Far Cry 6

Far Cry 6

122 betyg
Secrets and Tips for Getting Started in Far Cry 6
Av Gr1mdec
This page of my guide includes a set of Far Cry 6 starter tips. I have prepared various tips and tricks for beginners.

They revolve around the exploration of the world, stealth mechanics, combat, and leveling up the protagonist.
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Don't save resources

Let's start with a simple tip that will help most Far Cry 6 players finally enjoy the gameplay. There are a lot of different resources that are needed to modify weapons. So, you should not get hung up on collecting all the rubbish that you need for crafting.

If at first it seems to you that there are catastrophically few resources and you don’t understand what to do in order to finally open the very sight or a new type of cartridges for your assault rifle, then in just a couple of hours the situation will change. You just need to go through a few story quests, but it’s better to get out of the first island and set off to free Yara in order to finally forget about the lack of resources.

In the future, there will be so many of them that you can easily improve all the guns in your arsenal, and even start building new buildings at the rebel base. Resources will be lying around literally everywhere: from the same shelters of Yara's freedom fighters to outposts, of which there are dozens on the map. Forget about saving, play and enjoy the process - resources will appear!
Stop playing treasure hunter

In Far Cry 6, it is no longer possible to pick up weapons from dead opponents, so in order to upgrade your arsenal, you will either have to buy them in shops or look for chests. Having learned about this, many players immediately score on quests and turn into treasure hunters. It is better not to do this, because you will start wasting time and stop enjoying the gameplay.

The fact is that not all chests contain weapons or equipment. Accordingly, you can spend a couple of hours searching for that very “treasure” and find that there are resources in 3-4 chests in a row. As a result, you have deprived yourself of fun and have not moved a single step on the main plot.

And the chests here are located in a variety of places and, as a rule, you need to understand how to get to each of them in order to open it. In general, do not engage in thoughtless treasure hunting, open those chests that will come across during the course of the task. This way you will find good weapons and armor in any case, but the game will not turn into a routine.
You can go to the red zone!

Periodically, as you progress through the campaign, you will encounter such a situation that in certain zones the level of opponents becomes higher than yours. In this case, the location is marked in red, but in fact this is not a reason to stop completing tasks and go to capture outposts in order to level up.

The fact is that in Far Cry 6 the enemies are quite weak. Despite their rating, you can easily kill them with headshots. In fact, apart from increased health, opponents from the red zone are no different from those in the gray zone. And you can learn how to skillfully put headshots in just a couple of hours. That is, by the time one of the zones on the map turns red, you will definitely learn how to shoot at the heads. So do not be afraid of this "terrifying" designation of the area, feel free to take tasks in the red zones and go through.
Don't focus on Supremo backpacks
The Supremo backpacks are a new type of weapon in the game that is best used to attack multiple enemies or vehicles. However, apart from this useful feature, they do not stand out in anything else, and personally I recommend not to make a special bet on this element of your arsenal.

At first, the Supremo backpack will generally seem useless, because it deals too little damage. When the enemies begin to weaken along the way, then with one salvo from your satchel it will be possible, for example, to shoot down enemy helicopters, but this is where the useful functions of this weapon end. The same tanks cannot be destroyed with their help. In any case, you will have to carry a rocket launcher with you.
You just have to run around with a rocket launcher

I believe that in Far Cry 6, everyone should carry a rocket launcher with them as a secondary weapon, and not a sniper rifle or a useless flamethrower. The fact is that you will have to fight with "bare hands" with military equipment all the time. Moreover, helicopters and tanks will most often interfere with the release of Yara, and as you understand, both of these vehicles cannot be destroyed with a machine gun, pistol or rifle.

Fortunately, in Far Cry 6 you have a bottomless arsenal, so in the pockets of the protagonist there was a place for a rocket launcher. Always put it in the third slot, and then you will not have any problems with military equipment. It is most effective to use such weapons against tanks, which, in my opinion, are the most difficult enemy in the game.
No more sound!

Most likely, after clearing 2-3 outposts, you will notice that as soon as you start shooting, after a couple of minutes, help will arrive at the enemies. If you don't understand what's going on, I'll explain. At each point, which belongs to the soldiers of El Presidente, there is an alarm system with a control panel. The enemies in the game are so insecure that if you kill one, one of the soldiers will run like a scalded man to call for help, even if at the moment there are 10 of them against one.

To get rid of the help and not waste time destroying several waves of enemies at once, I recommend immediately understanding where the alarm is located. Unfortunately, it is not marked on the map in any way, so you will have to look for towers with horns, to which special shields with a switch are connected. So, instead of trying to turn off the alarm, which takes a lot of time, just shoot at the shield. One bullet and the alarm won't bother you anymore.
Armor-piercing rounds are the best in the game

Far Cry 6 offers a lot of options for weapon modifications, which in one way or another can make it better. At the same time, if we are talking about choosing the type of cartridges, then here you definitely need to take armor-piercing ones and forget about all the others. The thing is, they just don't make any sense. Even if you thought that, logically, poison bullets and napalm should be the most effective, in reality they are of no use, and they do much less damage than regular ammo.

As for the armor-piercing ones, with their help you will begin to inflict colossal damage to opponents and mow them right and left with almost no pauses. In addition, in the later stages of the game, enemies begin to pull on all the armor that is only available on Yar, and it is with such bullets that you can continue to kill them, forgetting that El Presidente's associates put on heavy armor.
Don't waste time improving your car

In the game, you have your own car, which can be improved and fitted with a variety of decorative elements. This is a rather interesting mechanic that everyone will obviously like at first, but gradually you will begin to understand that there is no point in playing Xzibit too much and pumping the car.

Whichever turret you put in or whichever front bumper you choose won't solve anything in a fight. The fact is that your car begins to fall apart literally from a couple of bursts from a machine gun, and if a tank hits it once, then you will instantly go to the next world. So stop trying to turn the car into a murder weapon, use it like a normal vehicle, that's the only thing it's really good at.
Adios Amigos

The token with animal helpers, here called Amigos, looks interesting, but other than that it has no advantages. The fact is that four-legged fighters are absolutely useless on the battlefield and at the same time constantly attract the attention of soldiers before they need to. For example, with Amigos it is difficult to complete at least one stealth mission, because when he approaches the first enemy he comes across, he will attack him. As a result, shooting will begin, someone will call for help, and your "secret" sweep will go down the drain for Amigos.

Summoning animals is solely for the sake of someone running with you. In combat, they are useless and perform worse than any weapon in your arsenal. So forget that there are Amigos at all and don't waste time resurrecting them. As soon as you raise this stupid partner on his paws, he will die again after a couple of minutes, because the Amigos also have obvious health problems. Accordingly, in the vastness of the Yara, one has only to rely on oneself and one's trunks.
Far Cry 6 useful tips

1. Look for blue symbols to get information about what is around you. Right from the start, you're told that blue is the color of the guerrillas, representing hidden paths or markers that allow you to move faster and avoid patrols. There are also symbols to look out for, they can give you more information about where you are and what is nearby. For example, the blue eye icon indicates a good vantage point, great for scanning enemy locations. There are also hidden symbols indicating shelters, supplies, hidden paths, threats, and more. Stay alert and you will always be warned and better prepared.

2. Do not rush to modify all weapons, as resources are rare. There are a number of things you will need to craft weapon mods such as silencers and scopes, but by far the most valuable material is gunpowder. While there are many things to collect, gunpowder is the primary currency for mods. It's generally in short supply, and while you'll regularly pick it up from supply crates and on missions, you'll always miss it. Therefore, think carefully about what modifications you need for which weapon. Once you've made a mod for a specific weapon class, like a rifle, it will unlock for every weapon in that class, so it's worth leveling up something specific rather than wasting your wealth.

3. Talk to characters with a black exclamation mark above their heads to get useful information. When you clear enemy bases and populate them with Libertad rebels, you may notice NPCs with small black icons above their heads. These characters sometimes appear in the open world, but in any case, talk to them whenever possible. They will open a random area, quest, or item of interest nearby. By talking to them, you can open interesting quests and secrets in the game, so do it as often as possible. You will also receive information by rescuing anyone who is in trouble.

4. Scan cars with your phone so you can call them. By scanning an empty car or motorcycle with your phone, you can add it to the garage, call it to the base and customize it. This is done in the same way as scanning enemies when scouting a base or fortress - just find an empty vehicle and look at it through your phone's camera to start scanning. After that, the car will be added to the call menu in shelters. Keep in mind that there must not be an NPC inside the vehicle, and this does not work with military vehicles such as tanks or trucks.

5. The Supremo Furioso backpack helps with jumping, mobility and destruction. While all backpacks have their strengths and benefits, the Furioso can be used for more than just killing (with a ring of fire that burns enemies around you). It allows you to double jump while leaving a trail of fire behind you, which, while dangerous, is very useful. It will help you solve difficult puzzles, dodge grenades, burn tobacco fields and much more. This ability has no cooldown, you can use it every time you jump. Definitely worth the resources spent.

6. Don't steal kills from your fellow amigos. Some amigos, such as the alligator Guapo, have tasks based on killing enemies. By completing these tasks, they gain new powers and abilities. In the heat of battle, an amigo will sometimes trigger an attack animation or attack certain enemies in such a way that the enemy is vulnerable to a follow-up shot, but you really should leave them alone, especially if they are low on health. You will not receive anything for killing them, but your amigo will be able to continue the test. Therefore, by stealing this murder, you will only hurt both. It's best to let the Guapo or other amigo finish what they started.

7. A silenced sniper rifle always makes life easier. Those who have played Far Cry games already know this trick: a silencer on a sniper rifle is a winning combo. Once you get a sniper rifle, build up your resources until you can put a suppressor on it, and then install another suitable scope if it is not already there. With such a weapon, you can set up on a hill at a safe distance from the enemy base and get to work. Shoot at the security alarm panels to disable them, then headshot the enemies. If they realize they are under attack, the silencer will make it difficult for them to see where the threat is coming from. And even if they find your location, then you will have a half-kilometer head start to escape, hide or prepare to repel an attack.

8. Clear all available checkpoints for fast travel and easier exploration of the world. There are two reasons to capture the roadside checkpoints in Far Cry 6 scattered across the map. While they are under Castillo's control, they have spiked bands that will damage your tires (the rebels will helpfully remove them), and once under the control of the guerrillas, they will become fast travel points that you can use to facilitate movement around the map. Just kill all the opponents there and blow up the billboard attached to the checkpoint to hand over this checkpoint to the guerrillas. Make these sweeps a habit and thank yourself later.

9. It's easy to find anti-aircraft bases (and depleted uranium) by taking to the air. Depleted Uranium is a valuable resource that is used to purchase the powerful Supremo and Resolver weapons from Juan. It can usually be found in the air defense bases scattered around the map. Finding these bases is not easy, but there is one trick - just get in a helicopter and start flying high enough. When you enter dangerous airspace, a warning will appear, but it will also mark the location of the anti-aircraft gun that makes it so dangerous. Get out of the red zone before you get knocked down and head to the base on the ground. In addition to blowing up the plant and freeing up airspace, there will be some depleted uranium that you can spend on the best weapons and equipment in the game.

10. You can destroy anti-aircraft guns with any technique. If we talk about anti-aircraft guns, then serious explosives are needed to destroy them. A pistol or a Molotov cocktail won't do, and as you explore the Yara, you may find yourself running out of heavy ammo at the right moment. If you have an anti-aircraft gun or other important target in front of you, there is a way to destroy it without grenades or dynamite. You need to find or call a car, park it right in front of the gun and shoot at it until it explodes. Although the shots will not do anything with the anti-aircraft gun, they will blow up the car, and at the same time the gun.
Use radar to read enemy icons and positions
The radar is available in Far Cry 6 from the very beginning of the campaign - you will find it in the lower left corner of the screen. This is a very useful gadget as it has several completely different uses. The most important of them is the approximate location of the enemies - they are indicated by circles of different colors. You can better prepare for a possible confrontation or use this knowledge to avoid this area.

Another important use of the radar is in icons, which can symbolize various things such as vehicles (pay special attention to the yellow and red icons representing enemy controlled vehicles) or loot chests.
One headshot is not always enough

Far Cry 6 brought back the health bars from Far Cry New Dawn. By default, they appear above the heads of enemies (they can be hidden in the game settings, but the mechanic itself will remain active). It simply means that enemies are generally more resistant to attacks. However, the most important note: hitting an enemy in the head does not necessarily mean instant death of the enemy. Headshots, of course, do more damage, but the death of the enemy depends on the amount of damage received.

To increase the critical damage of a headshot, you can use several methods:

Use the best weapons currently available and keep installing good upgrades.

Try to aim at the heads of your opponents and match your ammo type with their armor (like armor piercing ammo for armored soldiers).

Don't rush to high rank areas of the island. Try to travel to regions whose rank is equal to or lower than the rank of the main character.

For information on how to hide the health bar of enemies, see our separate guide: How to turn off the health bar?
Gather as much information as possible

In Far Cry 6, exploring the map alone may not be enough to find all the collectibles, weapons, and other types of loot. To do this, you need to collect information that will open interesting locations, chests with loot and mark them on the map.

There are several ways to get information in the game, two of which are the most important:

Talk to partisans with exclamation points above their heads

Explore interactive maps found in various locations.

Information about new useful information always appears above the radar.
Conduct reconnaissance before breaking into the enemy camp
In Far Cry 6, you don't use binoculars for reconnaissance, you use your smartphone's camera. However, the general idea remains the same - you can zoom in and mark important characters and objects. If possible, try to prepare to infiltrate all major hostile locations by scouting from the nearest hill, tower, or other location where you can clearly see the surrounding area.

When scouting the area, pay special attention to the following:

Mark as many enemies as you can - this will allow you to keep tracking them after you enter the location.

Identify snipers and officers (they can raise the alarm) so you can eliminate them first.

Find entrances to enemy locations and crates to sabotage the alarm.
Try to carry out sneak attacks

Unfortunately, direct combat in Far Cry 6 carries a high risk of serious injury or even death. This is especially noticeable in the early stages of the game, that is, before acquiring good weapons and equipment. Therefore, you should look for good opportunities to destroy enemies with sneak attacks. Here are some key tips:

Move crouched and react to the indicators informing you that you are in the enemy's field of view - quickly return to cover.

Look for opportunities to approach enemies from behind to kill them with a machete.

Use silent methods to eliminate enemies from a distance - these can include silenced weapons, a bow, crossbow, or throwing knives.

Distract troublesome enemies with Chorizo dachshunds or thrown baseballs.
Use vehicles regularly

In Far Cry 6, you can easily get very useful mounts to help you navigate the map or fight enemies. Try to search mainly for military vehicles (SUVs, Hummers, tanks, helicopters, etc.). Because they almost always have some sort of offensive equipment, like a cannon, rocket launcher, or machine gun. Some of these vehicles remain unused at enemy military outposts. You can also try to steal them by throwing their drivers out of the cab.

The so-called attractions are also useful. You gain access to the former during the main mission Fuel the Revolution early on in the campaign. You can equip your rides with weapons and enhance their armor. Spend your materials regularly to craft these upgrades.
Tanks are very easy to destroy

Tanks often appear on the roads of Yara, which are very difficult to destroy with conventional weapons, but they can blow up the hero with one salvo. But it's enough to create sticky EMP grenades in the gadgets section of your backpack to easily deal with even the most armored threat.

Just throw an EMP grenade at the tank, wait until it explodes - an electric charge will flash around the tank and it will stop. Now jump on it and press "Destroy" while above the hatch - everything is ready.
Flying vehicle - imba
In Far Cry 6, the in-game world map is simply indecent in size: given the winding roads, you can get from point A to point B for a very long time even in the fastest car. But on any flying vehicle, movement takes a matter of seconds - there is no reason to use ground vehicles instead. Especially considering that you can call a helicopter in most shelters, and a compact copter is already parked next to many - a fast and agile analogue of the helicopter that the rebels assembled from improvised means.

The only problem with this approach is anti-aircraft guns. There are quite a few of them, each with a large area of effect, inside which you are guaranteed to be shot down by missiles. The solution here is also quite simple: descend almost to the ground, fly to the anti-aircraft gun and blow it up once and for all.
Start the assault by destroying the alarm
Far Cry 6 often sins with too generous spawning of enemies: there are so many of them that you just get tired of shooting and healing. This mostly happens when you start shooting in a restricted area, allowing one of the soldiers to raise the alarm - a few waves of reinforcements will arrive shortly after.

Obviously, it is wiser to first get rid of the security systems, and only then make noise - otherwise you simply will not have time to react. The alarm is easy to spot by the green light above them, and the device itself is noticeable - a red rectangular box on the wall. You can break them manually (quietly), or just shoot them. Usually turning off the alarm will also deactivate the surveillance cameras, but if one of them is still functioning (shines), then shoot it too.
14 kommentarer
ARMIN 18 nov, 2023 @ 9:17 
im sorry for hear this but i dont like this game . away i spend my money
Lady0fTheUnderground 31 jul, 2023 @ 11:49 
"It is most effective to use such weapons against tanks, which, in my opinion, are the most difficult enemy in the game."

three minutes later:
"Tanks are very easy to destroy--"
DivineLion 9 jun, 2023 @ 16:14 
idk about amigos being useless. the panther one is just to good to pass up.
Aquel 22 maj, 2023 @ 1:07 
Please go find the Libertad mod for this game, it makes the game much better and you can choose what you want to modify.
Matteh 19 maj, 2023 @ 6:13 
"The fact is that your car begins to fall apart literally from a couple of bursts from a machine gun, and if a tank hits it once, then you will instantly go to the next world."

This is not true once you get the armour upgrade and the Kag TG, especially with the scrounger jeans that automatically repair vehicles you are basically invulnerable to tanks at that point.
Olson 15 maj, 2023 @ 14:00 
Thx :steamthumbsup:
yanvasa2000 15 maj, 2023 @ 9:12 
MaxiZz 13 maj, 2023 @ 13:35 
H3rdBirthday 11 maj, 2023 @ 18:38 
BigFatNutz 11 maj, 2023 @ 15:01 