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Mostly Vanilla subs and some other baro-stuff
Every sub here has been made in vanila style (except vaolnorez(it's gooffy)). Sometimes I play modded barotrauma, and then i may make a modded one(Like Varyag, Arbiter). Also, I have my own auto-reactor which you can try out(If my math is correct it's 2.4x times more efficient then original one).
Items (19)
Dugong modified V10
Created by Bubarek
Если бы Европейские инженеры решили ебнуться, то получилось бы это. Имеет все удобства, защита реактора от взрыва жопы, отточенное расположение турелей основанное на мнении сб, дрон для перевоза всякого, фаб+дек, больше ящиков и оптимизированные отсеки, по...
Created by Bubarek
Кашалот - разведывательная подлодка 3го класса. Имеет на борту: инж. отсек, мед. отсек, ислед. отсек, оранжерею, 2 шлюза, защиту реактора от взрыва, экстренные батареи, 2 магнитных орудия, цепной пулемёт, рельсотрон. For eng ppl. Kashalot is a 3rd class sc...
Created by Bubarek
Tier 1 sub. Vanila-like. This sub has on board: fab+dec, automatic reactor, 2 airlocks, 3 turrets, e. discharge, big fu*ing head....
The Scat
Created by Bubarek
Вы думали, что Барсук самая маленькая лодка на Европе? Скат был разработан еще на Земле для изучения дна океана, но был переоборудован под нужды Европы. Имея на борту 3 орудия: 2 магнитных турели. В остальном крайне скромная лодка. For eng ppl. You thought...
Created by Bubarek
Tier 2 sub. Bricky carrier. Has on board: fab+dec+medfab, 36 conteiner cells, 3 turets, 1 airlock...
Created by Bubarek
Tier 3 scout submarine. Modern, slic design. Has on board: Fab, med, dec, 2 airlkocks, 4 turrets - chaingun, coilgun, small turret base and railgun, lots of space....
Created by Bubarek
Tier 1 submarine. Has on board 3 turrets, deconstructor, coil discharge. Velocity 28, ascent velocity -18, descent velocity 16. Price - 5999...
Created by Bubarek
Taran - tier 2 attack submarine. This sub features: 4 turrets (1 empty base, 2 coilguns, 1 flagcannon), prison, depth charge, electric coildischarge, good drinage....
Created by Bubarek
What is this crap? It's a "free" sub. Tier 2 sub recovered from the bottom. Has on board: E coil discharge, 2 coilguns, railgun (old type), engineering, med fab....
Created by Bubarek
Hryack is a Tier 2 transport vessel. Originated from the roots of juperian separatists. Has on board: 4 turrets (old typed railgun, 1 impulse laser, 2 coilguns), top and back electric coil discharges, fab, dec and medfab. Velocity 25, descent velocity 15, ...
Created by Bubarek
HOW TO FIND YOUR "Minimal poweroutput and average loadoutput" instal stock reactor, turn it and automatic on. min POP - Dock to station and write down reactor's power aver LOP - move sub left\right and shoot some turrets, turn on sonar. write down your loa...
Created by Bubarek
Tier 3 recon submarine. has on board: fab+dec, medfab, 2 coilguns, 1 railgun, unique engine placement. Velocity 22, ascent velocity -19, descent velocity 12, reactor power 8000, Price 15400....
Created by Bubarek
Tier 3 scout submarine. This futuristic vessel has on board: 2 coilgins, 1 flakcannon, upper\lower coildischarges, 2 separate engines, fab+dec, medfab, depth charge, improved reactor and 2 airlocks. Velocity 24, ascent velocity -19, descent velosity 17, re...
Created by Bubarek
Tier 1 scout submarine. Has on deck: 2 coilguns, empty base, improved ractor. Velocity 23, ascent -19, desent 16, reactor power 3800, price 5600...
Created by Bubarek
Tier 2 scout submarine. Has on board: 2 coilguns, empty base, coil discharge, decoy charge, fab+dec, medfab Velocity 24, ascent velocity -18, descent velocity 16, reacto power 5300, price 13800...
Created by Bubarek
Tier 1 scout subbmarine. MADE FOR DEATHWISH MODPACK. Has on board: medfab, 3 turrets(1 coilgun, 1 laser, 1 empty base), 3 by 4 shelfs, kitchen&toilet, secured reactor Velocity 23, Ascent -19, Descent 18, Reactor Power 4300, Price 5899...
Reactor ultimate
Created by Bubarek
Another variation of auto-reactor. More then 2 times better than vanila...
Created by Bubarek
Tier 2 Transport submarine. Has on board: flak cannon, dual coilgun, empty base(small), fab+dec, med fab, 6 suits, 2 exits, 2 discharge coils, auto-reactor, 12 crates capacity. Velocity 18, ascent V -19, desent V 12, reactor power - 5.000, price - 21.568...
Created by Bubarek
Tier 2 Transport submarine. Has on board: 3 turrets(flak connon, coilgun, empty slot), 2 exits, bottom discharge coil, fab+dec, med fab, millitary fab, 6 suitshelfs. MODDED SUB!!! Velosity 20, ascent velocity -19, descent velocity 11. Reactor power 5000. P...