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Yukino's Chaos Warriors Garrison mod with Chaos Champions
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18 Feb, 2023 @ 8:41pm
21 Aug, 2023 @ 3:09am
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Yukino's Chaos Warriors Garrison mod with Chaos Champions

Hello, this is Yukino, a simplified mod for a large garrison. It is very complicated to make. So it took more than three months...

First of all: in the old version of Chaos Warriors, the garrison of the three people is based on unity, supplemented by mortal warriors;

Second note: The Chaos champion DLC that four people garrison are not the same!! It's all about their own demons and mortal warriors!

Last note: Bilak's garrison is a troublesome one that I modified, due to the lazy CA studio; Causing his garrison to be a clone of the Chaos Warriors from the old version (so I reworked it...).

1: This mod includes garrison units: (large town and small altar) garrison troops, (altar building and trade resource building) garrison troops; (Special note: Altar buildings require population, this mod provides some buildings with special effects, including resource buildings!) The garrison of the army.
(Sentinel) refers to the sentinel sequence built for Allies, (Guardian sequence) refers to the icon torch building.

2: Secondly, let me explain a part of the content of this change!
Tip 1: As with most of my other mods, instead of Passive skill > Impregnable < is an item skill > Ominous Shield <.
Description: In this mod, the Shield of the Ominous effect is no longer permanent, but can be used again after 120 seconds of cooldown every 60 seconds.

Tip 2: Active Skill: Regroup and stand your ground regenerate health, except that stand your Ground is a weakened version of Omen's Shield!
Effect Description: Regroup forces last for 20 seconds and can be used again after 60 seconds of cooling.

Tip 3: All non-demon Lords' Red Line Active abilities heal army health, and the last skill gives your troops stats to gain (without decreasing morale) during their duration

3: > Please check carefully <
Tip 3: I added a wall effect for small garrison Level 2, I added a spending camp effect for Torch (patrol) buildings (when you save more than 5000, at the end of the turn > When enemy troops attack your town, the patrol will build a camp battle mode against them! <)

Tip 4: Torch (Patrol) Building Effect 2: There is a chance to dispel negative effects of lords in your town by rank,
When growth is greater than 200 or population surplus is 5: At the end of turn, when your Lord is weak and has negative traits, consuming 200 growth will give you 10% to 30% to 50% of the negative traits to dispel based on rank probability!

4: Let me tell you briefly what the troops are?
Large town
(Chaos City Rock)Lv1:
1 chs cha exalted hero_0
2 chs inf chaos marauders_0
2 chs inf chaos marauders_1
2 chs cav marauder horsemen_0
1 chs mon chaos warhounds_0

(Chaos City Plug)Lv2:
1 chs cha exalted hero_0
2 chs inf chaos marauders_0
2 chs inf chaos marauders_1
2 chs cav marauder horsemen_0
1 chs mon chaos warhounds_0
1 chs cav chaos chariot
1 chs mon trolls

(Dark Fortress)Lv3
1 chs cha exalted hero_12(Mount: Chaos Charger)
1 chs inf aspiring champions_0
2 chs inf chaos warriors_0
2 chs inf chaos warriors_1
2 chs inf chaos warriors_2
1 chs cav chaos knights_0
1 chs cav chaos knights_1
1 chs cav chaos chariot
1 chs mon trolls

(Dark Keep)Lv4:
1 chs cha exalted hero_12(Mount: Chaos Charger)
1 chs inf aspiring champions_0
2 chs inf chaos warriors_0
2 chs inf chaos warriors_1
2 chs inf chaos warriors_2
1 chs cav chaos knights_0
1 chs cav chaos knights_1
1 chs cav gorebeast chariot
1 chs mon dragon ogre

(Dark Fortress of God)Lv5:
1 chs cha exalted hero_13(Mount: Armored Chaos Charger)
2 chs inf aspiring champions_0
2 chs inf chosen_0
2 chs inf chosen_1
2 chs inf chosen_2
1 chs cav chaos knights_0
1 chs cav chaos knights_1
1 chs mon dragon ogre shaggoth

Altar building
(Chaos Altar) :
1 chs cha exalted hero_13(Mount: Armored Chaos Charger)
1 chs inf aspiring champions_0
2 chs inf chaos warriors_0
2 chs inf chaos warriors_1
2 chs inf chaos warriors_2
1 chs cav chaos knights_0
1 chs cav chaos knights_1
1 chs mon giant
1 chs art hellcannon

(Foundation Building 1) :
1 chs inf chosen mtze halberds
1 tze mon lord of change_0

1 chs inf chosen mkho dualweapons
1 kho mon bloodthirster_0

1 chs inf chosen mnur greatweapons
1 nur mon great unclean one_0

1 chs inf chosen msla hellscourges
1 sla mon keeper of secrets_0

(Foundation Building 2) :
1 chs inf chaos warriors mtze
1 tze mon exalted flamers_0

1 kho inf chaos warriors_0
1 kho mon khornataurs_1

1 chs inf chaos warriors_mnur
1 nur mon beast of nurgle_0

1 chs inf chaos warriors msla
1 sla mon fiends of slaanesh_0

(Foundation Building 3) :
1 tze inf pink horrors_1
1 chs cav chaos knights mtze lances

1 kho inf bloodletters_1
1 chs cav chaos knights mkho

1 nur inf plaguebearers_1
1 chs cav chaos knights mnur

1 sla inf daemonette_1
1 chs cav chaos knights msla lances

(Garrison building) :
1 chs inf chosen mtze halberds

1 chs inf chosen mkho dualweapons

1 chs inf chosen mnur greatweapons

1 chs inf chosen msla hellscourges

1 chs inf aspiring champions_0
1 chs inf chosen_0
1 chs mon dragon ogre shaggoth
1 chs art hellcannon

(Port Building)
1 chs inf chaos marauders_0
1 chs inf chaos marauders_1

1 chs inf chaos warriors_0
1 chs inf chaos warriors_2

1 chs inf chosen_0
1 chs inf chosen_1

In the next update, the building effects will be made separately from the garrisons. Please don't make fun of the mod being too powerful due to the tight schedule
(This mod will reduce strength with version updates!)

If you are satisfied please give this mod a thumbs up (because thumbs up will let more people see this mod)
Alex 21 Aug, 2024 @ 8:49pm 
ωうさぎωニャω  [author] 19 Jun, 2024 @ 2:21am 
En raison de la mise à jour de CA officiel 5.0 a causé des dommages à tous les mods garnison que j’ai fait...
Impossible pour le moment de renouveler toute la garnison du camp du chaos, seulement pour donner d’abord les races récemment mises à jour: les batonias avec les rats skaven ainsi que les elfes élevés avec les lizards, les cathay avec les kisreeve... Puis les vampires et le roi tombeau greenskin puis l’empire et les nains
Whatever 6 Mar, 2024 @ 9:02am 
need update :3
Gistobal 28 Jan, 2024 @ 1:13am 
Ok. Thx for all the hard work!
ωうさぎωニャω  [author] 27 Jan, 2024 @ 1:58am 
The basic structure of the Noska camp is in place, but because I'm too busy; And these mods have to be updated so I never got it done...
Secondly, these mods that need to be updated will be repaired after March and should be available before May
I'm going to take February off and fix most of the building effects mods
Gistobal 24 Jan, 2024 @ 11:29am 
Hi, this needs an update it seems. Also, will you be making a Norsca garrison mod at any time?
ωうさぎωニャω  [author] 18 Jan, 2024 @ 3:53pm 
ωうさぎωニャω  [author] 18 Jan, 2024 @ 3:53pm 
Dream虎 18 Jan, 2024 @ 12:05am 
ωうさぎωニャω  [author] 2 Jan, 2024 @ 4:35am 