Far Cry 2
My Armory at 50% - Notice anything unusual?
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"- No other weapons used except hand grenades and machete (FE weapons untouched)"
4 коментара
thirdkeeper  [автор] 2 май 2023 в 20:32 
Yes - 50% of the secondaries. Unsilenced pistols only, grenades reserved for vehicles.

They give you three weapons right at the start but I just picked up the Star so I won't
have to cycle through other weapons I don't use.

Now I have to be careful to not accidentally pick up a primary or special when I'm
reaching for ammo or health, because there's no 'Drop Weapon' option. 8 /
US Marine Aviator 2 май 2023 в 19:31 
You're at Marina and only have 50% armory, none of them being primaries.
Hazhadal Knight 20 апр. 2023 в 23:21 
There are tires hanging from the ceiling for some wild and unnecessary reason
thirdkeeper  [автор] 19 апр. 2023 в 9:29 
Middle of my fifth runthrough - Limited to UNsilenced Pistol.