Stormworks: Build and Rescue

Stormworks: Build and Rescue

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Secure Integrated Navigation System
Vehicles: Air, Sea, Creative, Land
Tags: v1.6.11
File Size
663.728 KB
7 Jan, 2023 @ 5:58pm
17 Jan, 2023 @ 10:06am
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Secure Integrated Navigation System

In 1 collection by McLaren2009
McLaren2009's Radio Based Communication, Navigation, and Avionics Systems
20 items
This is a significantly improved version of my earlier Integrated Navigation System. It has multiple displays for different communication, sensory, and navigational equipment each with fully functional touch controls. The system is much easier to use, setup, and install. It has a GPS map display, a digital clock, an IFF (Identify Friend or Foe) transponder, a working Tactical Air Navigation (TACAN) system, a RADAR system, an emergency beacon locator, a distress beacon, and built in encryption systems for both the transponder and the TACAN systems. The touch controls are combined with the screen selection system allowing the same buttons to be used for different functions for different systems. All of the buttons are labelled but they may need some context to fully understand them.

The root display is the map display and it has buttons to zoom in and out on the map. The second display is the data for the GPS system along with the controls and indicator for the distress beacon system. The third display is for the IFF system. It has buttons to switch between 9 ID settings that correspond with preset frequencies for the transmitting antenna, buttons to set the encryption key, and buttons to control the transmitter itself. Mode A transmits the vehicle's ID number, Mode B transmits the vehicle's grid coordinates, Mode C transmits the vehicle's current altitude, and the TX button activates the transmitter to send the selected types of data through the antenna. The fourth display is for the TACAN system. It has buttons to set the transmit and receiving frequencies for the system, set the encryption key, and activate the system's transmitting antenna. The fifth and final screen is for the built in RADAR system. It has a single button to activate the RADAR transmitter.

The GPS system allows you to determine your exact location in the game world, you current heading, current altitude, shows your location on the map, and also allows you to find emergency beacons activated by other characters/players as well as activate your own distress beacon. The IFF system allows you to communicate and coordinate with other similarly equipped vehicles. The TACAN system allows you to setup a network of radio navigation stations around the game world and use the stations to guide you to a given destination. The RADAR system allows you to find other vehicles using a RADAR antenna attached to the vehicle. The encryption system has been scaled down to only have enough channels to encode the systems connected to this system. It uses a very basic substitution cipher to replace up to 6 digits (positive or negative) with another digit from pre-made tables of values. It both encrypts outgoing data and decrypts incoming data. It prevents your location information from being intercepted and used against you by masking the data and making it mostly useless.

What you will need to use the system:

- Fairly Large Micro-controller
- 1 3x2 Monitor
- 1 Instrument Panel
- - Indicator on channel 1 (IFF TX Active)
- - Flip switch on channel 2 (System Power)
- - Indicator on channel 3 (TACAN TX Active)
- - Indicator on channel 4 (RADAR Active)
- 1 RADAR antenna ideally set to rotate clockwise
- 4 Radio antennae
- 1 GPS sensor
- 1 Compass sensor
- 1 Clock sensor
- 1 Altimeter
- 1 Beacon detector
- 1 Emergency beacon
- 1 Buzzer
- Electricity and a vehicle to mount it all on

* To use the encryption key for the IFF transponder you must have a vehicle with both my Advanced IFF Transponder (ATC Side) and my Secure Data Transceiver connected to every antenna for the system.

Button Key:
- Universal
- - < = Previous Screen
- - > = Next Screen (Resets back to screen 1 at end of cycle)
- - Number on bottom of the screen is current time
- - Words on top of the screen are the labels for the current screen

- GPS1
- - Z = Map Zoom In/Out

- GPS2
- - BL = Beacon Locator
- - DB = Distress Beacon
* Both the beacon locator and distress beacon are connected to the buzzer and a red box appearing around the central information screen.

- - I = Identification Number Select
- - K = Encryption Key Select
- - - Increase button turns red when the key is active (>0)
- - MA = Transmit Mode A (ID Only)
- - MB = Transmit Mode B (GPS Coordinates Only)
- - MC = Transmit Mode C (Altitude Only)
- - TX = IFF Transmitter Power (Requires at least one mode to be active to transmit any information)

- - R = Receiver Frequency Select
- - K = Encryption Key Select
- - - Increase button turns red when the key is active (>0)
- - T = Transmitter Frequency Select
- - TX = TACAN Transmitter Power

- - RA = RADAR Antenna Activation
- - Z+ = Zoom In (250m)
- - Z- = Zoom Out (Increments of 250m out to 1500m)
* The red number in the top right corner is the current view distance divided by 10 to fit on the display