Arma 3
61 평점
ARVN Airborne Vietnam War
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Data Type: Mod
Mod Type: Character, Equipment
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150.934 KB
2023년 5월 20일 오후 12시 48분
2024년 5월 27일 오전 7시 40분
변경 사항 4개 ( 보기 )

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ARVN Airborne Vietnam War

This is a small infantry config faction made using SOG Prairie Fire, S&S assets, Laffing Lizard's Bush Retextures for S&S and Phantom Phixers. I really wanted to utilise the excellent French style Brush Stroke & Vertical Lizard camo from Laffin' Lizard & the ARVN ERDL and customised helmets from Phantom Phixers. I have tried to base the faction addon on research. In particular i have used several Osprey Miltary books depicting ARVN Airborne units from the early and later phases of the Vietnam War. However i have added certain 'fantasy' elements to make use of some of the cool S&S gear! This is a separate release to my other ARVN faction config as it contains more depencies (mentioned above) than just CBA and S&S and i am aware some of us don't like to overload the mod list.

I have given the ARVN units Chinese voices to allow for better immersion when in firefights. US Advisors have American voices.

I used ALIVE's ORBAT creator to make the factions so you cannot override the units' loadouts unlesss you have ALIVE loaded. I don't know how to get around this i'm afraid. You can still add items and change gear once the mission starts through Arsenal/boxes etc.

You'll find the following groups in the mod under 'ARVN Airborne Vietnam War':

ARVN Airborne, early war (1964)
- Several diffferent groups from squads and sniper teams to platoons in full gear with backpacks using surplus French camo based on British WW2 patterns and basic US equipment
- MACV advisors to ARVN Airborne

ARVN Airborne, later war (1968)
- Several diffferent groups from squads and sniper teams to platoons in full gear with backpacks using ARVN ERDL camo, some with graffitied or custom painted helmets
- MACV advisors to ARVN Airborne

Thanks to simcardo for the wonderful S&S, the SOGPF team, Meloncat for Laffing Lizard and Delta-Gamma for Phantom Phixers.

Feel free to ask any questions or if you have any suggestions for any updates.
댓글 7
Astute  [작성자] 2023년 8월 28일 오후 10시 29분 
I wonder if you have downloaded all the dependencies - S&S, Phantom Phixers and Laffing Lizard?
roflcake$ 2023년 8월 28일 오후 7시 39분 
my guys all spawn without pants hahaha
Shabran Darr 2023년 5월 27일 오후 4시 28분 
Common W
Astute  [작성자] 2023년 5월 23일 오후 1시 02분 
Nice one I'll have look and see how it's done. Thanks for the heads up.
Axle 2023년 5월 23일 오전 10시 52분 
Did you talk to honger about removing the overriding unit loadouts? He was able to through his S&S replacement for RHS

Honger's Mod:
Astute  [작성자] 2023년 5월 21일 오전 9시 13분 
Thanks mate
=_X_=™© 2023년 5월 21일 오전 6시 44분 
Excellent work

Thanks for sharing !