Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

117 ratings
Star Wars: The Deckbuilding Game
Type: Game
Complexity: Low Complexity
Number of Players: 2
File Size
887.773 KB
3 Mar, 2023 @ 11:19pm
5 Apr @ 5:48am
70 Change Notes ( view )

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Star Wars: The Deckbuilding Game

For demonstration purposes - Please go pick up a physical copy at your friendly local game store, or, online here:

**** NOTE - THIS IS THE 1v1 VERSION ****

The 2v2 version can be found here:

Scripting in game:

- Setup Game button

- Purchase Card Buttons
- These buttons will send the purchased card to your discard, and then deal a replacement to the row
- Automatic Resource Tracking

- Sabotage/Bounty Hunt Buttons
- These buttons will discard the attacked card to the top of the discard pile for reward viewing, and deal another

- End Turn Buttons
- These buttons will clean up played cards, reset resource counters, and handle decks/deals
- NOTE: The magic only happens with the scripted End Turn buttons
- This scripting does not work if the standard TTS End Turn button is pushed if it is somehow visible!

- Discard Pads, drop card on pad to send to appropriate discard pile, or, a damage counter to trash it

- "Force Is With Me" buttons to move the force tracker cube 1 space towards you

- Automatic discard of bases and capital ships when damage threshold hit on their counters

- Every card with an ability comes with it's own ability buttons (button tooltip will say when manual actions are required as costs or triggers)

Scripting & Automation FAQ:

Q: How do I tell the scripting that I "own" a card if I obtain it through means other than the purchase button?
A: Once a card is placed in your discard pile, deck pile, or added to your hand, the proper ownership tag will be applied by the mod invisibly. This will allow for automatic cleanup of cards in play when End Turn button is pressed.

Q: How does the automatic resource generation work?
A: The green "play" area contains an invisible zone where, when cards are added into it, it adds the resources to the owner's resource counter. When a card is removed from that zone, the resources get removed from the counter.

Q: When I exile a card, it reduces the resources on my counter that the card would produce?
A: On every card, there is a right click option at the top of the menu that will automatically exile the card, and avoid the above mentioned zone to think it's just another card being removed from play. Using this menu option to exile your cards will prevent the counter from reducing it's resources. Dropping the card in manually to the void to exile is fine, just know that it will remove resources from the counter if the card is removed from the play area.

Q: What is automated exactly with these buttons, and, what isn't?
A: Broadly speaking, there are a few actions for card abilities that are not easily automated - selecting a card to exile and exiling it (outside of using the above mentioned menu), choosing a card to discard from hand and discarding it, or "peeking" at the top card of the galaxy deck while Empire. With that in mind, I've scripted the ability buttons to automate the reward portions, and if a manual action is required as a cost or trigger for the ability, or for the action itself (IE: Gozanti Cruiser, discard a card to draw a card), the tooltip or broadcast message will specify that a manual action is required, IE: "Manually discard a card, then, Use Gozanti Cruiser Ability".

TLDR - If it looks like there's an easily noticeable button nearby or on the card itself, with a tooltip or broadcast message that says "Manually", you'll need to manually do that part. If the button just says "Use ability" without saying "Manually", it will log the automatic actions taken, so you can be sure your game state is correct.

Q: Can you automate the force track moving on card plays?
A: I have tried that, and there's all sorts of incidental card play movement that make this untenable. For example, some people, when peeking at the top galaxy deck, will draw to hand, causing the card to go through the play area and triggering the force movement, or, another example, an Empire player showing their hand after the Jyn Erso ability is used. I'd like to make this automatic force movement happen, I just haven't yet figured out a clean way to do so that doesn't trigger when it shouldn't.

This means, that for now, buttons must be used to move the force track when cards that grant force are played - this is not currently automated.

Q: There's no button for XYZ functionality, is this automated?
A: Probably not. You'll have to do it manually like some sort of caveperson, my apologies.

Q: Is this scripting all in a final state?
A: Not in the slightest, this is all very much in active development. This means bugs will be introduced, and killed, as new functionality is added and tested. This also means that the quest to find the happy medium that satisfies all types of TTS players - the people that love automaton, the people that want that board game feel, etc, will never really end. I might try some silly stuff that doesn't work, but I'm not too proud to admit mistakes and roll back either. People in the discord will back me up, I'm sure, that I'm quite responsive when it comes to bug reports, suggestions, QoL ideas, pain point resolution, etc. If you have an idea or suggestion come on over to the discord and let me know. I can't promise I'll implement it, but I'll consider all suggestions.

Q: Will a solo mode be incorporated?
A: I have no plans to support solo any further than hotseat mode, anything else you'd like to do is up to you. However, hotseat mode provides a great framework for any solo modes you can think of.

Q: Is there a way to make the opponent have actual AI to play against? (YEP i've actually been asked this)
A: No, there is not. At it's heart, despite all the automation and buttons, this is still a board game, and you still have to know the rules of the game - anything scripting does or doesn't do is just a suggestion, or, follows the rules of the game and logs it to broadcast/chat for verification and game state tracking. Both factions must be controlled by a different human, or by one human if using hotseat mode, but it is a tabletop game and you would have as much luck expecting your RL cards to get up and physically play against you. Wouldn't that be cool, though? Sadly, that's not how it works.

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Also take note of the in play card placement snap points! Capital ship snap points are just above your deck/discard etc along the very bottom of the green section. Above those, there are snap points for unit cards, and above those, below the galaxy row and it's buttons, another row of snap points to move attacking cards to.

Want to find people to play? Have a bug to report? Want to talk strategy?
Come check out the discord:

Seriously, if you're thinking of leaving a comment on this page with some issue you'd like fixed or think might be broken, the bug reports channel in the discord server will get you much faster results. Thanks!

If you like what you see, let me know with a smash on that favorite/thumbs up button. Or don't. I can't tell you what to do.
Hayabusa 25 Apr @ 10:43am 
I would very much love the single player mod! Would be great. I contributed my thumbs up! Hope it happens! But respect it either way. Just bought tabletop simulator for this game specifically, can't wait to try it out! Thanks for the work on it!
Nonprophet  [author] 16 Apr @ 7:17am 
Frankly, this game hasn't really had my interest enough to put in the weeks of remaining work for the automated solo mode.

Tell you what though, community - if I hear enough demand, let's say, in the form of thumbs up ratings on this mod, to get this mod to 5 stars (only 98 to go, heh), I'll consider the crowd to have spoken and I promise, I'll finish up the automated Leaders solo mode that I have like 75% done but had more or less abandoned due to lack of interest.

Regardless of hitting 200 and 5 stars or not, I do plan on keeping up with content updates as they release, as we do know there's at least something on the horizon from a gencon video last year.
Leroy 28 Feb @ 11:52am 
Nonprophet, thank you for building this! Any updates on the solo mode? Looking forward to it! :)
Nonprophet  [author] 25 Oct, 2023 @ 6:04am 
good look, thanks @xahk, I will do that now
Xahk 24 Oct, 2023 @ 5:44pm 
the asmodee shop link changed to in case you want to update it.
tv/SalsaTheOne 8 Aug, 2023 @ 2:36pm 
Nonprophet, I'm really sorry for the people in your Discord. Anyways, just wanted to let you know that this is very much appreciated (coming from someone who owns the physical copy of the game, unlike many of those who leave sarcastic comment I bet).
Nonprophet  [author] 8 Aug, 2023 @ 7:45am 
Not bad, I imagine most miss those. I have an automated opponent Leaders solo mode like... 95% done. Worked for weeks on it. Didn't seem like anybody in the discord even cared any time I mentioned it, in fact, I even got sarcastic comments on how it was taking forever, which was pretty unwelcome after devoting like a month's worth of my free time to it. Didn't really seem like the time I was putting in would be appreciated.... and then Diablo came out, hah, and I kind of lost interest for a while.

Anyways, no, there's no real way to easily access the content since it's a fully automated mode, but if one is very enterprising and knows their way around TTS code they can mark the prop art hidden bags as interactable and play with the content within.

I may or may not get back to it, depending on popular demand. It was definitely way too much free work and my time to only get sarcastic comments about why it was taking so long.
DoD 7 Aug, 2023 @ 3:06am 
I see that you have the elements for the leaders solo variant. But they hide when the module loads, is there an easy way to activate it?
tv/SalsaTheOne 11 Jul, 2023 @ 4:59am 
Just letting everyone know that there's a copy of this mod and this is the original one.
RepubliCommando 25 Jun, 2023 @ 4:19pm 
I will send a pic if I ever get a chance to try it again and run into the problem