寂静村的孩子们 Children of Silentown

寂静村的孩子们 Children of Silentown

45 个评价
[SPOILERS] Children of Silentown - ALL Stickers, Secret Notes, and Endings
由 Ginger 制作
A guide to help you collect all the secret notes to create the Song of the World, find all the stickers, and achieve all endings.
Chapter 1 - All 3 Stickers
IMPORTANT: There are no secret notes in Chapter 1. Continue onto the next section to find the first one.

Sticker #1 - Egghead Lucy
Go upstairs in the house and collect your journal. Go back to the hallway outside your room and interact with the mirror.

Sticker #2 - Lucky Charm
Once you're outside, talk to the Crazy Old Lady petting your cat. Talk to her to get this next sticker.

Sticker #3 - Trumpet
While you're still outside, go to the Woodworker's shop and interact with the instrument.
Chapter 2 - All 5 Stickers and the 1st Secret Note
Sticker #4 - Hairball
Go downstairs after putting on your clothes and interact with the chest.

Sticker #5 - Broken Toy
Outside the bakery, interact with the box.

Interact with the box again after collecting the sticker inside to pick up the box. Once you have the empty box, go back to your house and go to your room. Use the box on Squinty the cat, leave the room, then re-enter and interact with the box on the floor.

Sticker #6 - Spyglass
In the bakery area, go all the way to the left and interact with the telescope/spyglass looking out over the town.

Sticker #7 - Mysterious Footprints
After picking up the doorknob and going back outside of the farmer's shed, go back into the alley with the hopscotch. Go back near the fence and dialogue will play automatically, rewarding you with a sticker at the end.

Sticker #8 - Puppy
Feed the Woodworker's dog a sandwich.
Chapter 3 - All 3 Stickers
IMPORTANT: There are no secret notes in this chapter. Chapter 4 has one.

Sticker #9 - Depths of the Well
Go to the area in the picture below and pick up the rock. Once you've collected it, go to the well and throw the rock in.

Sticker #10 - Coal's Fur
After freeing Coal (the Woodworker's dog) from his leash, follow him into the forest entrance. After the cutscene interact with the gates.

Sticker #11 - Complicated Padlock
Once you create the grapple to enter Olivia's walled yard, interact with her door.
Chapter 4 - All 6 Stickers and the 2nd Secret Note
Sticker #12 - Big Metal Ruler
Once you have clogged the pipe and made an entrance into the Crazy Old Lady's yard, interact with the middle window.

Sticker #13 - Blue's Drawing
While looking for the other children during hide-and-seek, go back to the farmer's shed where Blue was at in the last chapter. Interact with the paper.

While looking for Blue (still during hide-and-seek), interact with the pile of straw next to the bakery. Go down into the hideout and interact with the back wall.

Sticker #14 - Huge Snail
After completing the puzzle and attempting to trap the little flying creature, release the snail from where you had it stuck before following the creature.

Sticker #15 - Kettle
When you get the symbol from the red vine near the exit to the caves, instead of immediately leaving go to the far left on the same floor and use the symbol on the tree. Move your cursor around until a magnifying glass pops up and click.

Sticker #16 - Hopeful Flower
After you get the third song from the statue in the middle of the clearing, instead of going forward go back along the trail you came. You'll see an indented clearing nearby and to get to it just click on it, your character will travel there on their own. When you reach the new clearing interact with the patch of flowers.

Sticker #17 - Glass Shards
Once you have returned to the village, while in your house go to the cellar. Interact with the shards of glass on the ground.
Chapter 5 - All 3 Stickers and the 3rd Secret Note
Sticker #18 - Doll
When you have returned to the forest and before you use the piece of bark to go down the stream, interact with the tree next to you.

Sticker #19 - Windmill
Click on the giant windmill in the water basin puzzle area.

Sticker #20 - Mysterious Drawings
After the puzzle where you and your new companion have to stand on pressure plates, after entering that cave interact with the wall drawings.

Before you do the final basin puzzle with your new companion, head back to where you flushed out the beehive with water. Go past the statue and into the rocks nearby. There will be a patch of flowers. Climb onto your companion to retrieve the final secret note.

Ending 1 - Children
Choose the Children's Song (first icon) as the final decision.

Ending 2 - Back Home
Choose Mom's Song (second icon) as the final decision.

Ending 3 - Forest Howl
Choose the Song of the Forest (third icon) as the final decision.

Ending 4 - Hope
Choose the Song of the World (fourth icon) as the final decision.
Thanks for Reading!
This is my first time creating a guide! Feedback is greatly appreciated. Feel free to ask questions and I'll do my best to answer or improve this guide.
10 条留言
Abomination72 1 月 18 日 上午 3:44 
Thanks! This helped a lot getting the last few achievements.
sleepwalker 2023 年 10 月 15 日 上午 4:57 
i cant choose a song at the ending whys that?
apoleia [GER] 2023 年 9 月 25 日 上午 10:21 
Thank u so much!!
ddarani 2023 年 9 月 6 日 下午 10:02 
Thank you!
katiogaga 2023 年 7 月 4 日 下午 6:54 
I haven't been able to get the cat as a friend. I guess I'm too nice to the other children? I got Blue during my first playthrough and Black on the second.
Ginger  [作者] 2023 年 1 月 30 日 上午 8:07 
If you're having trouble with the puzzles, I think it's best to watch a video walkthrough so it can properly guide you through it.
milise 2023 年 1 月 30 日 上午 7:32 
thanks for your job but I an't resolve the puzzles, can you halp me please?
Banake 2023 年 1 月 15 日 上午 2:38 
Ginger  [作者] 2023 年 1 月 13 日 上午 6:54 
When I first played I got the cat as a friend, and one thing I did differently was I didn't completely take Blue's side during things. If you take Blue's side completely in dialogue options you'll get the child achievement and if you don't you'll get the cat one. I'll test it again today to be sure!
6ssd 2023 年 1 月 12 日 下午 11:14 
Thanks for the guide! Do you know what conditions are required to get cat/child as a friend as well?