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EVE Online
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Kolekcja Warsztatu społeczności Avorion z motywem EVE Online

Poszukujesz potężnego statku, który pozwoli Ci przejąć kontrolę nad kosmosem? A może chcesz zbudować własną, niezwykłą budowlę kosmiczną? Kolekcja Warsztatu społeczności Avorion z motywem EVE Online jest dla Ciebie!

Lekki statek z możliwością instalacji zaawansowanych systemów wykrywania i szpiegowania. To jakbyś miał własnego szpiega w kosmosie!

Jedna z potężniejszych jednostek, które można znaleźć w EVE Online. Mocne uzbrojenie, wytrzymałe osłony - nic nie jest w stanie mu przeszkodzić.

Szybki i wendyjski statek z łatwym manewrowaniem. Idealny dla tych, którzy cenią sobie szybkość i zwinność.

Avatar klasy Titan
Największy i najpotężniejszy statek kosmiczny, jakiego możesz użyć w grze. To tak, jakbyś miał własną planetę w kosmosie!

Customowe budowle
Własne obiekty kosmiczne to świetny sposób na ulepszanie swojej bazy i zwiększenie jej obrony.

Schematy myśliwców
Budowa własnych myśliwców to doskonały sposób na wzmocnienie swojego lotnictwa i zwiększenie szansy na zwycięstwo w walce.

Chronią Twoje zasoby przed najeźdźcami. Dzięki nim Twoja baza stanie się niemożliwa do zdobycia dla wrogów.

Tak więc, jeśli chcesz doświadczyć prawdziwej kosmicznej przygody, to Kolekcja Warsztatu społeczności Avorion z motywem EVE Online jest dla Ciebie!
Αντικείμενα (53)
200mm Autocannon (EVE Online)
Δημιουργήθηκε από BiasVoltage
A turret design based on the 200mm Autocannons from EVE Online. Colours are matched to my Rifter....
200mm Railgun (EVE Online)
Δημιουργήθηκε από BiasVoltage
Something to go along with my EVE themed ships....
Abaddon (EVE Online)
Δημιουργήθηκε από BiasVoltage
Everyone's favorite Beaked Toaster now has a less-blocky variant! Comes with the Golden Fleet's obligatory colour scheme and complimentary fighter docks (actually functional this time). I made turret bases where they'd go in EVE. Unfortunately they won't w...
Abaddon. EvE Online. End game
Δημιουργήθηκε από Galaktiki
Любой бидон праймери!...
Aggron Battlecruiser [9 Slots]
Δημιουργήθηκε από Drazhill
Inspired by the Rokh from EVE Online Costs: Credits 8.172.500 Trinium 43.300 Ogonite 97.300 Avorion 328.000...
Astero (EVE Online)
Δημιουργήθηκε από BiasVoltage
This is my Sisters of EVE redemption arc. After my Stratios got taken from the Avorion forums and uploaded here by another user I never really fought for it. Not this time. The Stratios' little brother, Astero, features an incomplete ring and a similarly p...
Avatar [EVE Online] - Titan
Δημιουργήθηκε από BiasVoltage
As the epitome of Amarr engineering the Avatar demands respect from heretics and believers alike. Its sheer size and unmistakeable silhouette strike fear into the hearts of anyone, who would dare oppose it. ATTENTION #1: This design exceeds the limit for p...
Coercer (EVE Online)
Δημιουργήθηκε από BiasVoltage
The Empire's destroyer made it into Avorion. 8 2x2 turret platforms at the top and bottom each should teach any and all heretics about the might of the Golden Fleet. As always built on a 0.25 grid @ 0.5 stepping, then scaled down to 50% (effectively 0.125 ...
Dagger Class Light Escort (Starter) [2 Slots]
Δημιουργήθηκε από Drazhill
Named by Ren Atlas. Thank you dude! <3 Features: - Flight Recorder - An internal smart hull block for customization. Just the one, enjoy - Almost Full integrity coverage. Antennas on the butt is not fully covered :< For full Stats and Costs, refer to last ...
Executioner - Titanium (EVE Online)
Δημιουργήθηκε από BiasVoltage
A Frigate. Just a frigate. It was supposed to be my 2nd ship after starting a new galaxy but I started too big and it grew fat. What you have here is a ship that's way too big for the materials it's built from. There is a Trinium version with improved stat...
Executioner - Trinium (EVE Online)
Δημιουργήθηκε από BiasVoltage
An updated version of the Titanium design. With Trinium it gets some much needed maneuverability and most importantly, less drift. I also fixed the colour of the gold parts. I'm sure I missed blocks somewhere so if you see a yellow block, you can keep it. ...
Havoc Medium Fighter (Blueprint)
Δημιουργήθηκε από Drazhill
Standard Medium Frighter found on the Havoc-Class Battlecarrier. 3rd fighter model for the Sovereign Fleet, this one is a medium strike craft....
Magus (EVE Online)
Δημιουργήθηκε από BiasVoltage
This is the Magus. I never owned one in EVE so now I do in Avorion. Comes with rogue drone aesthetics and non-functional fighter bays. You can make them functional but fighters will still get stuck. It's definitely not the most agile ship in my lineup. Als...
Megathron (EVE Online)
Δημιουργήθηκε από BiasVoltage
This is Megathron. My second attempt at recreating a Gallente design with their many dreaded curves and angles - it has a few ugly spots. Nevertheless it's the most detailed ship I've ever built. By not making blocks meet perfectly I learned to make the sh...
Modified Orca (EVE Online)
Δημιουργήθηκε από Extinction
A modified version of the Orca from EVE Online, which I'd assume it is smaller (like the Rokh rebuild I made) than that of its EVE counterpart. It has almost the same role in EVE as it does here, except you get to deploy a lot more drones to mine if you ch...
Navitas (EVE Online)
Δημιουργήθηκε από BiasVoltage
Tried my hand on a Gallente design. The profound lack of any even surfaces made this one quite challenging. Turned out a little too stretched out and there are places where I couldn't make the blocks match up. Overall I'm very happy with this ~20 hour buil...
Noctis (EVE Online) [7 Slots]
Δημιουργήθηκε από Drazhill
A slighty updated version, this time using engame materials. Thanks to Kannloars for his super gyro: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1543991879 Build costs: Credits: 3.511.200 Trinium: 75.400 Ogonite: 300 Avorion: 169.900...
Retriever (EVE Online) [5 Slots]
Δημιουργήθηκε από Myself
Finally got around to updating this to actually be usable. I've redone the internals and a little of the exterior so it now has a usable cargo hold for R-Miners. Only holds 900 units however, so I'd recommend a cargo extender or two. Shields are a bit weak...
Retriever Mining Barge (EVE Online) [7 Slots]
Δημιουργήθηκε από Drazhill
I bring you my take on the Retriever Mining Barge from the game EVE Online. You can find the strip mining turret for it too on my workshop! Features: - Flight Recorder - Small magenta framework block for easy conversion into transporter block - Some Intern...
Rifter (EVE Online)
Δημιουργήθηκε από BiasVoltage
It's a Rifter. What more do you need? Go drift! Actually, it DOES drift. And lacks energy. Just like the real thing. Don't take it past Naonite territory. Personal note: This is the last Minmatar design I build that has these pointy things sticking out eve...
Rokh (EVE Online) [9 Slots]
Δημιουργήθηκε από Drazhill
A late game version of my Rokh Replica, the Caldari Battleship from EVE Online, featuring primarily avorion components, ogonite armor and trinium hull and some components. Features: - Some internal hull for easy customization - Full integrity coverage Cost...
Sacrilege (EVE Online)
Δημιουργήθηκε από BiasVoltage
This is my shot at the Sac. It's got a nice rear, an ugly nose and enough defenses to let you cross the ring. ...
Stratios [EvE Online]
Δημιουργήθηκε από Myself
As an excellent exploration ship, the Stratios excels at recovering items of Interest in hostile territories and safely transporting them back. It is suprisingly well armored for a craft this agile and has several tactical advantages it can employ if it ev...
Tempest (EVE Online) [10 Slots]
Δημιουργήθηκε από Drazhill
The Tempest, Minmatar Battleship from EVE Online. Features 4 torpedo launchers, 16 size 3 Turret Hardpoints and 2 size 0.5 PDC Hardpoints. Costs & Stats: See attached image ...
Arbitrator Cruiser [EVE]
Δημιουργήθηκε από Koinzell || Souza
Midgame Ship, featuring a forward Hangar, good maneuverability and can take some punishment without backing off. With internal Frameworks for easy upgrade. Easy to scale it up. Costs : 307.299 credits 19.655 Iron 39.830 Titanium 3663 Trinium ...
Caldari Raven (Eve-Online)
Δημιουργήθηκε από Gadien
es ist ein nachbau einer Caldari Raven aus Eve-Online ein Torpedo Battleship mit 6 Torpedolauncher so wie er es auch in Eve-Online hat, die Beweglichkeit ist auch dem Schiff endsprechend angepasst (es ist ein Battleship kein Jäger deswegen hat es auch kein...
Drake Battlecruiser (EVE Online) [8 Slots]
Δημιουργήθηκε από Drazhill
My rendition of the Caldari Drake Battlecruiser from the game EVE Online. It's not perfect, but I think I did an okay job... you be the judge of that tho >.> Features: - Internal Hull for easy customization - Flight Recorder - Small magenta Framework Block...
Dual 650mm Repeating Cannon [EVE Online] (Size 6)
Δημιουργήθηκε από Drazhill
So I decided to upscale it to size 6 from 0.5... about time, right?...
Dual 650mm Repeating Cannon, EVE Online (size 0.5)
Δημιουργήθηκε από Drazhill
Size 0.5 The Dual 650mm Repeating Cannon I from EVE Online. Did the best I could with the 250 blocks. Perfect for a chaingun or boltor turret I'd say...
Dual Heavy Pulse Laser (EVE Online) Size 2
Δημιουργήθηκε από Drazhill
Size 2 Think it turned out alright :/...
Eagle/Moa hybrid (EVE Online)
Δημιουργήθηκε από BiasVoltage
This is an attempt to recreate the Eagle from EVE Online. I didn't like its flat neck though so I modeled that after the Moa (base variant of the Eagle). It's not as good as I would have liked it to be, but angles are notoriously difficult in Avorion so I ...
Elan Dreadnought (EVE Inspired) [15 Slots]
Δημιουργήθηκε από Drazhill
What can I say, I have an EVE Online ship fetish, so I designed someting inspired heaily by the Minmatar ships. Not quite the Naglfar as that one will only get 6 turret hardpoints (shame isn't it?) so this one is inspired mostly by the Tempest Battleship a...
EVE Online "Venture" Ore Frigate
Δημιουργήθηκε από NLS668
Eve Online Amarr Revelation
Δημιουργήθηκε από Gortern
seeing how there's no revelation on the workshop i decided to throw up my own crappy one, around the same size as a real revelation. 6.5m hp 3.3m shield 11.08 Mt 2523 blocks...
EVE Online Amarr Titan - Avatar
Δημιουργήθηκε από Era
Hull: 1.87m Shield: 3.9m Block Count: 21,561 (Previously 80,000+) Volume: 2.01 Billion m3 Mass: 37.05 Mt Thrust: 78.5 m/s Break Thrust: 151 m/s Max Velocity: 1,823 m/s Yaw: 0.05 rad/s Pitch: 0.04 rad/s Roll: 0.14 rad/s Hyperspace Reach: 46.1 Sectors Hypers...
Eve Online: Megathron
Δημιουργήθηκε από Buckaroo
First attempt to create Eve Online's Gallente Megathron (with a few differences). Just over 3000 blocks, 13.7 mil m3, nimble, fast...
Ferox - Eve Online
Δημιουργήθηκε από Zeratul
Caldari State Ferox Battlecruiser My second submission, a hopefully to scale Ferox Battlecruiser at 426m (Assuming the started block is 20mx20mx20x). Could use a little more work with the modular internals, use the Hide Specific Blocks tool to convert Iron...
Free Willy - Inspired by Eve Online Orca
Δημιουργήθηκε από Teh T
I found myself in need of a large fleet operation miner and took inspiration for that greatest of gank targets, the Orca from EvE. 15 slots, 239 hangar slots can just about not fit a full fleet of size 2 fighters, but anything below is fair game. 2.2m hull...
Heavy Missile Launcher (EVE Online) [Size 10]
Δημιουργήθηκε από Drazhill
The Heavy Missile Launcher I from EVE Online. Not a perfect replica, but I think it'll do fine... >.>...
Modified Rokh (EVE Online)
Δημιουργήθηκε από Extinction
This is a modified version of the Rokh, much smaller than that of the actual Rohk from EVE Online, with details not in EVE that fit my current building style. Lucky for you, if you happen to not like them, you can just get rid of them all and make it your ...
Noctis (EVE Online) (6 Slots) Iron/Steel Edition
Δημιουργήθηκε από Drazhill
Same as the normal version, just with all naonite parts exhanged with cargo holds. THIS HAS NO SHIELDS! For Shields, refer to the normal version below: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1612934775 Costs: Credits 537.400 Iron: 86.700 Ti...
Noctis (EVE Online) [6 Slots]
Δημιουργήθηκε από Drazhill
I bring to you, the Noctis! Made to be beginner friendly. I have placed 16 hardpoints of size 0.5 in aproximately the same locations as on the original, feel free to edit these, change or delete them. Ended up with quite a lot of blocks, for that I apologi...
Noctis (EVE Online) [7 Slots] Trinium Edition
Δημιουργήθηκε από Drazhill
A Midgame version, as per request (I swear people get lazier every day) Costs: Credits: 1.980.600 Iron 55.500 Trinium: 197.100...
Noctis (EVE Online) [7 Slot] Early game
Δημιουργήθηκε από Drazhill
An enlarged version of my Noctis replica, scaled to its actual size of aproximately 860 meters in length. Decided to upload as a seperate design, as I personally like the smaller version as a "starter" craft where I feel this originally sized one is a bit ...
Quad 3500mm Siege Artillery (EVE Online) [Size 8]
Δημιουργήθηκε από Drazhill
Not perfect, but here it is. The Quad 3500mm Siege Artillery from EVE online in all its glory!...
Rokh (EVE Online) [9 Slots] Mid Game Version
Δημιουργήθηκε από Drazhill
I know the Rokh, the Caldari Battleship from EVE Online, have been done before, but I wanted to give it a go myself. This is by far my favorite ship in EVE Online so I hope my replica of it do it justice. Now it isn't an exact replica size wise or look wis...
Thrasher (Eve online)
Δημιουργήθηκε από SixDice
The Thrasher, another eve online ship I loved playing with when I use to play the game. Again it not fully completed. During my time playing eve, My friend called it 6 guns salute. slots: 7 Credits: 1.465.060 Materials Titanium: 128.484 Iron: 200 ...
Venture (Eve Online)
Δημιουργήθηκε από SixDice
My take on thr Eve online Venture. It not fully complete. I hope to come back to it and give it some colouring. slots: 7 Credits: 891471 Materials Titanium: 24203 Naonite: 98228 update: Without any modules, the ship goes through it energy reserves very fas...
Venture. EvE Online. Early Game
Δημιουργήθηκε από Galaktiki
Warrior [EvE Online]
Δημιουργήθηκε από Myself
Blueprint is fighter ready, and also doubles as a starter drone upgrade, consisting of only the simplest of materials....
[Eve Online] Thrasher Destroyer
Δημιουργήθηκε από Reagalan
This is a re-creation of the Thrasher Destroyer from Eve Online. 2x actual size, Turret size 1. 7 hardpoints. Good for early-game, or as a mid-game escort when upgraded. Solid internals. Reconfigure as necessary. ...
[Eve Online] Drake Battlecruiser
Δημιουργήθηκε από Reagalan
A re-creation of the infamous Drake battlecruiser from Eve Online. In years past, the Drake was one of the most spammed ships in New Eden. Its combination of low cost, high tank, and favorable damage application made it a mainstay of alliances. While no lo...
[EVE ONLINE] Amarr Providence Freighter
Δημιουργήθηκε από Chris
My lady told me the only ship she liked in games was this one! So i made it. Modified to be more viable in Avoridan, its hollow with plenty of room for systems and turret placement added, I used a very small scale so it will probably need to be scaled up....
Συνδεδεμένες συλλογές (1)
EVE Online Ships
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17 Δεκ 2023, 16:14