Don't Starve Together

Don't Starve Together

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Items (54)
Modify Items Stack
What changes have I made? 1. For semi-pure players, now your stones/planks can be stacked to the value you set below instead of 20. 2. There are now several stacking caps to choose from: 40 (default) 60 80 99 999 3. Creatures are stackable (enable by defau...
Created by 鱼儿
宝石水晶簇 Gem crystal cluster 目的:因为狗王宝石工厂占用一定运算量,索性定制了一个产出宝石的植株。 purpose: In order to reduce the computation of the dog king gem factory , a gem producing plant was customized. 作用:产出宝石(适中代价) 解锁条件:月岛科技(天体科技) Unlock the conditions: Science and technology on isla...
Hanization Uncompromising Mode
This Mod is only for Chinese who dont understand ENGLISH. 配置汉化请额外订阅 : 配置汉化 本MOD为汉化,请搭配开启原版不妥协MOD,并且:关闭其他不妥协汉化MOD避免冲突 Orige-Uncompromising Mode 感谢郎溪小杰哥的无私贡献,几乎所有的汉化工作都是他完成的。 Q1.为什么订阅了之后配置还是英文的? --因为汉化只做了内容汉化,进入游戏就会体验到所有。 Q2.不妥协版本较新,汉化文件不更新,不会导致游戏崩溃吧? --一般是不...
能力勋章 Functional Medal
Created by 恒子while(1)
Brief Introduction Addition of the Medal System, you can use the cartographer's desk to make various medals. Functional Medal is an extended mod with the theme of "growth". It adds a new type of prop "medal" on the basis of the original game. Different med...
Created by 小穹永不败北
特别鸣谢风雪、梧桐大佬提供的代码帮助,感谢风铃草大佬的代码帮助。 代码:小穹永不败北、null 画师:奇怪的萌新、凌子 (ps:有BUG可以评论区反馈 ) 请在开启小穹模组后再开启本模组,由于图版原因,不兼容裙子图层,不兼容部分小穹皮肤,会出现穿模现象。 本mod的功能包括宝石制作,梦之系列,花嫁系列。 注:各个系列都有开关可以控制,花嫁物品设置了升级开关,升级难度可以进行调整,花嫁套装效果可以进行调整,不喜欢的可以关掉 详细介绍见维基
Hanization Mod Config options
本地模组 ! 本地模组 ! 本地模组 ! 本地模组 ! 包括有: 永不妥协 Heap of Food 感谢不笑猫,不明情况的白...
Created by 小瑾
新增!!:可自定义修改物品最大清理阈值!! 能够把掉落物自动堆叠,同时定期清理服务器。改自workshop=1216718131 清理机制:以腐烂食物为例:假设整个世界有5组腐烂食物,他们各自的堆叠数量为(1,6,18,40,40),清理过程会将5组腐烂食物清理至2组,至于删除哪3组,随机。 所以服务器会清理的东西如果想不被清理掉: 一定要放箱子里或者随手做个背包扔地上放背包里!!! 一定要放箱子里或者随手做个背包扔地上放背包里!!! 一定要放箱子里或者随手做个背包扔地上放背包里!!! 奴役熊大、巨鹿、森林...
Created by 奇怪的萌新
3维显示错误 是 “显示bug”药水 的效果,是buff不是bug...
Created by 奇怪的萌新
部分内容被搬迁到龙蝇客栈扩展包 药水,卷轴,法术等 扩展包可以单独运行 旧档生成龙岛的方法 打开控制台 到海上,找个空的地方 控制台输入 require "debugcommands"d_spawnlayout("龙岛") 这时候没有地皮,站上去会掉海里 保存,读档,地皮就有了 可能会导致岛上的传送岩浆池无法使用 mod介绍页面
Created by Shang
在简单经济学(魔改)mod上二次魔改添加物品: 能力勋章mod中的 时空宝石=50000 时空碎片=5000 时空灵石=1000 奇幻降临mod中的 灵能碎片=2000 扭结:降临=2000 灵能线轴:重构=4000 小狐狸mod中的哆啦A梦的四次元口袋=999999 小穹mod中的风铃花=20000...
Aria Crystal (Rebuild)
Created by 应急预案
Sorry I am poor in English, the following introduction is for reference only. As the original author is busy with work and has no time and energy to continue to update mod, I will continue to make and update this mod. Original mod:
Created by 夜歌
仅仅是把全面加强的树精加强移除了 仅此而已...
Bug tracker
Created by 老王天天写bug
More detailed crash logs. This mod is fully localized, but now I haven't finished writing the English version of the document, please wait patiently. What Bug tracker does? This mod helps you quickly locate the crash point.
[DST]Totooria Helmold
Created by 柴柴Chai-Chai Stats: Initial is fragile, 150 hungry, 200 sanity, 75 health Damage = Wendy Can Read LevelUP: Exp upgrade ...
[DST]Global positioning system
Server version full map location,Use small memory, priority server. author/作者:诸天明月 雪儿 服务器版全图定位,占内存小,优先服务器,只调用指南针代码,官方建筑错位不背锅,因为我这里只影响人物的地图图片而不是建筑图片。...
[DST] Performance Pack
Created by coco
介绍 用于提高游戏的流畅度,极大降低游戏进程所占用的CPU资源(500天以上存档至少降低30%) 本地存档,云服务器均可启用,包括没开洞穴的本地存档也可以启用 是否还需要开启其他优化Mod 本Mod已集成几种原创的优化方式,并添加了主流的清理和堆叠功能。若没有其他特殊优化需求,仅使用本Mod即可 效果有多少 极端情况下,如果有大量生物和杂物处于加载范围,对比没启用前,性能增幅可能超过数倍 通常情况下很容易观察到性能的提升,因为单地面可以容纳更多的玩家而不会卡顿 启用后可以有效防止卡顿,即使发生卡顿,也能阻止...
[DST] Legion
Created by ti_Tout
Mod encyclopedia This mod's exclusive introduction website, which details all aspects of it. address: Author's words If you find a bug, I hope you can tell me in detail, I'll fix it as soon ...
[API] Gem Core
Created by Zarklord
Version 5.1.45 Library of powerful modding tools for mod developers. Visit Gem Core Wiki for API info For bug reports and feature requests go to the Gem Core Issues Page page and create a issue documenting your bug/feature request. Contribute to this mod o...
Cherry Forest
Created by ADM Follow and help us on Ko-fi to support our creative work ♥️ Almost daily uploads of sketches, videos and in-dev mods to try out early All donations and memberships allow us to continue and provide you all with more > https://...
Created by MySora
修改过的官方人物动画包 主要是调整了hair和hair_hat图层的顺序 已知bug:加入游戏后再返回主页面时 会导致皮肤界面人物不显示...
Created by zyoz100
自用,涉及穹 托托莉 太真 神话 成就商店 大虫子(虚空恐惧)卡尼猫 大狐狸的增强修改 具体可参见设置界面。 侵权删除对应修改。...
ActionQueue RB2 (RWYS supported)
Created by null
This version of ActionQueue Reborn updates eXiGe's version to add basic support for the Reap What You Sow update. Added features include: * Fix for lureplant (right click TAKEITEM) * Planting seeds on farm soil (PLANTSOIL) * Tending to plants (INTERACT_WIT...
Aerial View
Created by ????
It's very useful for screenshot. Enhance camera. Press hotkey:Hide or Show HUD. Press hotkey:change your camera. Thanks to the MOD shared by HeiAZBZ
Achievements and Level System
Created by Lavax
This mod is no longer updated Go Here to the new version: Introduction Unlock achievements throughout gameplay to collect achievement points. Exchange points for permanent buffs via the user...
[TMIP]Too Many Items Plus
Created by Tendy
Stop maintenance 2021.12.10 Git repo: Too Many Items Plus Version: Allows you to spawn any item you want and more powerful features. You must be a Admin to use this. Press (T) to open spawn menu. Left Cli...
[yuyuyui] SONOKO NOGI [乃木园子]
Created by 乃木鸽子
-乃木園子は勇者である- ·代码:eatMew、灵衣女王的傲娇鬼铠 ·绘画:魔法少女唐间竹子 ·监督:乃木鸽子 ·英译:狗咸狗
Upgradeable Chest
Created by CCappu
upgrade your chest with boards. Larger content, same space. Woddie and Lucy rate this 5 stars. Q&A How Can I Upgrade? 1. Put at least 1 upgrade material in all the outermost slots. 2. Close the container. Degrade: 1. Clear your chest 2. Put 1 hammer into t...
Boss Indicators
Created by Ryuu
Tired of chasing after bosses or want to know if they're near? Then look no further. What this mod does This mod adds a player-like indicator to bosses to know if they're lurking around, so that you can go and smack them in their face - or run away from th...
Boss collection (can adjust health, attack, drop, size, and monster growth over time)
Created by 菜菜菜
如果你喜欢这个mod那就点个赞吧!可以让更多人看到这个mod bug 意见 反馈Q群 917979244 1.改变BOSS的血量(以倍数来计算,支持0.2-8倍,需要更多的请直接修改数值,默认血量不变) 2.改变BOSS的攻击(以倍数来计算,支持0.2-3倍,需要更多的请直接修改数值,默认攻击不变) 3.改变BOSS的攻击范围(以倍数来计算,支持0.2-3倍,需要更多的请直接修改数值,默认攻击范围不变) 4.增加BOSS的掉落物(0代表不变,0.2代表20%的概率掉落第二份奖励,1代表100%掉落俩份奖励,...
Combined Status
Created by rezecib
Supports all versions of Don't Starve (Vanilla, Reign of Giants, Shipwrecked, Hamlet, Don't Starve Together). You can also download from GitHub, although that won't auto-update for you. (code contributions also welcome via GitHub) This mod enhances the HUD...
Craft Pot [DS, ROG, SW, DST]
Created by IvanX
Client mod that adds intuitive cook assisting interface to crock pot. Doesn't matter what server you join, modded crock pots, modded recipes, this mod serves them all on a plate and helps you cook whatever your heart desires by displaying the exact recipe....
Extra Equip Slots (Modified)
Created by Magic
Big thanks to xVars for the original mod: Big thanks to The Jobs for the idea of rendering Armor and Backpack: This fork is b...
Fast Travel (GUI)
Created by SoraYuki
Description the original author is Isosurface. Build a fast travel network and travel instantly from sign post to sign post. Introduction 1. pop destination select dialog when right click on homesign. About Bugs please provide details: screenshot, log file...
Geometric Placement
Created by rezecib
Compatible with all versions of the game (Vanilla, Reign of Giants, Shipwrecked, Don't Starve Together-- separately listed on the Single-player workshop). You can also find it on the Klei Forums Snaps objects to a grid when placing and displays a build gri...
Crockpot Repeater
Created by Electroely
Lets you repeat the last crockpot recipe you did by pressing the "Cook" button while the crockpot is empty. Holding CTRL when opening a crockpot lets you instantly cook the last recipe you cooked. Also works for Warly's Portable Seasoning Station. For cont...
Uncompromising Mode
Created by Scrimbles Uncompromising Mode increases the risk and reward for Don't Starve Together. Uncompromising Mode (often shortened to "Uncomp" or "UM") was created with the goal of revitalizing the difficulty of DST. The mod adds randomness,...
Tropical Experience | SW HAM Biomes : From Beyond
Created by vagnerdarochasantos
join our discord: Join Now THIS MOD NOT NEED MORE COMPLEMENTS AND THIS MOD IS NOT COMPATIBLE WITH OTHERS MODS. The Tropical Experience mod adds content from every DLC ever released on Don't Starve to Don't Starve Together, as well as adding event content a...
JiShaGongGao - DIYb [DST]怪物击杀公告 Boss出现公告
Created by Shang
Sorry! This mod language into Chinese. =.= Temporarily does not support other languages. 如果你喜欢这个,请点赞,谢谢! 为了回应评论里的要求,困难模式功能已删除 查看玩家坐标推荐一个mod:Coordinate 修改内容如下: 海象、座狼、钢羊、电羊、蜘蛛女王和各大Boss的击杀公告。 各大Boss、赃物袋出现公告以及坐标位置。 威洛遭受攻击,攻击者会自燃,不可被点燃者除外。 格罗姆出现公告以及坐标位置,再也不担心错过...
Gesture Wheel
Created by rezecib
Adds a wheel selection interface for emotes, making it easier to emote. By default, the hotkey is set to G (but you can configure it in the mod config options). Holding G will bring up the gesture wheel, then moving your mouse in a particular direction wil...
Myth Characters-神话人物
Characters here! Welcome to the Myth Characters mod. Hello survivors, welcome to our world, may the spirits be with you… For our world is filled with many dangers, many challenges, all waiting for you. Will you choose to enjoy the beautiful sights, lounge ...
New Achievements (reburn)
Created by 孤独的根号三
If you encounter issues, please disable other mods and enable this mod alone to confirm if the issue is due to conflicts. Issue feedback + multiplayer team car group QQ: 130838626 【MOD Description】 Achievements and Levels: Added new content and achievement...
No Danger No Rich
Created by 某幻想家
简介 当鼠标上出现了什么奇怪的动作时,此时危险离你已经很近了,也意味着机遇的来临 声明 模组发布获得原作者完整授权,所上传的版本为原4.2.1中除“心情”设定以外的全部内容。 现上传者曾主要负责介绍页内容的维护,没什么模组经验,后面模组的更新和维护还需要经过学习和磨练,还望海涵。 意见反馈 新建了模组交流群(QQ:701291170),欢迎反馈意见或建议。 相关内容  介绍页 :网页由 朋也 搭建,内容由 某幻想家 维护(火鸡看了都说好)  DST-MOD Wiki :写在风铃的wiki上,请维护者联系我一...
No Twiggy Tree
Created by Tendy
Turn twiggy tree into sapling....
Mute Noise
All options need to be turned on manually to take effect. Compatibility Most Annoying Flies Friendly Fruit Fly Glommer Menu Pets Hunger Cry Sawhorse Ambience Bird Trap Celestial Orb Craft Menu Dwarf Star & Polar Light Fire Consuming Shadow Hand Insane & En...
Sword of PastJoys
Created by Valley Dude
“Sword of PastJoys” created based on DST mod “辞欢” the mod adds abundant configurations that player can manually set, and meanwhile it decreases the difficulty for level up of the sword. Hope you enjoy Sword of PastJoys :) current version: 0.0.2 contact: Ev...
Status Announcements
Created by rezecib
How it works ALT(+SHIFT)+click parts of the HUD to announce their status ("I'm wounded!", "I have 2 twigs.", "We need more drying racks."). For controllers, the announce buttons show up on the HUD when in Inventory or Crafting mode. (SHIFT is needed for in...
Created by MySora
恨穹不是妹,恨妹不成穹! 初始属性很差,但随着等级上升可以获得大量属性。 交流群号: 619059773 这是一个很不适合单人游玩的人物,建议拉上自己的小伙伴一起玩。 如果你对这个人物足够了解的话,也可以尝试挑战独自游玩。 码师:Fl 策划:凤栖 画师:魔法少女唐间竹子(人物贴图) Copyright 2022 。此产品仅授权在 Steam 和WeGame平台指定账户下, Steam平台:MySora 模组ID:workshop-1638724235 WeGame平台: 穹の空 模组ID:workshop-...
Snapping tills
Created by surg
Aligns plowing to the grid. LeftShift + RightMouseClick: Launch auto tilling on tile. Key "L": Toggle snap modes, off/optimized/4x4/3x3/2x2/hexagon. Optimized mode checks for an adjacent soil tile, if not found adjacent soil tile then uses 4x4 else uses 3x...
Show Me(中文)
Created by 傳說󰀘覺悟
For modules used by your own server, please move to the original author's module,For use and rewards, please go to: 自用,请勿搬运WeGame 就是Show Me(Origin)一样,将未能正确显示中文的修正,并兼容部分模组显示; showme v0.59.9.5 ...
Sea2land Fork
Created by 󰀉 NoMu
2022年6月2日更新(Update on 2022/06/02) - 修改填海叉的贴图和动画为金色叉子 - Change the images of the sea2land fork. - 增加地皮选项,可以根据需要填出虚空、浅海、中海、深海等。注意!更换海洋地皮需要应用填海造陆重新载入后才能看得出来! - Add a spinner for users to change the turf. =======================================================...
Setpiece Config Revisited
Created by CheetoJesus
Add setpieces to your worldgen! Credits to original source code goes to Joeshmocoolstuff, mod here: Setpiece Config is a mod that allows for setpieces to be generated consistently at time of ...
Simple Health Bar DST
Created by DYC
Click for DS Version Click for OLD Version if the new one crashed A simple health bar! It will be displayed in the combat status automatically. (It will not be displayed when the game is just loaded !!!!!!!!!!!! don't tell me the mod no longer works becaus...
Smart Minisign
救救孩子的英语吧 go die! You have to learn to draw by yourself! 1.1.4 Support Skin (Can be disabled in the settings) 1.1.1 Update Now can draw spiced foods. 1....