Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

3,461 ratings
Blue Light
Content Type: Addon
Addon Type: Map
Addon Tags: Fun, Realism
Content Descriptors: General Mature Content, Frequent Violence or Gore
File Size
1.204 GB
29 Apr, 2023 @ 12:03am
21 Apr, 2024 @ 7:17am
4 Change Notes ( view )

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Blue Light

Blue Light is a modification for Garry's mod that combines Half-Life 2 and Left 4 Dead 2.
There are:
  • Exciting battles with zombies and antlions
  • Caves like in Half-life 2: Episode Two
  • Deadly traps and interesting puzzles
  • Well designed and optimized locations
  • Updated interface and 30-minute level
Explore the world on your own or with friends!

Your working day was ending and you were about to go home when you suddenly heard gunshots.
Combines. They forced you to go deeper into the complex. It didn't get any easier, because the place quickly filled up with zombies and antlions. Perhaps... you'll find other survivors...

Answers to frequently asked questions
  • I recommend to disable all mods and restart the game!
  • All the content you need is already included
  • Map name: bl_blue_light_c1m1
  • Gamemode: Blue Light
  • Next level status: Coming in April 2025
  • The mod replaces some sounds and models. After completing the level, disable this mod

Hard mode
If you want to make the game more difficult - hard mode is what you need:
  • There will be more enemies
  • Most of the interface will be disabled
  • Supplies will be harder to find

half-life 2, hl2, left 4 dead 2, L4D2, portal 2, singleplayer, multiplayer, cooperative, zombies, zombines, antlions, combine, map, gamemode, hud, subtitles, puzzles, shooter, story, adventure, spooky, dark , scary, horror, screamers, atmosphere, campaign, action, realism, underground, tunnels, vents, bunker, mud, grubs, music, easter eggs, cubemapes, hdr, ai nodes, npc

By downloading this mod, you agree to the collection and processing of data such as: Steam username, Steam ID, and all achievements earned inside this mod.

What data do mod collect
Yes, the mod collects information from all playing players:
1) Positions on the map
2) Camera angles
3) Health
4) Armor
5) Current weapon in hands
6) The number of rounds in the clip
7) Number of additional ammo
8) Player FPS
9) SteamID
10) Steam nickname

The mod collects user settings too:
1) Degree of smoothing MSAA
2) HDR degree
3) V-sync
4) Is the "heavy" shader used for the flashlight
5) Screen resolution

Mod also collects data about all the killed NPCs and about all the drops that spawned for the player

Where will this data go
The data will help me understand where the problem areas are on the map. Players do not have enough first-aid kits? Too many enemies? Low ammo? Do players often die in a certain place?

I need the data to make more awesome levels in the future!
Popular Discussions View All (7)
13 Jan @ 11:29am
PINNED: Bug Report
16 Sep, 2023 @ 7:04am
1 May, 2023 @ 12:12pm
Easter eggs
Shira  [author] 16 Jan @ 2:13am 
I don't have a speedrun video.

Tactics: you need to constantly run (Shift), shoot only in the head, ignore barnacles and use grenades against the crowd of enemies. You also need to run into the location, press the button and only then shoot the enemies, because at this time the door opens. It is better not to take first aid kits, batteries, grenades and weapons - it takes time.

The game starts counting time on the exit from the save room, so you have infinite preparation time - you can quietly collect all the supplies in the save room.
villikisa12 15 Jan @ 9:03am 
Shira, do you know where i can see the speedrun?, im trying to speedrun the game and i cant go faster than 12:14
Shira  [author] 13 Jan @ 11:34am 
В правом нижнем углу главного меню есть выбор режима. Обычно там стоит "Sandbox". Необходимо поменять на "Blue Light".
Далее в главном меню "Начать новую игру" -> в списке категорий выбрать Blue Light (боковое меню слева) -> нажать на bl_blue_light_c1m1.
В конце нужно нажать синюю кнопку "Начать игру"
marganec2004 13 Jan @ 2:43am 
Как запустить?
Shira  [author] 11 Jan @ 7:27am 
The fastest completion is 494 seconds (8:14). However, here players could use mods that make the game much easier.
However, it is impossible to pass the game faster than 4 minutes because the final battle is tied in duration to the music and takes 3 minutes to complete
I can complete Blue Light in 10:54 without mods.
villikisa12 11 Jan @ 4:48am 
Shira what is the fastest time someone has completed Blue Light?
Shira  [author] 9 Jan @ 1:44am 
Спасибо за поддержку! :)
С Новым Годом!
Zelet 9 Jan @ 1:41am 
Я прекрасно всё понимаю. Сам создаю свою первую кампанию для l4d2 и понимаю, насколько это тяжело. Хоть и левел дизайн у меня не такой хороший как у Вас, но всё же я стараюсь его развивать и надеюсь людям понравится. Так что берите столько времени, сколько на это понадобится.
Shira  [author] 9 Jan @ 1:20am 
Согласен, мне тоже грустно от этого :/
Однако разработка потихоньку идёт.
Изначально я хотел выпустить BL2 в конце 2024-начале 2025, но некоторые обстоятельства не позволили этого сделать.
Надеюсь, что хотя бы к апрелю успею сделать
Zelet 8 Jan @ 11:57am 
Идёт 2025 год, а продолжения не видно