Lovehammer - Better Diplomacy Fix
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2023年3月4日 18時26分
1 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Lovehammer - Better Diplomacy Fix

Not updated since March 2023, so it probably won't work with the new patches

Diplomacy overhaul, focused on making friends over time instead of being stuck at 10 relations with half the map at turn 90.

• Thresholds for Friendly/Very Friendly/Best Friends increased, but buffs at each level also increased -- now investing in diplomacy with someone actually pays off in tangible ways

• Thresholds for Unfriendly/Very Unfriendly/Bitter Rivals increased slightly -- lots of people still hate you, but the granularity allows you to pull some diplomatic levers now and then

• Treaty values modified so you get a boost early on with a bigger boost as time progresses -- long treaties reward you with better diplomacy, and you can climb the treaty ladder faster if the faction is aligned with yours

• Confederation and treaties now occur faster if you constantly invest in diplomatic actions and court factions you want to confederate

Warhammer is a world where war is eternal, so war still happens as normal. You just have way more ways to make friends now.

Note: This was a mod made for personal use in coop campaigns with friends, and it made the whole experience (especially in repeated playthroughs) that much more enjoyable. I really got tired of the slow treaties and confederacy drag in WH3, so this mod helped to alleviate that.
10 件のコメント
Superlaleva 8月24日 3時29分 
i love this, but it doesn't work for me
Mavkyrie 2023年9月18日 17時55分 
Would this mod require any kind of update?
Tsu 2023年6月11日 13時51分 
Thank you :)
DCello  [作成者] 2023年6月11日 4時39分 
All the changes are table-based, so it should be compatible with save games and removable at any time (effects may take a few turns to materialize because diplomacy in this game is hard coded to follow a curve)
Tsu 2023年6月4日 0時40分 
Actually, is there any compatibility info at all about this mod, like can I enable/disable it in the middle of a campaign save?
Tsu 2023年6月3日 11時42分 
Anyone know if Hecleas AI overhaul overwrites/conflicts with this mod?
RedWalrus 2023年3月26日 19時34分 
Is it possible to add in some options using MCT so that I can change how easy it is to confederate with this mod? Or is that a bit too much to ask? It would make the mod much much better imo
DCello  [作成者] 2023年3月17日 11時01分 
That was part of the purpose of the mod 😄 I got tired of taking over 80 turns to confederate Ulthuan and go out into the world in IE, and I wanted to be done with it so we could actually go out and play in the big map.

You should be able to confederate people like Teclis and Alarielle quickly since they like you and are hard-coded inclined to be your allies, but the High Elves that don't like you would still take a while.

Not all races have an easy time confederating, either (Cathay still takes a while, though considerably less than the "180 turns or never" of the vanilla balance)
RedWalrus 2023年3月17日 10時52分 
I like the mod, however, it might be a bit too easy to confederate other factions. I was able to confederate Avelorn as Eataine in the first 20 turns. lol
Paladinus 2023年3月11日 1時41分 
great stuf!! Thanks for your hard work. Compatible with other mods?