Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

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Items (52)
Arknights Theresa(Bill)
Created by 42Hitchhiker_AID
致博士 “博士,不知不觉,你已经与罗德岛同行很长一段时间了。 虽然你说自己只是一名过客,但我依然想欢迎你来到我们的身边。 我没有机会见到你所处的时代,听说那里,人人可以不受天灾与矿石病的困扰,话语和思念可以转瞬即达。 那的确是美好的过往,不过,既然你仍愿孤身一人踏上跨越万年的旅程,那么,你对这片大地一定有所期待吧。 请继续陪伴在阿米娅和凯尔希的身边吧,博士。 我相信,你会重新爱上这个世界,再一次选择希望与未来。 博士,谢谢你。” 替换了比尔 Replace Bill 制作人员/Credits: 模型制作者/...
【崩坏:星穹铁道/Honkai: Star Rail】流萤 替换 路易斯 Firefly Replace Louis
Created by 流歌Ruka
模型来源:模之屋 模型编辑:神帝宇 模型版权所属miHoYo 尼克版本(nick versions):https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3175808892 一定要在求生里面好好保护好属于你们的小流萤,不要再让她受伤了喔 Be sure to protect your firefly in L4D2 and don't let her get hurt again ...
Blue Archive - Mika
Created by Polandick
Blue Archive Mika replace Zoey 碧蓝档案 未花 代替 Zoey 蔚藍檔案 碧蓝档案 Blue Archive 블루 아카이브 ブルーアーカイブ Model by lovecelebi (@lovecelebi) twitter - https://twitter.com/lovecelebi bilibili - lovecelebi nicovideo - 29825475 Model nicovideo - td86493 Features - Facial express...
Vtuber 兰音Reine(Francis)
Created by 鱼鱼蒸饭了
Vtuber 兰音Reine 替换弗朗西斯 / Replaces the Francis 模型/Model: 兰音Reine 编译/Compile: Twentydoge 制作不易,如果你喜欢这个mod,希望能点个赞,这样我才能继续有动力继续做下去。( ̄∀ ̄) Hope you enjoy. If you like it,don't forget rate up :) ...
Pl.e式归溟幽灵鲨替换尼克/replace nick
Created by KyuuSyou
Pl.e式归溟幽灵鲨 模型作者: Pl.e 模型来源: 模之屋 nick版鲨鲨,出击! 调整了手摸,目前在我使用的武器中没有明显的瑕疵。如果那啥的话可以在评论区贴上武器的MOD,我对照着调整试试。 发现了奇怪的地方,在游戏里无论第一人称还是第三人称手摸的手指部分都是缺了一部分,但是在blender中却又是完整的??? 试着调整裙子的物理效果,发现搞了半天不如原版。。。。 ...
vrc 玛雅猫猫 舞夜装甲服 替换 帽子 Maya Lustratio_Cloth replaces Ellis
是新装备呢,这下不用担心坦克了吧……大概? 报菜名时间: vrd 飘骨 表情 第一人称手模 静态表情(需要使用ksep静态表情平台以激活 )让人物更加呆萌 以“proportions”制作的“耳朵”和“尾巴”的间歇性动画、使她看起来活灵活现 vgui(使用了非原版风格的倒地图标和人物图标) 夜光 测试地图待机动作更换 作为一个萌新,难免有做的不够好的地方,欢迎大家提出意见 最后祝大家玩得开心,也非常感谢订阅Thanks♪(・ω・)ノ 喜欢的话,希望可以为我点一个免费的赞哦 如果无聊可以加萌新的小群哦,群号7...
【崩坏3/Honkai Impact 3 】德丽莎月下誓约·予爱以心 替换 罗雪儿 Theresa Apocalypse Replace Rochelle
Created by 流歌Ruka
模型来源:模之屋 模型编辑:神帝宇 模型版权所属miHoYo “红月之下的吸血鬼,终于等来了翘首以盼的重逢。 漫长的等待让她的姿态发生了改变,但不变的是那份炽热的思念。” 感谢几位朋友在制作过程中提供的帮助 由于我过于猪鼻 害的几位朋友教得心态爆炸( 在这里说声对不起 周年庆回坑 虽然一发十连出了角色但是装备歪到姥姥家 只能说给mhy氪金会变得不幸了 ...
【Honkai Impact 3/崩坏3rd】月下初拥·予爱以心「此生相携」替换 教练 Theresa Apocalypse Replace Coach
Created by 流歌Ruka
模型编辑:神帝宇 模型版权所属miHoYo 模型自身的飘动骨骼太多了 求生自身的飘动限制远远不够用 删掉头上的大头纱的话能稍微节省一点 看评论区反馈吧...
Apex Legends - Item Pack
Created by Twilight Sparkle
As an oops that i forgt to release this i come to you presenting this, yeah, anyways, i dont have much to say other than so this is these are some of the items from Apex, these items will replace the following, the smol Shield Battery will replace the Pain...
Apex Legends - Grenade Pack
Created by Twilight Sparkle
So after finishing with the SMG's i'll bring you a small addition which is not a weapon of course but they are throwables, these are the nades from Apex, and of course they come into 3 types, Thermite(Molotov), Frag(Pipebomb) and of course, Caustic's Nox G...
[Katana] Devil May Cry 5: Vergil's Yamato
Created by Ænima²
The M O T I V A T I O N sword from DMC 5 Original src port by YongLi Rigged to animation by LE37, replacing the Katana Features: - Flowing energy effect - 3rd person scabbard attachment - Hud icon - Inspect animation (when look at items) - Custom sound - M...
Created by 偷跑仙人
替换斧头 带夜光 有珠光效果 不可沾血 演示视频https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1k3411R7Wo/ ...
Created by 大奈龙一只
Replace the machete Original Mod Author:原作者b站ID:---nn--- BV1Jw411z7DX 鼠鼠最新力作 声明: 由于我技术力太差,我是解包借用了 BV1PN411s7sU 作者@Listtu 的国风作品,原作者的包那三个贴图没看 懂,这里感谢二创作者,还是因为技术力堪忧,包里的h1m和h1m1用的是Listtu作者的原贴图,我改了可能会造成许多物品有问题(小怪头发颜色变白,狙击枪开镜变白等等),所以我只好舍弃了原本贴好的贴图,没动Listtu作者的这两个贴图...
松果Pinecone COD:2019 M1911 替换 小手枪
松果 主题COD:2019 M1911 替换 小手枪 Pinecone skin for COD:2019 M1911(Pistol) Replace pistol Infinity Ward - Models,Texture PYgame.D.Cthulhu - Ripping,Fix models & materials,Animations,Compile PioneerZ1Z - New skin https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/17648180...
Arknights - Nightingale Beretta 92FS skin (degale/magnum) glow 明日方舟 - 夜莺 Beretta 92FS 替换沙鹰马格南 夜光
Created by SHArknight
飞吧。 原模传送门 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2532124673 Original Mod - 8sianDude 原图 侵删 替换模型,动作,音效 replace model,animation,sounds 截图里的手臂长度是58 好久没摸莺宝枪皮了来一发(~ ̄▽ ̄)~ 感觉效果有点乱,嘛就这样吧 Original credits: - Samurai Edge AW Model-01 model: Capcom - ...
Princess Connect Pekoriinu itempickup
Created by Probe
Yabaidesune★ Just for fun XD...
[MHRS]艾路猫(呆猫) 弹药堆 - Palico(Kit T) ammo pile
Created by 东云绘名
Palico(Kit T) ammo pile 老大,我捡到了好东西喵! 听说呆傻孩子长得都一个样 mod包含夜光贴图 ...
Arknights Astesia/Astgenne/Doctor Halo UNSC Ammo boxes (Glow)
Created by 42Hitchhiker_AID
夜晚总会结束,群星也终将落幕,如果这就是一切的尽头,那我们该做些有意义的事情了。 替换了特殊弹药盒和激光盒 Replace Deployable Ammo and Laser Sights Box 替换了模型,材质,感谢原作者:Adorabirb! Replaced the model, material, thanks to the original author:Adorabirb! 特别感谢:微博:@一锅夜光咖喱 @弧不理 提供的博士图 星极/星源亲妈@_第七定义 原MOD地址/The origina...
Arknights - Fiammetta Titanfall2 R-6P skin (grenade launcher) glow
Created by SHArknight
我不喜欢破坏——除非有必要。 给榴弹发射器摸了舟里我最喜欢的炮手肥鸭小姐,ttf原枪太棒了,献上感谢! 原模传送门 Twilight Sparkle Original Mod - Twilight Sparkle 侵删 替换模型,音效,动作 replace model,sound,animation original credits: mav - Assets Extract and Help ShadowRUN 幸運な - Texture Work/Shaders Twilight Sparkle - P...
Arknights - Nightingale RMB-93 skin (pump shotgun) glow 明日方舟 - 夜莺·挽歌 RMB-93皮肤 替换木喷 夜光
Created by SHArknight
是谁在歌唱? 这种语言从何而来? 我看到的是谁的梦,又是谁的死? 莺宝的第三个枪皮,一开始做mod的时候就说要搞这个,结果几个月了才轮到挽歌(笑哭 尝试和以往完全不同的风格 原图是我的约稿 原模传送门 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1312426756 Original Mod - Tööttieläin 侵删 原图 替换模型,动作 replace model,animation https://steamuserimages-...
初音花嫁铁喷| Miku's marriage Chrome Shotgun(Chrome Shotgun)
Created by Nekomiya6
MIKU Chrome Shotgun 仅替换了贴图 Replaced the skin 部分夜光效果 It will glow in dark places 图片来自| Picture author :fusuma #pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/87991868 模型动作均来自官方 The model and action are from the official https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1754...
Created by 鬼方恂
模型来源https://booth.pm/zh-cn/items/4301152��無料】1301Tactical ショットガン/Eye of Horus 动作来源mav‘s MW2019: SPAS-12 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2636150277 希望大家喜欢 ...
【蔚蓝档案/Blue Archive】圣园未花 主题 生死狙击2 MK14EBR
Created by 香風 智乃
【蔚蓝档案/Blue Archive】圣园未花 主题 生死狙击2 MK14EBR 替换 30连 Replace Sniper_Military https://s2.loli.net/2024/05/18/jyxzJVYwQatNs4D.jpg 感谢米修佬的枪模授权! 原mod地址:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3029181790 谢谢忘居居的描边和流光哟~ 图片素材来源于p站,我在逛p站的时候发现了这两张非常好看的mika图...
Arknights Platinum NMW2 TAQ-56(SCAR-L)
Created by 42Hitchhiker_AID
湖畔和平原很远,哥伦比亚人裹着毯子仍旧站在远处,别墅闪烁的灯光照在他身上,他在等白金开口说带路。白金站在篝火旁,只是看着这群人,一直没有说话。 替换了SCAR-L步枪 Replace SCAR-L 替换了模型,材质,声音,感谢原作者:Animal33/zmg/BaiF*ckmouse/ZMG/勿忘地球人/ MxDlZnB /Fnsi Replaced the model, material, sound, thanks to the original author:Animal33/zmg/BaiF*ckm...
QBZ95-1 月下誓约(m16)
替换了m16,有不刺眼夜光效果,手臂长度建议80-90 原mod来自繁华梦境,终于等到一把帅的95了,马上就把老婆纹枪上,个人技术有限,只能做到这种程度了,喜欢的谢谢点个赞,最后,月下占领世界!!! ...
[COD:MW II]Fennec 45 Custom 恶魔の呢喃替换uzi
Created by 鬼方恂
替换微冲(uzi) 原mod是 Fennec 45 Custom https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2924403652 镜子和握把来源分别是 COD:MW2022 Fennec 45 Suppressed https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3015811899 Titanfall Holosight for Aimpoint 1x https://stea...
鬼方 佳代子(礼服)FSS飓风(MAC-10)
Created by 野生带鱼
替换mac-10 mac枪声来源:animal33佬的【COD:MW2023 FJX HORUS】 演示视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1pm411C7TZ 在你执行再上传、二次创作、移植等操作前,请先向作者请示 一切违规操作、针对作者以及本mod的恶意行为或将导致本mod下架 Before you perform operations such as reuploading,secondary creation or porting, please ask for ...
Arknights - Firewatch AW50 skin (AWP) glow 明日方舟 - 守林人 AW50皮肤 替换AWP 夜光
Created by SHArknight
狙击手守林人。为了复仇,我需要强大力量的帮助。 原模传送门 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2770046812 Original Mod - Lt. Rocky 侵删 替换模型,动作,音效 replace model,animation,sounds 截图里的手臂长度是58 没错。又双叒叕是守林人。这应该是最后一把小鹿的枪皮了_(:з」∠)_ Original Credits: Alliance of Valiant Arms ...
[Genshin]可莉坦克/Klee Tank
Created by ERROR
自制模组,替换特殊感染者坦克 锵锵,可莉登场! 模型和贴图:模之屋@Welton 编译:ERROR(我) 做这个的原因是因为看了这个生草视频 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1qY4y1A7D5 花了点时间摸出来,建议搭配可莉坦克BGM食用 A Mod made by me,replace special infected Tank. Model and texture: Aplaybox@Welton Compile:ERROR(Me) I made this mod b...
可莉蹦蹦炸弹坦克石头和特效 Klee's Jumpy Dumpty for Tank Rock (for 20Cat's Particle Manifest)
Created by taC02
作者已退工坊。仅补档,无后续更新。为防steam若智审核机器人所以没描述,请自行研究使用方法。 The author feels disappointed with the workshop. It's just a re-upload addon for those who need it. No description or tutorial, no more future updates or technical support for this addon. ...
原神可莉 逃跑的太阳(Tank Music)
Created by 笨笨
一个已死去mod的重制版 音源地址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dsfyjvnmVvw 可以选择性配合右边的模型使用...
可莉坦克语音包(国语) Voice Pack for Tank Klee (Mandarin Ver.)
Created by taC02
作者已退工坊。仅补档,无后续更新。为防steam若智审核机器人所以没描述,请自行研究使用方法。 The author feels disappointed with the workshop. It's just a re-upload addon for those who need it. No description or tutorial, no more future updates or technical support for this addon. ...
Christmas Miku Hatsune - (Witch)
Created by ꧁༒空༒꧂
Christmas Miku Hatsune Replace Witch ^^ Enjoy my mods and want to donate? I always mod for free, but I appreciate any support. ^^ Hope you enjoy Enjoy and rate 5 :D ...
原神 卡比兔兔替换Bommer(Made by MLUI)
Created by 辞玖.(已有闺)
这个mod是MLUI大佬mod的补档,MLUI大佬于2月5日下午删库退坑,精致的人物感染者等一系列mod都随之被删除。 本人仅上传,一切版权归原作者所有。如果原作者不满意,认为此行为侵权,本人立即删除。 也希望mod作者早日回归,重新上传mod。 This mod is a supplementary file of the MLUI’s mod. MLUI deleted a lot of mods in the afternoon of February 5, and a series of MODS ...
Created by H.U.N.K
Are you TOO LAZY to ALWAYS open the console and type "sv_consistency 0" so your friends can join your server FULL of scripts? USE THIS!!! this will ALWAYS enable "sv_consistency 0" in YOUR server without having to type it in the console :D Tags: no consist...
infected damage display
Created by 星魂桑丶
Translate By Google! Support language: Chinese & English Language Code:0 = Chinese,1 = English。 Defalut Lang:Chinese(0) You Can Change Defalut Lang In Here:Left 4 Dead 2/left4dead2/ems/idd/lang_setting.txt Defalut lang in lang_setting.txt is 0 ONLY ACCEPT ...
OKcf's Script Pre File Libs
Created by 洛圣都改猫王
Manager... Never conflict with other mods now!...
Created by 蛋黄
进游戏后只需按下ESC就可以 一键放大手电 关闭开枪闪光 关闭开枪火光 关闭动态手电 关闭手电光影 自动去除尸体 (以上六项每次按ESC都会重置) 如果地图中出现黑块可以临时调小光射角 特别注意:部分功能可能涉及作弊,比如雨/雪/雾/渲染距离/显示障碍/显示网格/地图全亮 建议不要联机使用 如果执意使用 造成任何后果均与本人无关 ...
NeunGUI: Verticalized LayerHUD (Alternative)
Created by Big Boss
Alternative version of NeunGUI: Verticalized LayerHUD. Made in collaboration with Qude. We have reverted the weapon panel back to it's default position in this version, other than that the 2 versions remain almost the same. Add-on Notes Here's some info ab...
NEW Addon 1/2
Created by 徒手开根号
Another part of NEW HUD. Addon's interface becomes transparent, larger and more intuitive, Only modify the MOD and addmap list....I reserved the "4" icon Maybe there are other UIMOD with this function, but I like to separate them and add them according to ...
Simple Scope
Created by Gary
Simple scope with clearer lines, similar to csgo. 1366 x 768 version of Simple Scope here. ...
Machina bullet tracer particles
Created by AvengedDeathAlert
This will change all of the gun's bullet tracer particles (except the L4D2 mounted machine gun) into the Machina's particle. Default tracers are red colored, while incendiary(fire bullets) and frag rounds(explosive bullets) are bright orange colored. Impor...
purified water(only water)
Created by 徒手开根号
purified water(only water) Make the environment in the water cleaner. Whether it's on water or underwater, it's crystal clear. I looked for it and found that some water mods can only see underwater, but they can't be crystal clear on the water. Some clear ...
Check-point-arrow And Tankwall(Dynamic,luminous)
Created by 徒手开根号
Luminous arrow, fragile wall visible This is a gift for those cute blind players who love to 'add campaign maps' Like friends remember to evaluate my work,The first time I want to know the latest works, remember to pay attention to my creative Workshop htt...
Padoru Padoru!! (Gnome)
Created by 8sianDude
A meme initially introduced in December of 2017, has once again arised from it's grave to annoy the crap out of everyone in December of 2018. Padoru is a meme that features a character from the Fate/Extra game, Nero Claudius (totally not Saber), singing a ...
xdReanimsBase (L4D2) Anim Mods base
Created by xdshot
Base dependency for 3-rd person re-animations mods for survivors and infected Features: Provides basic system of adding replacements for animations. Slot system that allows combining multiple re-animations mods. Up to 48 different slots per each character....