Don't Starve Together

Don't Starve Together

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Items (34)
Created by 󰀘小苏打󰀍
功能 普通淡水鱼竿: 自动钓鱼 自动装备鱼竿 自动做鱼竿(身上有材料) 玻璃钓竿(能力勋章的内容): 自动钓鱼 自动装备鱼竿(优先级比淡水鱼竿高) 身上带有蜘蛛丝时自动补充耐久 自动根据当前钓鱼的池塘填充鱼饵 如果鱼塘里面没鱼了,则自动切换附近的鱼塘,如果附近没其他鱼塘则重新钓鱼,检测时间间隔为游戏内的半天,即半天没上钩则重新钓鱼 源代码迁移自小白客户端合集mod:
Created by kuluopai󰀍
🔎 初版MOD传送门:ActionQueue Reborn 🔍 🔎 改版MOD传送门:ActionQueue RB2 (RWYS supported) 🔍 🔎 二更MOD传送门:ActionQueue RB2 (RWYS supported) 🔍 🔎列队行为RB2🔍 🔎模组ID:2199027653598535560🔍 自用,仅供学习与参考(原mod来源steam;后续更新mod来源WeGame) mod介绍 搬运自Steam,原mod名《ActionQueueRB2》,原Steam模组地址:https://...
ActionQueue RB2 (RWYS supported)
Created by null
This version of ActionQueue Reborn updates eXiGe's version to add basic support for the Reap What You Sow update. Added features include: * Fix for lureplant (right click TAKEITEM) * Planting seeds on farm soil (PLANTSOIL) * Tending to plants (INTERACT_WIT...
Auto Cooking
Created by Tony
GitHub Repo (check out README if you wanna make supports for modded cookwares): Usage To start auto cooking: Choose an Integrated Key in the mod settings Put the materials in to a cookware (cookpot, seasoning st...
Auto Fish
Created by 小白白
Automatic fishing, picking fish/自动钓鱼、捡鱼、杀鱼。 2020-09-21 更新杀鱼功能现在可以配合捡鱼自动杀鱼了/ Update the function of killing fish. Now it can be used to kill fish automatically 2021-07-15 修正杀鱼功能 嗯....应该是没问题的,我测试没有多大问题。...
Auto-Unequip on 1%
Created by spongebob elopants
Klei Forums: Client mod. Automatically unequips your magiluminescence upon reaching 1% durability to prevent it from breaking. Feature also applies to similar equippables such as eyebr...
Burning Timer
Created by Viktor
This mod displays a timer above burning objects or any campfire telling you the exact time until the fire goes out. No Lag: This mod won't affect your ingame FPS (if it starts lagging, the server will become unplayable on its own since the lag coming from ...
Celestial HUD
Created by Koary
Celestial themed HUD for Don't Starve Together Current HUDs: • Crafting Tabs, Skin Container • Chests, Chester and Hutch • Sanity, Hunger, Health and Enlightenment • Wet Meter, Beaverness Meter, Boat Meter and Abigail Meter • Age Meter • Clocks, Temperatur...
Combined Status
Created by rezecib
Supports all versions of Don't Starve (Vanilla, Reign of Giants, Shipwrecked, Hamlet, Don't Starve Together). You can also download from GitHub, although that won't auto-update for you. (code contributions also welcome via GitHub) This mod enhances the HUD...
Connection Manager
Created by 秋水
本MOD可以用来配置和保存你的直连选项,不用再手动调用"c_connect()"来手动输入ip进行直连,支持简体中文、繁体中文和英文。 A MOD to manage your direct connect project. Instructions for using the English version are in the file directory "How to use.txt". 使用方法: 1.直连按钮位于主菜单界面左下角,点击它可以进入连接面板,然后进行连接项目的增删、配置等等,点击该项...
Don't Starve Alone
Created by 老王天天写bug
Don't Starve Alone is a mod which can completely eliminate the lag of cave worlds for single player. Intro (Thanks Thobeo20vn for translation) This mod cave/surface run base of player location, if you are in the surface, cave server will stop and if you ar...
Drop your lantern on the ground by pressing k
Created by 󰀛Baku
Immediately drop a lantern from your inventory. Configuration Options: •Drop Key - Key to press to drop lantern (Default Key: K)...
Eyeplant Prediction
Created by Bill ee󰀢
Have you ever wondered how to set up a lureplant-grass farm without sadly blocking all eyeplants from spawning? Give this mod a try! The plant will be blocked if there's something in the ring. Latest 1.7 1) Added wildfire range indicator 2) Added in-game k...
Created by 💖gznc💖
Client side. Calculating farming pair. Press K to start. Don't forget rating me!...
Geometric Placement
Created by rezecib
Compatible with all versions of the game (Vanilla, Reign of Giants, Shipwrecked, Don't Starve Together-- separately listed on the Single-player workshop). You can also find it on the Klei Forums Snaps objects to a grid when placing and displays a build gri...
Gesture Wheel
Created by rezecib
Adds a wheel selection interface for emotes, making it easier to emote. By default, the hotkey is set to G (but you can configure it in the mod config options). Holding G will bring up the gesture wheel, then moving your mouse in a particular direction wil...
Lazy Controls
Created by Tony
The description is kinda out dated, for more info, please check out the Change Notes Features Attack the lureplant(used to attack lureplant while wearing the bone helm) Auto Re-Equip Weapons Fish Killer Repeat Dropping Shift + double right click the item t...
Lightning Rod Range Indicator
Created by BakaSchwarz ---- NEW: Controller support! This mod shows you the range of your lightning rod when you build it, when you click on it (for 30 seconds) and when you place something or use the pitchfork. ---- This mod works client side and...
Minimap HUD
Created by squeek.
Adds a minimap to the HUD The minimap is fully functional; it can be zoomed using the zoom map binds (defaulted to the mousewheel) and can be panned by clicking and dragging. The minimap can be collapsed by hovering over it and clicking the "Close Minimap"...
Nightmare phase indicator
Created by surg
Client-side mod. Indicator shows current nightmare phase and time left. Status Announcements mod supported. In settings, you can set: 1) Position indicator on the screen. 2) Position timer relative to the indicator. 3) Position phase name relative to the i...
Created by DQ
这版本删除了方向键调整相机FOV的功能。对熔炉玩家友好 添加更多按键选择 自用 侵删 原作者链接: - 使用说明: 1. 按下 F9 在默认视角、高空视角、俯视视角间切换; 2. 按下 F10 隐藏/显示游戏HUD; 3. 按下 F11 隐藏/显示自身角色; 4. 按下 O 将视角固定到鼠标指针所在的实体上; 5. 按下 P 将视角固定到鼠标指针所在的位置上; 6. 按下 R 将...
Place Statues
Created by Tranoze
10/7 control rework: Press R to enable precision walking (auto enable if you carry a statue). Left click while precision walking enabled to walk to position Press Z to drop statue to current place you standing. Press Ctr+P to change type of drop Press Ctr+...
Mute Noise
All options need to be turned on manually to take effect. Compatibility Most Annoying Flies Friendly Fruit Fly Glommer Menu Pets Hunger Cry Sawhorse Ambience Bird Trap Celestial Orb Craft Menu Dwarf Star & Polar Light Fire Consuming Shadow Hand Insane & En...
Show Nicknames (Client)
Created by star
It shows nicknames over players. CLIENT mod! Forge compatible. Gorge compatible....
Skin Queue
Forums Link: Lets you queue up items to weave or unravel instead of having to wait each time. Also has an 'Unravel All Duplicates' button as a bonus feature. I made this because I didn't like...
Snapping tills
Created by surg
Aligns plowing to the grid. LeftShift + RightMouseClick: Launch auto tilling on tile. Key "L": Toggle snap modes, off/optimized/4x4/3x3/2x2/hexagon. Optimized mode checks for an adjacent soil tile, if not found adjacent soil tile then uses 4x4 else uses 3x...
Snow Tile Disabler
Created by CarlZalph
Copyright 2016-2023 "CarlZalph". This item is not authorized for posting on Steam, except under the Steam account named CarlZalph. Removes the snow for performance/logistical reasons. You may find Weather FX Disabler to be useful. Mod config settings and t...
Status Announcements (NoMu)
Created by 󰀉 NoMu
2023/03/25更新说明 介绍视频: - 常用语 - Show Me模组和智能锅模组联动 - 更多细致和有趣的宣告 - 自定义宣告 - 修改自“快捷宣告 - Shang 完美汉化”( - 兼容新版本的制作栏 - 只保留简体中文 - 对于同Prefab但显示名称不同的物品,宣告数量时分别计算...
Toggle Lag Compensation
Created by Super Jump
With this MOD, you can toggle lag compensation more conveniently without opening settings screen. Update log: fix the bug that does not display the switch status in chat messages, add more selectable keys (A-Z, 0-9, F1·F12)...
[TMIP]Too Many Items Plus
Created by Tendy
Stop maintenance 2021.12.10 Git repo: Too Many Items Plus Version: Allows you to spawn any item you want and more powerful features. You must be a Admin to use this. Press (T) to open spawn menu. Left Cli...
Wagstaff Tool Info
Created by winder bear
Have trouble collecting Restrained Statics? Be tired of figure out every tool' name? This mod will help you. This is a client mod.When Wagstaff need a tool, its' picture will appear above him. (This mod show tools' picture depending on what Wagstaff says i...
Wendy 小惊吓辅助 小惊喜
Created by Shang
如果你喜欢并推荐使用,请点一个让更多人发现并用上! 本模组为Wendy重做,哀悼荣耀收集辅助,协助小惊吓辅助寻找丢失玩具。 当靠近小惊吓的玩具时,会在脚下生成箭头指向 + 圆圈,玩家脚下箭头指引玩具方向。 Ps.本模组因从生存辅助中分离复制出来的代码,因此不能与生存辅助模组同时启用。 如有问题也可以QQ留言:646469067 或者QQ群:154768151 验证码:天伤酱 本mod视频介绍:小惊吓辅助mod介绍 记得点赞+关注哦! 可关注我的其他账号: 天伤酱主站空间ID:16764319 天伤酱直播房间...
Show Oceanfish
Created by 豌豆射手
This is client mod The text displayed is your local language. Show the names of ocean fish. It allows to set the text size and vertical offset, and supports the setting of color text for season fish schools. It is allowed to use the hotkey to switch the di...
Ocean Fishing
Created by coco
Famine's sea fishing system is a branch of the marine system. Originally it should be a very pleasant thing to go fishing, but due to the variety of baits in the sea fishing system, different fish have different preferences for various baits, and some fish...