Your Only Move Is HUSTLE

Your Only Move Is HUSTLE

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Mods: Character
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32.699 MB
22 MAY 2023 a las 12:58 p. m.
10 MAR a las 2:05 p. m.
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hace 23 horas
nakmuay tips thread
283 comentarios
ScreamingTink hace 22 horas 
Hear me out: Glavenus in YOMIH
Videofreak hace 23 horas 
Anyway, with that new update - - -
Development stuff/thoughts

Unbind is intended to remain an overbearing command grab, albeit actually punishable and more fair in a few ways now. One counterbalance to it is the loss of ability to use it after hitting it - even though landing it gives him multiple ways to proceed in pressure, he can't just command grab ignorantly after the first time he lands it in an engagement.
The tether itself should be a little more fair now, especially when used in combo as you should be able to burst to avoid looping stuff now

I cannot figure out whats up with Labor of Ahimsa - still open to advice if anybody knows how to fix it, but otherwise it remains a solid oki tool and finisher if you can account for the prediction issues

Kick Air and airdash changes are a little weird, feedback would be great

Hope y'all enjoy the update! Check the codex if you have questions, and lmk if anything in the codex is inaccurate or needs clarification
Gen1e 5 MAR a las 9:40 a. m. 
still my favorite mod to this day
kawees130852 5 MAR a las 7:39 a. m. 
peak มาก
Videofreak 4 MAR a las 7:28 p. m. 
actually yes discussion I’d like to have it
dafrai 4 MAR a las 6:21 p. m. 
unbind is too op no discussion, nerf needed
Videofreak 3 MAR a las 12:11 p. m. 
update: upcoming update will have predictions for Te Phae, Te Khao, Pincer Crush, and Lions Roar say the correct parry frame (20)

meeting a friend, te trong, and topple the general display the correct parry frame to use even if thats not actually the frame they hit, I believe this solution is the best within my abilities
Videofreak 3 MAR a las 9:39 a. m. 
yeah all of the moves that inflict timeslow have wacky parry timings but they're all parriable. I thought about adding a unique visual indicator that you have to parry at a weird frame but it seemed unnecessary and possibly visually annoying
BeastBuy 3 MAR a las 8:40 a. m. 
You can parry his guard break. It's just a 20 frame timing for some reason.
CrispyCthulhu 3 MAR a las 5:35 a. m. 
are you not supposed to be able to parry his guard break (Te Khao)? Seems like you should be able too