新闻记者
前言: 星火:换了人间0.1demo已更新https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3330224715 Foreword: The official version 0.2 has been updated! There are about 7 years of content until the East Asian Liberation War and the establishment of the People's Republi...
The New Order: Dont Surf
Created by Lonely Knightess
https://i.imgur.com/m61NUyj.png https://i.imgur.com/t6GK7yd.png The year is 1962, and Europe rests under the jackboot. World War II has been over for twenty years, but its legacy still lives on. The German Reich reigns supreme from the Atlantic sea to the ...
The New Order
https://i.imgur.com/t6GK7yd.png The year is 1962, and Mexico is held fast by the Leviathan. Before the Second World War overturned the global system, the Mexican Revolution destroyed the Porfirian regime in a deluge of violence. Now, under the New Order of...
The New Order: Last Days of Europe(CN.Ver)
Created by Camouflage
时值西历1962年,欧罗巴正在长筒靴下苟且偷生。 第二次世界大战将旧世界彻底焚毁,一个新秩序从它的废墟中涅槃重生。在它的暴政之下,数百万人归于黄土之中。在它的威胁面前,自由的最后灯火行将熄灭。 大日耳曼国在世界大战中崛起,成为欧洲无可置疑的霸主。无数的生命在终焉之战逝去,但他们的鲜血换来的只有耻辱。德国的雄心壮志最终都化为了痴人说梦。它的军队如死尸般臃肿涩滞,它的政治如马戏团般内讧不休。如此种种,悉数印在阿道夫·希特勒那行将就木的视线之中。在他的身下,无数秃鹫盯着他,目露饥渴凶光。 东亚细亚在共荣圈的大旗下...
The New Order: Operation Deep Freeze
Created by OperationDeepFreeze
The New Order: Operation Deep Freeze Operation Deep Freeze brings the seventh, frozen continent, Antarctica, to the world of TNO. The continent has been claimed and divided up between the three superpowers, and provides yet another point of contention in T...
Created by 2530379085
你还在为TNO坦克设计器栏位太少,不能还原自己心目中历史上的坦克而不满吗?这个mod满足你的需要! 同时调整并恢复了一些坦克部件,更加还原TNO科技树中设想的设计。 ———— 2024/5/5 微调部分坦克模组数据,部队番号汉化更新。 ———— 2023/11/4 主战坦克、重型坦克和超重型坦克的装甲率统一为90% 现在【核生化防护】提升3%装甲率,【防崩落衬层】提升1%装甲率。 ———— 2023/10/20 更新新模块:重型迫击炮和迫榴炮(1970年火炮解锁) 下一步预定为坦克设计器添加更多的图标。...
Created by Crys7aL_L1nE
你是否还在苦恼社会发展度慢如龟爬? 你是否还在愤怒无法亲自设定法律法规? 你是否还在痛心经济曲线跌宕起伏? 你是否还在苦恼军队战斗力贫弱无法推进战线? 那么本模组将是您的上佳之选! 这是一个TNO限定作弊模组。 从屏幕顶部GDP及债务栏下侧新增的Cheat Menu进入即可打开作弊菜单! 当前功能一览 HOI4原版作弊(各类点数、稳定度、战争支持度、地区建筑、新增强力精神) 意识形态饼图作弊(全12种母意识形态) 种类齐全的经济作弊 社会发展度作弊(一个学术黄金时代、贫困率为0的勃艮第?) 一键拥核,跻身超...
Created by CaelumW
Chinese localization of the USA GUI Rework Submod (created by Curvinghawk_5) for The New Order: Last Days of Europe. TNO美国GUI重制Submod汉化 - 测试版 (原版地址 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2699224963 ) 本mod为外挂汉化,需要TNO本体,TNO汉化与Submod本体一起打开才可使用...
TNO: USA GUI rework
Created by curvinghawk5
Hello folks, Curvinghawk_5 here again, and we are finally done, the sub-mod is here to ruin your US games as you now feel the need to start again and enable this mod. What does this sub-mod do, it basically reworks the US GUI to make it for fun and more us...
voice of giants(a submod of "spirit of spark")
Created by 胖虎胖虎胖
(gg trans) The main content of this radio station is the leader's speech Will be updated from time to time. Please see below for details. 1: "Mao Zedong's speech at the preparatory meetings of the Chinese people's Political Consultative Conference on June ...
Words as Sword Demo
Created by SYT苏
你说得对,但是《寒窗语剑》是由潮实P社同好会开发的一款...... 故事发生在1960s的廣東国 作为整个廣東国最成功的私立学校之一,由鄭立平在潮汕地区所开办的潮阳实验学校在短短的四年发展之后,就如一条川流不息的大河一般,潮汕子弟从这里走出去,为廣東国源源不断地输出优质的珠人技术人员与官僚——相对的,潮汕各地——乃至整个廣東黄金般的商业机会也让这位潮汕的优秀企业家赚得盆满钵满。 这是一个好时代,但谈不上最好”:因为学校的未来将会永远地像先前的几年一样光明景气,永远都如此。 至少,这位影响力早已渗透整个潮汕的...
TNO:Next Frontier(CN.ver)
Created by KangNi
Next Frontier汉化已经兼容简体中文!请大家切换到中文游玩! 汉化组目前缺人手完善大量文本内容,欢迎各位大佬通过申请后加入到汉化大家庭中 云汉化:https://paratranz.cn/projects/6441 汉化考核群:615991629 https://i.imgur.com/74gNH53.png 循此苦旅,直抵群星 回望过去,自人类诞生于非洲平原之初,夜空中璀璨的星空长久以来寄托着人类的希望与梦想。 日新月异,现在的人类已能迈向星辰大海,离开我们的摇篮——地球,至下一处边疆。 德国正...
TNO: The Community Expansion
https://i.imgur.com/QN3oc63.png NOW COMPATIBLE WITH SILICON DREAMS! Our Discord: https://discord.gg/9DT2YKKDKw The year is 1962, and Europe rests under the jackboot… ...but you’ve heard this one, haven’t you? The New Order: The Community Expansion is a con...
TNO: Next Frontier
Created by NIKA
https://i.imgur.com/74gNH53.png Per Aspera Ad Astra Ever since humanity was just born on the plains of Africa, the stars shining brightly in the black night sky have always been a symbol of dreams and hope. At last, humanity has the power to bring us close...
96 volunteer troops
Created by LeaderOne_Official
b站关注林登万OfficiaI喵,关注林登万OfficiaI谢谢喵 https://space.bilibili.com/456514287?spm_id_from=333.1007.0.0(已更新) steam群组https://s.team/chat/MfPZ6bph Q群:708109535(已更新) Discord链接:https://discord.gg/jjhKFS4XRC —————————————————————————————— 现在这个决议可以在TNO里解锁不相关势力的志愿军,可以随便在...
The New Order: Alt Flag Mod
Created by GameCreepr
Submod works as of TNO v.1.5 The Ruin TNO alt flag submod, not based in lore or canon, just some changes that i feel look nicer with some actual flags and some custom flags TNO mod link: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2438003901 upd...
Created by Chrisuam
Note from developer: Because of 2WRW's status as a submod, unfortunately *ANY* changes in TNO will almost certainly require another round of patches. Please excuse us while we patch things up. Please join our Discord and report issues whenever applicable, ...
The New Order: Banat
Created by marty000123
The New Order: Banat It goes without saying I do not support Nazism. I just find alternate realities interesting. Play as Banat in The New Order! This mod is an alternate history mod that answers what happened if the Großdeutsches Reich actively supported ...
TNO More Unit CN
Created by LuzVoraTor
More Unit CN: 1.0 The New Order : Last Days of Europe子模组 支持游戏版本: 1.11.* ================================================================== 更新 1.0 : 特种部队增加空中突击步兵,伞兵 ==================================================================...
more building slot(TNO)
Created by Yinjie
This mod is only compatible with The New Order. Building slots:25→80 注意:该模组仅适用于The New Order. 地区建筑槽位从原来的25增加到了80个...