The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

45 ratings
Auto Tap Shoot (自动连点器,适用于英灵剑、巧克力奶、反重力、黑圈、骨哥、插头等)
Tags: Lua, Items, Tweaks
File Size
10.938 KB
21 Jan, 2023 @ 1:41am
27 Jan, 2023 @ 10:45pm
7 Change Notes ( view )

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Auto Tap Shoot (自动连点器,适用于英灵剑、巧克力奶、反重力、黑圈、骨哥、插头等)

This mod emulates fast tap-tap shoot, allowing you to fire spirit sword melee attack as fast as possible, by just holding shoot button, instead of having to tap-tap it.
  • To activate this mod, press U key once (left-stick for controllers), then tap-tap one of the shoot buttons ↑↓←→ rapidly for at least twice. There will be a sound effect when activation succeed.
  • After activated, simply hold shoot button ↑↓←→ for long, and this mod will emulate a rapid tap-tap to fire spirit sword as fast as possible for you.
  • To deactivate this mod, just press U (or left-stick) again. There will be also a sound effect when deactivated.
  • The emulated tap-tap speed is the same as your tap-tap speed when activating the mod. To adapt different charge time of a variety of attack types.
  • Also works for SPACE (use active item) and Q (use card / pocket active item) button, e.g. press U then tap SPACE twice to activate, now hold SPACE to fire active items rapidly.
    Usage showcase
    Spirit Sword: hold shoot button to rapidly deal melee sword attack without endure your finger.
    Anti-Gravity: which is now just +1 fire rate with no side-effect (shoot tears without lag).
    Brimstone / Tech X / Maw of the Void: For these charged attack type, as long as your tap speed when activating this mod is accurate, this mod can automatically charge and release it for you.
    The Forgotten: carefully adjust tap-tap speed when activating the mod, then simply hold shoot button to fire bone attacks, one melee after one ranged.
    Tainted Magdalene + Sharp Plug: activate the mod with Q button, then hold Q to hurt and heal forever and imunity all damage.
    All attack types that requires a periodically tap including Chocolate Milk, Cursed Eye, Neptune, and so on, also works with this mod, as long as the tap speed during activation is accurately matching the charge period of the item.

  • 按一下 U 键(手柄的话是按下左摇杆),然后快速点按任意射击键 ↑↓←→ 两下,即可激活本模组,激活时会有一个音效。
  • 激活以后,只需长按射击键 ↑↓←→,本模组会帮你模拟快速点按射击键,尽可能快地使出英灵剑。
  • 再按一次 U 键(或左摇杆)即可取消激活本模组。取消激活时也会有一个音效。
  • 模拟的点按速度与你激活时的点按速度相同,所以通过激活时的点按速度快慢,可以适用于不同充能时间的攻击类型。
  • 本模组也适用于空格键 (使用主动道具) 和 Q 键 (使用卡牌 / 副手道具)。例如按一下 U 键,然后连续快速点按空格键两下即可激活,现在长按空格键即可模拟反复按主动的效果。
    反重力:相当于白送的 +1 射速修正,没有任何副作用(不会因为点按速度不够快而导致眼泪悬浮在空中)。
    硫磺火 / 科技X / 黑圈:这类蓄力攻击方式,只要激活时的点按速度准确,只需长按即可让本模组自动帮你蓄满力并释放。
    里抹大拉 + 插头:在 Q 键上激活本模组,然后只需长按 Q 键即可无限插自己回血,解放手指的同时重现一块蓝冰名场面。

1538026225 18 Feb @ 1:31am 
pseudo 18 Nov, 2023 @ 8:49pm 
game crashes on using any active item
1011 30 Jan, 2023 @ 6:33pm 
now it remains to make automatic shooting for brimstone and the like
双笙子佯谬  [author] 26 Jan, 2023 @ 2:00am 
Yeah, works for Chocolate Milk too! All charged attack type (Cursed Eye, Revelation, Neptune) works for this mod as long as your tap period is accurate during activation phase.
Flair 25 Jan, 2023 @ 11:49am 
Could you make this work for Chocolate Milk too? x:repoop:
Ptehen 25 Jan, 2023 @ 5:22am 
Could you make this work for Chocolate Milk too? x4
Futhorka🏳️‍🌈 25 Jan, 2023 @ 4:00am 
Could you make this work for Chocolate Milk too? x3
The Great Autismo 24 Jan, 2023 @ 7:40pm 
Could you make this work for Chocolate Milk too?
Revalopod 22 Jan, 2023 @ 4:22am 
this seems genius