Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

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Elemek (132)
Készítette: Ms.Clouded Moon
Welcome! ----------- 快来尝试一下崭新的救助条吧! 本mod替换了进度/救助条(Replace Progress Bar) 拥有着紫色的配色和棱角图案的进度条,下面还有颗小星星! 至于名字嘛...就随便取的啦 ----------- 如果你想要更多种类的进度条(配色,图案啥的)或者不满意本mod的哪一处 可以联系我(加好友或者下方评论) 本mod禁止商用 ----------- 快快订阅吧qwq如果喜欢的话请点个赞~ 如果有什么意见请告诉我. {关于图中人物mod:其实是我创意工坊随便翻...
【动态】碧蓝航线医疗柜 Azur Lane
Készítette: sanfermin
里面侧面各动态两张 Dynamic only two Other items in the picture(Replace pills): /steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2253544611...
Készítette: Sakaki丶栗子
【印花集】csol联动电锯-生命收割者降噪版本,带夜光效果。有人觉得电锯声音太吵,所以万能的群友做出了降噪版本的电锯,我上传一下方便大家使用。(已征得群友同意) 图片画师P站:寻風解元 原MOD作者:recording 原MOD地址:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2649209240&searchtext=%E7%94%9F%E5%91%BD 效果展示: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.ne...
【战双帕弥什】COD:MW2019 SPAS-12 露娜 替换 SPAS-12
Készítette: FenLan.
替换 SPAS-12(二代连喷) 包括:基础外观贴图,夜光贴图(不刺眼) 来自 mav 制作的 COD:MW2019 SPAS-12 原武器地址:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2636150277 ——武器...吗?当你们组装,锻造,磨炼它们的时候,是抱着怎样的想法呢? 聊天Q群:816026087...
【明日方舟/Arknights】W 土制炸弹 pipe bomb
Készítette: Nagasaki Soyorin
只要全部干掉就完事了吧?别想那么简单?那真麻烦啊...... 之前一直做超天酱我想你们应该也看腻了,干脆试着做下舟好了。 替换了贴图和声音(replace basetexture and sound) 滴答声:三技能爆炸倒数时的声音 爆炸是原皮的语音,飞机导弹的爆炸是恍惚皮肤的语音 录语音时我无意间发现这两个皮肤的语音是独立的( 制作风格参考自(劣质的模仿):假的蛋糕蛋糕 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2614208609 Or...
【真白花音Mashiro Kanon】哒咩(推人音效)
Készítette: 小芝麻凛
【真白花音Mashiro Kanon】哒咩(推人音效) ...
【碧蓝航线】雅努斯替换比尔 [Azur lane Janus]
Készítette: 狐仙千鹤
替换比尔 Replaces Bill 第一次做人物Mod小BUG有点多武器位置不太对劲也不知道怎么让人物自发光,但我不会修等我琢磨会了再处理吧 ...
Készítette: Dazzle_白麒麟
这是改进版的MOD,替换SG552,删除了原MOD的消音器,并加装红点瞄准镜和修改音效 以下是原MOD的传送门链接:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2890955665 这是写实版的MOD传送门:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2952837457 更新日志: 2023/3/27:修复了和 老婆枪八重樱嘤嘤嘤的贴图冲突问题,但是标题还是会冲突,但不影响同...
【BEATLESS】雷电刃替换武士刀(replace Katana)[animated skin]
Készítette: M82A1闇冥
使用ClearSkyC的拔刀斩动作,修复在本地游戏攻速慢的debuff 演示视频 拔刀!!一闪! Credits: Killing Floor 2 - Model; Textures; Audio InsanitySorrow's Celtic Katana Skyrim Mod - Sword Sheath Lt. Rocky - Unreal Engine rip; Port; Materials ClearSkyC - Animations; Compile M82A1闇冥 - materials ...
【NEEDY GIRI OVERDOSE】主播女孩重度依赖 超天酱医疗包/OMGkawaiiAngel Medkit(动态)
Készítette: Nagasaki Soyorin
超天酱的直播也太舒服了吧 我永远喜欢超天酱!!! 重操旧业ing... 现在解封又要回校力(悲) 动态制作不易求个赞赞( Original model 原模型:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=906699749 动态效果: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1999064986620548507/AC0B16CE4DF2EDF965A57835FC5AE899D635A18E/?...
低亮度的樱花弹道和弹痕(Sakura trajectory and bullet marks with low brightness)
Készítette: FAW075
简介 注意:我调低了在黑暗地方的亮度,亮的场景效果也跟着降低,这个我就不是很懂为什么了 基于原版的效果上降低了亮度(Reduced brightness based on the effect of the original version ) 黑图不刺眼(Not glaring in dark places ) 原版的樱花弹道和弹痕 原版的真几把亮,眼睛要瞎了...
凑阿库娅-M1 Garand/ m1 伽兰德
Készítette: 超过4特打不过
发个MOD证明我还活着 替换官方猎枪hunting rifle 移除动作屏幕晃动,修复了换弹结束开镜子弹错位问题,修复本地部署动作慢的问题 游戏内展示 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2022720583210176898/258C7EED85ECF2061166AF796C58DAB17EA5FB38/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=fa...
卡琳 Hood Replace 罗谢尔
Készítette: 诗绮美 / Shikimi
This addon replaces Rochelle. ————————————————————————————————————————————————— ➧ Credits: 墨羽(摸鱼) I give all credits to him. ————————————————————————————————————————————————— 【MOD Features】 - 本mod仅替Rochelle - 包含 - 第一人称/First person - 物理飘动/Wave of physics -...
安全可靠的45防爆盾 少女前线
Készítette: AnkaThefool
开发组对其的描述:应订单要求,采用45姐(UMP45)换下的胸部钢板压制。 实战后某队员评价:Safely,Deadly. 某位不愿透露身份的404小队成员:就手感来说确实没什么区别。 替换隐藏武器 防爆盾(无脚本)。 This is a mod to replace RiotShield. 原模: Ballistic Shield https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2846441676 原本内侧还做有个瞪着你的45,太瘆人所以移除...
Készítette: Zey_Koo
replace spitter's sound into Agent-Pangolin 将spitter的语音替换为穿山甲的语音包...
Készítette: YURiZono
新发了另一个血条样式 没有聊天框的提示文字 添加载入脚本文件,不用那个脚本前置文件 更新之后好像小了不少,现在只有8KB了...
康娜不得了,替换给药 kawayi KannaKamui replace Protect teammate Drug delivery
Készítette: 真·勇者
康娜不得了不得了,替换给药 kawayi KannaKamui replace Protect teammate Drug delivery 已修复语音念不全的问题 试听地址 http://www.missevan.com/sound/player?id=234255 Audition address http://www.missevan.com/sound/player?id=234255...
明日方舟 归溟幽灵鲨-海蚀胆汁 Arknights Specter the Unchained- Bile Bomb(夜光/Glow)
Készítette: 42Hitchhiker_AID
祝你在梦中也能保持清醒。 替换了胆汁 Replace Bile Bomb 替换了材质,增加了特效,感谢原作者:Martel Replaced the material, Added particles, thanks to the original author:Martel 原MOD地址/The original MOD 展示视频/Showcase Video 更新动态贴图版本,可直接点击图片前往 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/20125760662...
明日方舟 近卫小车替换激光盒(laser)
Készítette: 妄想感傷代償連盟
Arknights 近卫小车Castle-3替换激光盒/红外线盒 Castle-3: 合金框架,强劲电机,配以高效能铩源策略,坚固,耐用,续航持久。高模块化配件任您选择,只为最大程度契合客户需求。雷神工业向您保证,雷神存在者,存在,即完美。 夜光贴图 黢黑的地方也能看清楚 很难想象这么一个小车顶点数能达到六万多 而且百分之八十都在底盘部位 可以看出模型作者真的用心了 还有个医疗小车 但我想不出替换什么好 借物:落古雷鸣 祝游戏愉快 ...
派对臀部替换医疗动作 // Party Hips
Készítette: ꧁༒空༒꧂
Party Hips 需要订阅xdReanimsBase,否则没有效果。 同时安装Francis和Louis Reanims兼容的变体或搜索Reanims兼容的替代模型。 Hope you enjoy. If You like it, Click on the collection. don't forget rate up :) 感谢你的订阅和赞 Thank you for your subscription and praise Enjoy and rate 5 :D...
模型作者:Sinsa -飘动骨骼 -ybb 配合海子姐替换charger音效mod食用更加 it may perfrom better using the sounds replacement mod�?https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2558491689 突然发现创意工坊里有海子姐的charger音效,以及群友的要求下,就做了这个mod 裙子的碰撞骨骼没做,因为charger骨骼系统比较特殊,不太明白b站预览视频:www bil...
Készítette: 甘樂
原版mod工坊:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2577154849 前两天和群友开玩笑时,突然聊到了黑岩,瞬间牛子动了(。・ω・。),然后就去搞了这个。只动了材质 提示一下,两把枪的材质路径相同,所以一起使用会冲突,但不影响使用,就没管了 ...
美游替换弗朗西斯/Miyu Replace Francis
模型作者已授权上传到创意工坊 The original model author has authorized to upload to the workshop 原模型作者:MoMo_Rui Origin Model Author:MoMo_Rui 作者B站有号 Mod作者:我 Mod Author:Me 好久没发mod了,发一个证明自己还活着 预览视频 Preview video b23点tv点EvTX3Rk 点自己加(举报的人没妈^^) 美游替换弗朗西斯 Miyu Replace Fransic 包括...
菜刀 【撬棍】
Készítette: 超过4特打不过
替换撬棍 crowbar 1.懒得做封面 2.移除了攻击屏幕晃动 3.修改了音效 4.修改了HUD 模型来源:广州增城7.3 搜索关键词: 菜刀 撬棍 crowbar...
通用材质 General Materials
说明 · 此物品仅用于个人MOD所使用的部分通用材质 禁止任何未经允许的转载 ...
Készítette: 妄想感傷代償連盟
音频素材截选自《没有黄段子的无聊世界》第一集中 雪原之青在地铁站高喊的“大rou棒!!!” 没错 没有和谐音 动漫无修版原声就是实实在在的“欧金棒” 替换了尸潮来临时的嘶吼声 这一声欧金棒喊的好啊 截下来刚好和原音频时长完全契合 音量调了半天 感觉现在这样正合适 不吵也不会被其他声音盖过 嗯 就这样 ...
+Ultra Particle: Texture files
Készítette: 7ᴇᴍᴘᴇsᴛᴲ
Selective subscription version. This pack contain all custom textures used by the particle effect listed. Subscribe to this and any particle file you'd like to use. New vfx are optimized so it wont tank lots of fps compare to vanilla effect (except for a f...
+Ultra Particle: Weapon effects
Készítette: 7ᴇᴍᴘᴇsᴛᴲ
You must subscribe to the texture file for this to work correctly Custom Melee Trail: (add to your weapon's attack anim in the .qc) weapon_melee_bluesticksmall - Blue energy trail weapon_melee_bluesticksmall2 - Blue energy trail weapon_melee_bluestickbig -...
AK47 Reanimation
Készítette: Animal33
replace AK47。 Animation and Posting :Animal33/Denny凯妈/zmg Replace the model :Animal33 Models and Materials :Valve animation: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1754735193892624711/B47384252D962AE6167F580A107A310F19D7DFE1/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&...
Anya Kore Suki Laser Sound Mod
Készítette: Rea✨
Replacing laser sound mod with Anya "Anya Kore Suki" voice line. Use "sv_cheats 1" and "ent_create upgrade_laser_sight" to spawn laser box and test it in game. Leave a comments if u have any sound mod suggestions!...
Arknights - Fiammetta Titanfall2 R-6P skin (grenade launcher) glow
Készítette: SHArknight
我不喜欢破坏——除非有必要。 给榴弹发射器摸了舟里我最喜欢的炮手肥鸭小姐,ttf原枪太棒了,献上感谢! 原模传送门 Twilight Sparkle Original Mod - Twilight Sparkle 侵删 替换模型,音效,动作 replace model,sound,animation original credits: mav - Assets Extract and Help ShadowRUN 幸運な - Texture Work/Shaders Twilight Sparkle - P...
Arknights Kal`tsit - Medical Gun (Adrenaline) [Animated Skin]
Készítette: 42Hitchhiker_AID
她知道自己怀着使命诞生于这片文明的荒墟,却无人点明她的未来。 替换了肾上腺素 Replace Adrenaline 替换了模型,材质,声音,感谢原作者:多乐美 Replaced the model, material, sound, thanks to the original author:多乐美 原MOD地址/The original MOD https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2039602457405453805/2136775B88E4E3823D...
Arknights Priestess RE8 Village PKM (M60) (Glow)
Készítette: 42Hitchhiker_AID
就算在那用黑暗与星点光芒装饰过的文明尽头,我们也一样会再见面。一定。 替换了M60 重机枪 Replace M60 Machine Gun 替换了模型,材质,声音,感谢原作者:8sianDude, empty Replaced the model, material, sound, thanks to the original author:8sianDude, empty 本MOD不含脚本,如想实现换弹效果请自行安装修改了备弹量的脚本 This MOD does not contain scripts. ...
Arknights Skadi the Corrupting Heart- Knife (Tonfa / Nightstick) [Animated Skin]
Készítette: 42Hitchhiker_AID
过去的你想过这样的未来吗,博士?哪怕现在的你只会恨我。我不怕你的恨,博士。如果想的话,就这样继续恨下去吧......在你依然还能恨的时候。 替换了警棍 Replace Tonfa / Nightstick 替换了模型,材质,声音,感谢原作者:wx Replaced the model, material, sound, thanks to the original author:wx 原MOD地址/The original MOD https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net...
Auto Bhop
Készítette: 星魂桑丶
The script comes from the network and is made by okcf Any mode is supported. Please be sure to subscribe to the essential items Add function You can turn off autobhop manually Press y to enter! Bhop in the chat box There will be a prompt or It is on by def...
Battlefield 1 Headshot Sound Effect
Készítette: 我才是电脑木人
使用3种战地1击杀音效替换L4D2内爆头音效, 效果一般 需要主机加载并启用 Headshot Feedback Effect,否则无效 音频素材来自B站@猎灵之巽-羽UID471773846 【战地一】击杀音效 cv7083043 ,已获许可...
Boomer attack music R18 - 5dB Version
Készítette: 沦落的美
Replaces music when we caught by boomer Boomer attack music R18 1.1 Version Tag:Hentai 绅士 变态 変态 shenshi sexy R18 工口 エロ Anime Animation H エイチ NSFW Adult only 二次元 ニジゲン Boomer attack music R18 1.0 If the addons is invalid,please try to rebuild the audio cache...
Bot AI Improvements
Készítette: T-Rizzle
I noticed that bots are lacking in many features, this mod is made to be compatible with the mod Left 4 Bots and to add onto it. Like an DLC/ADDON Important: When this addon receives an update the setting.txt and const.nut will NOT automaticaly add the new...
Bunny Girl Haku for Riot【兔女郎弱音-城管】R-18
Készítette: 仓鼠箘
Bunny Girl Haku replace for Firstly thanks for @MLUI 's video Guide! The reason why I chose to replace for Riot Common infected is because the Riot's weakness is its back, and Bunny Haku's back also dosen't wearing clothes... By the way, Miss Haku trend to...
California Girls Healing Sound
Készítette: Ame
California Girls as Healing SFX For the mod, look to your right screen in this mod page This is just a simple add-on I made, as I just started If anything go wrong, just tell me in the comment :D...
蔡徐坤🐔你干嘛~ 推人音效
Készítette: 筱°★v
你干嘛~哎哟~~ 鸡你太美🐔 更新把干部分的音频删减了 这回可以嘛出了 如果大伙喜欢原来的 我可以改回去...
Készítette: King of Kongs
Replaces the Charger's attack moans with the famous AUGHHHH meme Changed both charge sounds so there are two variants of the AUGHHHH sound...
Charger's rainbow
Készítette: fox.57005
Charger rainbow trail effect with sparkles! For hunter...
Check-point-arrow And Tankwall(Dynamic,luminous)
Készítette: 徒手开根号
Luminous arrow, fragile wall visible This is a gift for those cute blind players who love to 'add campaign maps' Like friends remember to evaluate my work,The first time I want to know the latest works, remember to pay attention to my creative Workshop htt...
Chicken | Molotov - 黑子的篮球 | 鸡 の 燃烧瓶
Készítette: Egret♥白鹭鹭
此Mod仅在我的steam工坊发布,禁止任何未经允许的二次修改上传及转载 This mod is only released in my Steam workshop,Prohibit secondary modification and upload to other places Minecraft / Chicken | replace the Molotov | Luminous 我的世界 / 鸡(黑子的篮球) | 替换 燃烧瓶 | 夜光 https://steamuserimages-a.akam...
COD MW22 Solid Black RGL-80 (Grenade Launcher)
Készítette: KJ
Black version of Original Replaces Grenade Launcher 1->6 Grenade Count Scripts Original Creator, Scripts, Importing: BaiF*ckmouse Models, Textures, Sounds: Infinity Ward Retextures: KJOnTheBeat Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@kjonthebeat1300/videos...
COD:MW Glock 21 Black
Készítette: Denny凯妈
Glock 21:D http://i.imgur.com/Gkw7mwm.gif Replaces pistols 替换9MM手枪 Yea yea my compile. Credits: Infinity Ward - Glock models/textures/Audio Denny凯妈/Infinity Ward/zmg - Audio Viper - Original Compile/Ripping/textures/Animations 70R3H - Textures mav - run&id...
Creeper (Boomer)
Készítette: Salvador_DS
Only appearing where the sun don't shine comes the Creeper. Although with no arms in sight, these 4 legged creatures leave a trail of destruction where ever they go. Make sure to kill them quick before they either leave a crater or leave you in pieces insi...
Cross dot Crosshair
Készítette: 十年公交男
Cross dot Crosshair Included: Crosshair. Description: If you like it, just like it. If you don't like it, just turn it off. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1796351493838117352/F74AEF2BFD38436113E2F3980B132D5590F77497/ https://steamuserimages-a.a...
Dark Carnival: Ghostbusters! (Halloween)
Készítette: Sp1cyXH0tsauce
It's that time again! Halloween is here.. and this time I bring you a very special GHOSTBUSTERS themed Halloween campaign! So strap yourself in because you won't be bustin' ghosts the way you know and love because this time you will be busting the undead a...
[xdR] Kip Up Get Up Animation - Mixamo
Készítette: ChapCanai
Replaces Each Survivors' Getting Up Animations from Tank, Hunters, and Chargers to do a Kip Up from Mixamo Motion Capture Requires: xdReanimsBase (L4D2) Uses Slot 035 Let's say if you do not want Bill to have animation, then you can unpack this workshop it...
Készítette: flys
该mod替换了(全部生还者)治疗队友的动作。 This mod replaces the action of healing teammates (all survivors). 必须搭配前置模组才能使用,否则无法正常使用。 It can only be used with the xdRianinsbase(l4d2), otherwise it cannot be used normally. 治疗队友✘/诱惑队友✔ 占用每个角色的第四槽位 occupies slot 4 of every surviv...
[R18]动图替换 电视TV
Készítette: 春田在手
口动图替换电视显示器贴图 动图来源作者p站ID:najar ================================= Replace the texture of the TV monitor with oral sex GIFs. Requires a prerequisite mod. ================================= テレビモニターのテクスチャを口交の動的GIFに置き換えます。 前提モッドが必要です。 ============================...
[No VSLib] Third Person Shotgun Sound Fix
Készítette: Unique Horn
I know that these addons already exist. However, it's made for those who don't like Vslib features. That's it :D WARNING: This addon only works on host(Single/Local) servers. - Bonus Third Person Addons - 1. < ThirdPerson Flashlight Fix V3 > 2. < THIRDPERS...
[Library of Ruina]The Sword Sharpened with Tears (replaces scout)
Készítette: CoCo.SeiMei
Description The sword sharpened with tears, Heart-piercing(tearing, breaking) Sword is the weapon used by Knight of Despair from Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina. This mod replaces Scout bolt-action sniper rifle. The weapon user will use this shoo...
[Kanna] Hunter Sound
Készítette: K"ashimura♦
Sound from a call 《小林さんちのメイドラゴン》 animation. Replaced in-game the Hunter Sound. Sound source Kanna Kamui 長縄まりあ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Appear animated episodes 1-12 ...
[Hunter] Kanna Kamui
Készítette: K"ashimura♦
Model from a call 《小林さんちのメイドラゴン》 animation. Replaced in-game the Hunter characters. Front cover 「Author」TOMATO 「PixivID」61771640 Model 「Author」icemega5 Resource modification list L4D1 / L4D2 Hunter Model L4D1 / L4D2 Hunter FPS Arms Hunter Special Ability I...
[Improved] Headshot Feedback Effect
Készítette: MANACAT
This add-on adds SOUND and BLOOD EFFECTS when killing zombies with headshots. When a bullet hits a zombie's head, you want feedback that tells you it's a headshot just by hearing the sound? This add-on makes a blunt sound when you kill a zombie with a head...
[Honkai Impact 3]Theresa Apocalypse replace smoker
Theresa Apocalypse replace smoker...
[Honkai 3rd] Teresa Hymn of Divine Grace +11rh (Replaces Chain Tongue, Hit Sound)
Készítette: 祈禱
Teresa Hymn of Divine Grace +11rh (replaces chain tongue, hit sound) Replace the Smoker and SmokerTongue Replaced the tongue with Thresh Chains and made it gold, and replaced Thresh Q hit sound Original author URL Declaration: I am not the creator, I only ...
[Genshin]可莉坦克/Klee Tank
Készítette: ERROR
自制模组,替换特殊感染者坦克 锵锵,可莉登场! 模型和贴图:模之屋@Welton 编译:ERROR(我) 做这个的原因是因为看了这个生草视频 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1qY4y1A7D5 花了点时间摸出来,建议搭配可莉坦克BGM食用 A Mod made by me,replace special infected Tank. Model and texture: Aplaybox@Welton Compile:ERROR(Me) I made this mod b...
[Dynamic] Katana from ghostrunner Replace katana
Készítette: 夜空☆Twinkle
简介 【动态】幽灵行者武士刀 替换 武士刀 Katana from ghostrunner Replace katana 有夜光和动态效果 With dynamic and glow materials 动作:这位大佬https://steamproxy.net/id/INSANITY_AURA/myworkshopfiles/?appid=550 侵权删 预览 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1LM41117Kz/ ...
[Dynamic] Desert_Eagle Replace The Magnum Pistol
Készítette: 夜空☆Twinkle
2022/12/22更新!!!!!!!! 换了个动作( 想用老版的 进群拿669851292 new新版预览:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1c8411H7ob/ 简介 【动态】沙漠之�?霓虹心跳 替换 马格南手�? Desert_Eagle Replace The Magnum Pistol 有夜光和动态效�? With dynamic and glow materials 另外我修改了枪声 In addtion,I change the sound. 一些废话 做这玩...
[Dynamic] AK47 Replace The AK47
Készítette: 夜空☆Twinkle
我不想做封面啊啊啊啊啊( 简介 【动态】AK47霓虹心跳 替换 AK47 AK47 Replace The AK47 有夜光和动态效果 With dynamic and glow materials (虽然和闪刀姬一点关系都没有但是我还是贴了闪刀姬) (别问,问就是随便贴的) 预览 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1LM41117Kz/ ...
Készítette: MxDlZnB
m16a2-police mesh\texture\animations\sound:codol !!!!!!!!!!!!Please note for epilepsy patients: this mod has the special effect of alternating red and blue flashes!!!!!!...
[CF] Dual Kukri
Készítette: LE37
replase machete ...
[Blue Archive]Loading icon
Készítette: AKA
Blue Archive 聖園 ミカ misono mika Loading icon...
[Black Ops3] Peacekeeper MK2
replace - MP5(CSS SMG) this mod is a commission ...
[战双]长柄大刀替换铁铲 replace shovel
Készítette: Hesh233
replace shovel 替换铁铲 Add: voice,JiggleBone 添加了声音、飘动骨骼 封面+贴图:pioneerZ1Z 声效+模型/版权:库洛 Remember to leave the link of this webpage. 欢迎转载此MOD,唯一的要求请署这个页面的链接。...
xdReanimsBase (L4D2) Anim Mods base
Készítette: xdshot
Base dependency for 3-rd person re-animations mods for survivors and infected Features: Provides basic system of adding replacements for animations. Slot system that allows combining multiple re-animations mods. Up to 48 different slots per each character....
VRC Meiyun美云 初始旗袍RNG 夜光 替换路易斯 replace louis
替换路易斯,本来早该传上来了,这几天不知道为什么创意工坊上传不了。 replace louis!替换路易斯? 更新B站宣传地址:B站ID :椎名小夜音。 在BILIBILI.tv 我自费花钱买的模 花钱找人定制的 谢谢 ?谢谢UI大佬制作的mod 漂漂亮亮美丽好看模型。猫儿不香吗 内容 RNG 夜光 表情 小尾巴 模型从BOOTH买的! 她太可爱了, 我TM社保 起信誉了! 谢谢 你好 再见! 爱 !来自瓷器! 要留言得切美区加速器才能留言 我也不知道为什�? 8人包补发! 最近两周有新人物mod部署 ...
Vtuber 博衣こより Hakui Koyori version2.0(Zoey)
Készítette: 呃呃
Vtuber 博衣小夜璃 2.0 替换佐伊 Vtuber Hakui Koyori 2.0 replaces the zoey 模型/Model: Hololive 编译/Compile: Twentydoge 制作不易,如果你喜欢这个mod,希望能点个赞,这样我才能继续有动力继续做下去。( ̄∀ ̄) Hope you enjoy. If you like it,don't forget rate up :) ...
Vocaloid common infected remake
Készítette: imelman
Do not reupload this or the non-remake addon that is retired. Replaces common and uncommon infected with various Vocaloids. A remake of original addon, with more variety and newfound knowledge applied. Common infected - Hatsune Miku CEDA - Megurine Luka Cl...
Vidar - Edited
Készítette: Chigusa
Vidar from Aether Gazer replaces Ellis - Glowing Textures - New vgui original: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2830951946 Optimized Version: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2964758286...
Valentine's Day - Background Trees
Készítette: Sir Bombegranate III
Happy Valentine's Day! The tree cards are now pink. Rejoice. Need more pink plants? Pink trees and foliage: 1 | 2 | 3 (Pick one!) Pink leaf sprite replacements: HERE Pink falling sakura petals: HERE...
UNSC Field Defibrillator (Defibrillator)
Készítette: Adorabirb!
"The UNSC Field Defibrillator is a compact, ultra-lightweight, portable device that is critical to the survival of soldiers on the front line. The UNSC Field Defibrillator is designed to revive fallen soldiers who have suffered cardiac arrest during combat...
Umaru the Jockey Sounds and BGM
Készítette: Flactine
Replaced jockey's sound with Umaru's sound in "Himouto! Umaru-chan". If you want model, you can try: Mini Umaru Doma (Jockey) ...
Készítette: H.U.N.K
THIS MOD WORKS IN ANY SERVER! (NOT VERSUS THO!!!) ***TUTORIAL*** https://youtu.be/koLer8XBQ1A TURN OFF STEAMCLOUD BEFORE INSTALLING!!! (it redownloads config.cfg pretty much breaking my mod.) *THE CONFIG FILE RE-APPEARING IS NORMAL! Tags: H.U.N.K'S THIRDPE...
ThirdPerson Flashlight Fix [V3] (LOCAL SERVERS ONLY)
Készítette: H.U.N.K
////////// READ THIS BEFORE USING IT!!! ////////// Flashlight FIX for (ThirdPerson) This ONLY works on "Local Servers" YOU MUST BE THE HOST!!! - This is a combination of CVAR Commands and simple particle edit - Credits: Better Script Compatibility: Nines M...
The Ultimate Mod Testing and Reviewing Area - Main Files
Készítette: мяFunreal
This map pack is made to test your work-in-progress mods without having to load a campaign and use console commands to stop the director from throwing infected your way. You can simply spawn and pick up any weapon, item, upgrade and carryable object. You m...
The Particles Manifest
Készítette: Urik_shared
Disclaimer: this is a new experiment of mine. I don't know how it will go - please don't immediately bash it if it doesn't work out because of conflicts & complexity; in my view, it could solve some issues I had with earlier system. The new proposed manife...
The Footsteps of high heels[V2.1]
Készítette: Ribonsan
Make a small update Deleted the footsteps of the infected =The footsteps of high-heeled shoes replaced the footsteps of survivors= -Secretly updated version 2.0- *Correct the sound effect of missing tile floor walking quietly and squatting down. *Slightly ...
TF2 Sandwich(Pills)
Készítette: .
Moist and delicious! Comes with common features: Viewmodel & Worldmodel Hud & Sounds. I DONT do requests.Only commissions(Check my profile for more details)...
TDA Fairy Miku Spitter R-18
Készítette: Vaz0w
This addon replaces Spitter, and it's not for all ages. IF YOU ARE UNDER 18, PLEASE DO NOT SUBSCRIBE IT. --------------------------------------------------------------- Models and Textures: TDA & fennuw -----------------------------------------------------...
Készítette: 甘樂
原mod工坊链接:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2940602228 把之前描边试手的改了一下,磨损的纹理保留了,镜子直接删了,测试图上演示有色差,具体还是看实战好点乀(ˉεˉ乀)。 w模的红点和手电位置还没改.等什么时候改一下 ...
Stronger Flashlight (LOCAL SERVERS ONLY)
Készítette: H.U.N.K
////////// READ BEFORE USING IT!!! ////////// This ONLY works on "Local Servers" YOU MUST BE THE HOST!!! A combination of 2 "CVARS" "CVAR1" "cl_max_shadow_renderable_dist" 0 "CVAR2" "r_flashlightfov" 120 Credits: Help with the script: Nines And You! Thank ...
Stardust theme knife
Készítette: Ribonsan
If you need, you can subscribe. No, please ignore. Thank Elements of the Metatron cube Glow in the dark 2048 * 1024 resolution...
SPEC OPS Green Laser Sight
Készítette: KJ
Showcase Weapon Youtube: KJOnTheBeat ...
Shovel decapitation script [Last Stand update!]
Készítette: FallFox
Only working on single player or local servers (servers you host) Zombie heads can now be removed with the new Last Stand update melee weapon the shovel! By default the scripts decapitation option is turned off (Idk why?) this enables "decapitates" "1" the...
shorter hunter rainbow trails
Készítette: Fulandre
reduce particle's lifetime and alpha it won't cover your sights make you more easier to kill hunter even he in mid air....
Seele Vollerei witch sound
Seele Vollerei witch sound...
Seele Vollerei replace witch.
Seele Vollerei replace witch. Only the model was replaced, no sound....
Scripts for MW2022 RGL-80
Készítette: BaiF*ckmouse
Scripts for MW2022 RGL-80 clip size is raised from 1 to 6 ...
Remove Explosion Flash
Készítette: Rainy
Remove the flash of explosives. This mod removes the screen flash of all explosives. All explosives in l4d2 have a red flash on the screen when they explode. It obscure the screen momentarily, so it interferes. Therefore, this mod removes it to provide a c...
Készítette: 叫我MAX
!炼铜警告! 使用动态图片替换了部分路牌/广告牌,由于素材不足(其实还是懒)会有部分图片是重复的,各位老板遇见有什么bug或者有可以改进的地方请在留言板或者私聊告诉我,谢谢老板...
Készítette: 超级小咪
replaces scar 替换 scar 图片来自p 搜一下就看得见 做了个印花集效果 Made a print set effect 目前该武器有 -声音 -模型 -最低亮度的夜光 -法线 Currently the weapon has sound, model, minimum brightness luminous light and normal 如果喜欢就请点击订阅吧! If you like it, please click to subscribe! ...
Poi Pick Up Sounds
Készítette: Luna
Thank you all for the 20k subs Replaces the pick up sound with Poi from Kancolle. Its the first Poi in the video fyi....
Penetrable Riot zombie's Armor
Készítette: Hex To Max
This mod makes riot zombie's armor penetrable - You can set specific damage multiplier of each weapon - All commands are host-only and detected by typing to chat box - The value of all commands will be saved automatically right after typed so you don't hav...
OKcf's Script Pre File Libs
Készítette: 洛圣都改猫王
Manager... Never conflict with other mods now!...
NMRiH - FUBAR (Golf Club)
Készítette: Qude
"Godammit, I am seriously FUBAR!" ― Bill Replaces the Golf Club with NMRiH's Fubar. Including the original model, textures, sounds. Thanks to 'ᴋⲩ1‾ for finding the original sounds and forwarding them to me. Credits No More Room in Hell - Model, textures an...
New HQ Shells Particle
Készítette: Salamand3r
Replace the old particle shell with a newer, HQ one from the old 10+ years model for CS:Source. This is my first addon workshop so please anything wrong with the mod please comment and what wrong with it. Try ingame first before commenting(Screenshot doesn...
MW2CR Model 1887-Glitch 故障
Replaces PumpShotgun 替换木质霰弹枪 ———————————— 感谢Denny凯妈的模型授权,感谢我的好朋友们的鼓励支持。 ———————————— 前不久凯妈刚好发了这把1887的模型,而且我朋友也催我做一做木喷的皮,所以就赶制出来了。风格没有像上期那样那么炫酷(事实上模型也不允许我这样做吧),简约为美嘛~随便搞搞,支持up开拓新风格的不妨点个赞再走呗~ MOD演示视频链接: 【求生之路2】MW2CR Model 1887-故障】 https://www.bilibili.com/vi...
Készítette: 裤裆藏龙
Change the hidden weapon's MP5 into a secondary weapon and unlimited ammunition !!...
Mini Umaru Doma (Jockey)
Készítette: CoCo.SeiMei
Description This mod replaces Jockey with Umaru from "Himouto Umaruchan". One day, I found the mod which replaces jockey sound with the sound of umaru (link). And I was disappointed at absence of model for jockey. Yes, This mod was inspired by that image o...
Minecraft Trident (Replaces pitchfork)
Készítette: Ed
"A trident is a weapon used in both melee and ranged combat and is a rare drop from drowned." Some time ago I saw someone asking for the Minecraft Trident and Shovel for the new weapons after TLS update, so here's the first part, the Trident Things added/c...
Készítette: Lt Simon "Ghost" Riley
YOU NEED THIS TO PREVENT PINK TEXTURES FOR GUNS IN THIS COLLECTION Textures for doohicky's (gun accessories) ...
Készítette: Lt Simon "Ghost" Riley
Maya Cyberpunk Bunny Girl - Blonde & White
Készítette: Chigusa
what the hell did i make lol replaces nick - I made some mistakes for glowing texture, but no plan for update. - Texture Optimization - vgui now edited except incap. original: Fruit milk https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2931295174 Low...
M1941 Johnson [M16]
Készítette: [ΖмBя.™] Dusty
English: Hello everyone. This is a weapon which saw very limited service in World War II: the M1941 Johnson. It is a light machine gun, though was incorrectly labeled as an automatic rifle in Call of Duty: WWII as the FG42 needed a competitor to balance th...
Lux's Survivor Legs script
Készítette: Shadowysn
NOTICE: This addon uses scripts. This will not work in Dedicated servers. Use local/listen servers, or singleplayer instead. An upside to this is that if you can see this addon's effects, everyone else can. This is a port-to-VScript of Lux's Survivor Legs ...
Legacy Particles Support ( muzzle effects )
Készítette: Urik
to everyone asking about FOV slider: it's from this or this mods Important: for modders. Previous conflicts now have been resolved by changing material paths, but still, if you want to reuse some of the effects here, please, do make effort to completely re...
Left 4 Lib
Készítette: smilzo
This addon contains some shared VScript code that is used by my addons: Left 4 Bots Left 4 Fun Left 4 Grief This addon is mandatory if you have one of the addons listed above. They will not work without this! Centralized User System L4L also contains a cen...
Left 4 Bots Chainsaw PickUp fix
Készítette: T-Rizzle
A quick script to fix the bots swapping from pistols to chainsaws repeatedly. Same goes for melee weapons to chainsaws. Special thanks to 4512369781 https://steamproxy.net/profiles/76561198052420500 for helping me create the script. Check out my other ...
Left 4 Bots (Improved A.I.)
Készítette: smilzo
This addon improves the survivor bots behavior to make them more human-like and a bit more useful during the game as well as improving their combat skills. It is a mix of vanilla AI improvements (via game convars changes) and new features added via vscript...
Last Prism Rainbow Panel Selector
Készítette: Interneted
Short Description Inspired by Steam Avatar Frame with the same name, I just caught up with idea of making it into a panel selector, turns out that it cannot be done unless I am making a copy of the default HUD, probably. it actually works like in the previ...
kanna protect sound
Készítette: 灵空寂灭
very cute...
Improved Blood Textures
Készítette: BakaKemono
Adds higher resolution textures for splatters and wounds. Splatter textures cover a wider area while splats/blobs of blood are cover less which helps to diversify the way blood appears. Reduced blood size version: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/fil...
Illustrious Lace Pajamas【光辉睡裙】R-18 for Common Infected
Készítette: 仓鼠箘
Illustrious Lace Pajamas replace for Careful, Big sister Illustrious dosen't fear your Pipe bomb, and has a little more HP than others. Tags: Illustrious, Lace Pajamas, Lace, Pantyhose, White Hair, Blue eye, Long hair, High heel, R-18 Features: Change from...
Honkai Impact Theresa Stargazing’s Jing Zhen Tan Replaces Electric Guitar 崩坏3 锦筝叹替换 电吉他
Készítette: ☆麻辣香锅☆
----------------------------Introduction/简介---------------------------- That’s still Theresa Stargazing’s Guzhen Replaces default electric guitar. 崩坏3德丽莎锦筝叹替换游戏内电吉他 喜欢我的mod就订阅收藏点赞三连支持我 你的支持是我创作的最大动力! Replaces Electric guitar. 替换 电吉他 -----------------------...
Hentai Anime Smoker Music smoker????
Készítette: Energy
I replaced the smoker music when we caught by smoker with hentai moaning. ?????????smoker????????...
Grenade Launcher & M60 Fix [Server Mod]
Készítette: devlos
Grenade Launcher & M60 Fix By Solved/Devlos! Aka "Timonenluca" A recoded Fixed Version off: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2002508596 Requested by: ZachNohKap A Local/Dedicated Server Mod Mod info - Ability to refill: The M60 - Abil...
Flatscreen TV
Készítette: Ellie
Do you want to watch HD TV shows in a low definition videogame ? Neither do I, but this mod allows you to do so anyway. Subscribe and enjoy your favorite TV mods from further away with this bigger screen, that is compatible with all TV screen mods except t...
Készítette: 夜袭
补档 ...
Explosive Cars
Készítette: Hex To Max
This mod makes some cars explosive - You can set specific options like outline, stagger, auto explosion, etc - Melee weapons can explode cars (if you don't like it use this command !excar_w_melee 0.0) - Tank also can explode cars (If you don't like it use ...
Ekko's Bat (Cricket Bat)
Készítette: Nedur Frog
Replaces cricket bat, Includes model, animation, sound, trail effect. You need to install 7ᴇᴍᴘᴇsᴛ³'s Ultra Particle in order to make the effect visible, but this mod is still usable without it, just that you won't be able to see the blue trail. Ekko's bat ...
defibrillator sound [reborn,my lover] 电击器/除颤器] replace by 复活吧我的爱人
Készítette: 丢你蕾姆
defibrillator sound replace by 斗罗大陆唐三———————— 呃→啊→!!!!↘!!!一→呀↘!呀→啊↘!!!!!!复↘活↗吧↘!我↑的↓爱↗↑人→!!!↘!! ...
[Advanced Bot AI] 更多生还者AI功能
Készítette: 奉神御詠歌
各种奇怪的功能 1. Bot的战斗方式有整体的提升,提升清特感和清小僵尸能力(优化一部分被包围后处理小僵尸能力)。 2. 更快的救人速度。 3. Bot能够丢一部分的投掷物。 4. Bot能够使用除颤器。 5. Bot能够使用弹药升级包。 6. 手持投掷物右键Bot可以交换Bot身上的投掷物。 7. 如果玩家没药没包的时候,Bot还会主动把自己的资源递给玩家,不管是药,包,或是投掷物。 8. 避免一些Bot踩痰救人的情况。 9. 更快的反应速度。 10. 玩家死了之后又没有包,Bot就会plan b(会自己...
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35 elemet tartalmaz