Europa Universalis IV

Europa Universalis IV

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Multiplayer Lottery
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955.626 KB
1 mars 2023 à 15h39
19 avr. 2023 à 16h44
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Multiplayer Lottery

Dans 1 collection faite par Peratus
Peratus Mods
4 objets

This mod adds a lottery where players can pay ducats for tickets. Whoever wins gets all the money players spend on tickets as well as 2000 ducats. Lottery event occurs roughly every 25 years. The winner of the lottery can take a while to be chosen, or it can be fast, it depends how many players are in the game and how many tickets are bought. I suggest always buying at least one ticket. You have a much lower chance than someone with 20 but you risk much less, too.



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3 commentaires
Peratus  [créateur] 8 mars 2023 à 20h15 
@Caligula Yes, but you'll just be buying tickets by yourself. Basically free money.
Caligula 8 mars 2023 à 19h04 
does this work for singleplayer?
[HS]Maraudeur 1 mars 2023 à 16h07 
This mod adds a lot to the game!