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Vampire Nest
By Nefrelin97
Vampire nest
Nests are mysterious places that are scattered throughout Redfall. These can be accessed through an ominous door that acts as a gateway between the real world and a realm where the vampires shared a psychic connection.
Nests don’t follow the conventual architectural rules you would traditionally expect and are present in the town of Redfall. However, in Nests, a classic movie theater can transition into a haunted forest. The location where you normally expect the projection screen to be in any cinema is suddenly a path to the unknown.
Nests are replayable areas that are fairly procedural generated. Various room combinations are being stitched together and thereby creating a new environment. This keeps you on your toes as you don’t exactly know what to expect each time you enter a Nest. While the layout of the Nests is pretty set in stone the variety comes from the modifiers and the enemies you thereby encounter during your run.
You must eliminate vampires on your way to the massive heart.There is one thing you can expect to find in a Nest and that’s a giant beating heart. Your goal is to track down the location of the heart and claim its content because they contain powerful remnants that you can use.
In order to destroy the heart you need to locate the sources it feeds on. By removing the strings, you will alert the vampires that will come and hunt you down.
When all the strings are removed you can eliminate the heart but when you do this the psychedelic realm will fall apart and you need to escape before collapses.
I think that these sources – where the strings are attached to – can be in different locations each time to mix up the content. You need to “untether” them by interacting with these Nest Victims.
You have 2.5 minutes(Some sources say 1 minute) to loot and escape the collapsing Nest. You will lose the big bonus XP reward when you don’t successfully manage to leave the Nest in time. The Loot that you manage to collect will remain in your inventory.
Nests aren’t the only Psychic Spaces the vampires have. Small pockets can be found throughout Redfall, so beware as these locations are swarming with vampires.
Nests have random modifiers that mix up the challenge in that Psychic Space.

Elite Modifier - More Elite enemies will spawn during this run.
Blood Trance - Vampires are asleep but will be awoken if attacked or touch the Blood Tendrils that connect to the nest.
guide by
by MentalMars - Edited/Updated by Nefrelin97
More informations/updates at comments :)
ChubbiChibbai 12 May, 2023 @ 11:10am 

You do keep loot if you fail to exit. You just loose out on 1000 XP.

The mele and flashlight and menu bug seems to be because you have completed a quest. On PC when you complete a quest you need to hold down escape or T to close the window. For some reason this bug seems to think that you need to do this.

If you use TAB to go to menu and then cycle through a few tabs in there, then exit the menu it resolves the bug.
crazy4games92 11 May, 2023 @ 12:11am 
It is indeed 1 minute, I've yet to successfully escape a nest within that time. 1st attempt was only 80% of the way there. 2nd attempt was nearly at the exit.
DirkSteele 3 May, 2023 @ 12:21pm 
Loot does not remain in the inventory unless you find the exit. Also, be aware that melee, the flashlight, and the menu button will be disabled on exiting a nest.