Don't Starve Together

Don't Starve Together

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Items (108)
[大狐狸][Millennium Fox][WhaRang]
MOD支持英文(仅部分),在MOD设置里设置语言。 Mod support English (only part), set the language in mod settings. 欢迎大家加入饥荒交流QQ群:693602866 第一贡献者:千年狐作者 JinYering 前言:刚入坑的时候就一直玩千年狐,很喜欢这个人物,但那时候千年狐作者还没出联机版,所以16年的时候就开始做这个MOD,但只在贴吧跟群里发过,现在发现千年狐好久没更新了,可能不会再更新了吧,不希望这个人物就此消逝,所以就发上来了,希望别...
娜娜奇 修复
Created by
原模组: 修复制造栏没有帐篷的bug,现在在“建筑”和“冒险家物品”中都可以找到 版权归原作者所有,侵删 有bug请留言...
Created by 不笑猫
汉化musha配置界面 汉化三合一配置界面...
Hanization Uncompromising Mode
This Mod is only for Chinese who dont understand ENGLISH. 配置汉化请额外订阅 : 配置汉化 本MOD为汉化,请搭配开启原版不妥协MOD,并且:关闭其他不妥协汉化MOD避免冲突 Orige-Uncompromising Mode 感谢郎溪小杰哥的无私贡献,几乎所有的汉化工作都是他完成的。 Q1.为什么订阅了之后配置还是英文的? --因为汉化只做了内容汉化,进入游戏就会体验到所有。 Q2.不妥协版本较新,汉化文件不更新,不会导致游戏崩溃吧? --一般是不...
生物加强(Monster strengthened)
Created by ★清流★
加强大部分的敌对生物(Strengthen most hostile creatures),后续会加上额外的掉落物品 BOSS:龙蝇,熊大,巨鹿,鹿角鹅,小鸭子,远古守护者,蜂后,蛤蟆,毒蛤蟆,蜘蛛女王,树精,座狼,钢羊,海象 生物:大象,高脚鸟,触手,鱼人,蠕虫,疯猪,小蜘蛛,蜘蛛战士,白蜘蛛,洞穴蜘蛛,喷吐蜘蛛,狗,冰狗,火狗 boss:dragonfly,bearger,deerclops,moose,mossling,minotaur,beequeen,toadstool,toadstool dar...
能力勋章 Functional Medal
Created by 恒子while(1)
Brief Introduction Addition of the Medal System, you can use the cartographer's desk to make various medals. Functional Medal is an extended mod with the theme of "growth". It adds a new type of prop "medal" on the basis of the original game. Different med...
花样风滚草 Interesting Tumbleweed
Created by 恒子while(1)
花样风滚草,也可以叫作“四次元风滚草”,为风滚草增加了更多的可能性。 推荐玩法:少资源模式,除了风滚草外,将其他资源均调成无,一切资源均靠风滚草,考验人品的时候到啦~ -----新增属性----- 幸运值: 1.每个人在加入世界时都会获得50点初始幸运值,幸运值将决定你从风滚草中开出好东西或者坏东西的概率。 2.幸运值的上限为100,下限为0。幸运值越高,开出好东西的几率越大;幸运值越低,开出怪物的几率越大。 3.默认情况下,每开一个风滚草,幸运值会下降一点,当然也可以通过mod设置界面设置游戏难度来控制下...
Created by 尼给鲁哒哟
details of this mod(I believe your browser can translate Chinese )-> (Cuz it's too trouble to upload pictures to workshop, content after update will in the url too. my English is poor, so, you know…… https://steamuse...
Created by 奇怪的萌新
3维显示错误 是 “显示bug”药水 的效果,是buff不是bug...
Created by 奇怪的萌新
部分内容被搬迁到龙蝇客栈扩展包 药水,卷轴,法术等 扩展包可以单独运行 旧档生成龙岛的方法 打开控制台 到海上,找个空的地方 控制台输入 require "debugcommands"d_spawnlayout("龙岛") 这时候没有地皮,站上去会掉海里 保存,读档,地皮就有了 可能会导致岛上的传送岩浆池无法使用 mod介绍页面
🌍组合状态[最新/中文]-Combined Status
Created by kuluopai󰀍
🔎 原作者模组传送门:《Combined Status 》🔍 🔎 淘气值必须搭配Insight使用:《Insight (Show Me+)》 🔍 “组合状态”“综合状态”“状态显示”《Combined Status》《显示三维》《三维显示》《三维》《季节时钟》《显示季节》《季节》《更多状态》《状态栏》 原作者模组传送门:/n 自用,仅供学习与参考【汉化者:zhonger】 模组介绍...
Action Queue(DST)
Created by xiaoXzzz
Original author: simplex. I do update it for the DST.Client only mod.Allows queueing a sequence of actions (such as chopping, mining, etc.) by selecting targets within a bounding box, holding SHIFT. If after doing the select, the character loop in one acti...
ActionQueue RB2 (RWYS supported)
Created by null
This version of ActionQueue Reborn updates eXiGe's version to add basic support for the Reap What You Sow update. Added features include: * Fix for lureplant (right click TAKEITEM) * Planting seeds on farm soil (PLANTSOIL) * Tending to plants (INTERACT_WIT...
Created by fais0n
dig and transplant : reeds cactus oasis cactus mushroom lichen cave flower cave banana tree wormlight plant ...
Created by 💖gznc💖
Auto cleaning and stacking....
Asakiri the Cyborg
Created by 早雾 (Trailer) Chapter 1, Titanium Will. Detailed descriptions on the way. English version available in the mod configuration page. Thought you found it LOL Thanks for playing. Dodge & Rush, please try ALT button whi...
Auto Stack and Pick Up
This mod gives you MANY settings for automatically stacking or picking up newly spawned and manually dropped stackable items. By 'automatically stacking' I mean that if an item is spawned (e.g., loot from monsters or workables, like trees) or it is manuall...
Created by Longunis
I'm not familiar with English, so the following is machine translation. (Please forgive me if there are any errors) pet enhancement puppy When the puppy is not hungry, it increases the attack of its owner by 15% kitten When the kitten is not hungry, increa...
Black☆Rock Shooter
Created by Tirimiru
Black☆Rock Shooter! If you'd just like to play her as a regular character (with none of her weapons), read no further! Link below we've just implemented the Insane Black Rock Shooter as of tod...
Bronya - Dimension Breaker
Created by 宵征
Art: 魔法少女唐间竹子 Code:宵征 ------------------------------------------------- Add some feature for seele MOD: When seele MOD is enabled: 1. Supply crate will drop seele's item. 2. All Bronya can read book now. 3. Bronya will get 10 exp when eating beet soup. 4. ...
Created by 柴柴Chai-Chai
———————————————————————————————————— Carney is on her trip has flexible combat skills walking and eating fish make her upgrade,no upper limit can craft useful hat,dagger and backpack ——Even I died,the Death...
Created by 旺仔
Carney is on her trip has flexible combat skills walking and eating fish make her upgrade, no upper limit can craft useful hat,dagger and backpack even I died,the Death can't stop me from upgrading ...
Cherry Forest
Created by ADM
The Beetlegale is back again ! Happy bug hunting 🦋 Follow and help us on Ko-fi to support our creative work ♥️ Almost daily uploads of sketches, videos and in-dev mods to try out early All donations and memberships allow us ...
Chinese Language Pack(中文语言包)
Created by L.Yun
饥荒联机简繁汉化Mod。 Simplified Chinese and traditional Chinese language pack. 请将游戏的“Small Textures(小型纹理)”设置为“禁用”! Please set the "Small Textures" options to "Disabled".!!! 将steam语言偏好修改为中文或点我获取详细的中文版Mod描述。 By L.M.U~...
Chinese Plus
Created by Skull
中文增强 Do Not Use This. Only for chinese! If you want to know what this mod do. Just make the game support Chinese better. Nothing else. If you want to see more content, please change your display language. Thanks....
Created by EvenMr
This is an optimizer for chinese language translations. For modders who needs Chinese modinfo for globalization Just provide a translated modinfo_chs.lua(Simplified Chinese) and/or modinfo_cht.lua(Traditional Chinese) in the same folder as modinfo.lua, the...
Classic Giant's Health
Created by star
Classic health of giants (boss monsters) by default! Configurable. You are able to nerf stats of Lavae. Server side (for host or dedicated server). Dragonfly has 27500 hp by default in DST. Yes, dragon has 27 000 hp!! This mod lets you to change that. Bear...
Combined Status
Created by rezecib
Supports all versions of Don't Starve (Vanilla, Reign of Giants, Shipwrecked, Hamlet, Don't Starve Together). You can also download from GitHub, although that won't auto-update for you. (code contributions also welcome via GitHub) This mod enhances the HUD...
Craft Pot [DS, ROG, SW, DST]
Created by IvanX
Client mod that adds intuitive cook assisting interface to crock pot. Doesn't matter what server you join, modded crock pots, modded recipes, this mod serves them all on a plate and helps you cook whatever your heart desires by displaying the exact recipe....
Custom Revive Penalty
Created by BarnyardOwl
A simple server-side mod that changes the penalty of crafting a telltale heart. Think it's too hard to craft? Too easy? With this mod, you could even set the penalty to 9000.1!* By default, the mod disables the penalty altogether, but it can be configured ...
Digable Reeds
Created by Ysovuka
Note: This is a server only mod. All clients will download the mod upon entering a server which has this mod enabled. Dig reeds and plant them anywhere on marsh turf. --] Original Mod Creator: gamer.toukotsu (Klei) Note: Remember you must fertilize the ree...
DST Storm Cellar
Created by shtornovi
Please make Jesus Lord of your life today, I love you! Note: If some of the slots are off screen or hidden by the crafting menu,go ingame main screen to options\settings\hud and lower the hud size. The Storm Cellar is fireproof. The Storm Cellar is a massi...
Created by MySora
修改过的官方人物动画包 主要是调整了hair和hair_hat图层的顺序 已知bug:加入游戏后再返回主页面时 会导致皮肤界面人物不显示...
Eirudy [Beta 2.0]
Created by Error
Crash? My fault. Brand new 2.0 version, dolls ready, bugs possibility still exists. We appreciate your feedback. See you later. by Error ------------------- 2.0 ver: -English translation. -Magic sword and magic shield more useful. -Dolls: Rachel, Boar and ...
Extended Indicators WIP
Created by Will
The Extended Indicators mod will show a player icon on your HUD at all times no matter how far away the other players are. This will point to their direction showing you where they are in the world. Includes a config option that lets you enable / disable t...
Extra Equip Slots
Created by NubsPixel
I stopped supporting this mod! I don't and wont update this mod anymore. I stopped playing this game a long time ago. It will break your game. ------------------------------------------------------ Adds a backpack and amulet slot to the game. Patch List v1...
F.G.O: Jeanne d'Arc (Alter)
Created by Telemechanic Banana
Update 2023 I have failed. i forgot how to code in lua. i'm sorry Rework Pending So I was playing D.S.T. and alas! There is a Jeanne mod but no JALTER MOD?? Well then I took it to myself to actually make it myself Things you do for your waifu The Avenger f...
Fast Travel
Created by Isosurface
Build a fast travel network using home signs. You can travel from one home sign to any other home signs instantly. Instruction - Right click on a home sign to select destination. Right click repeatedly to cycle through all available destinations. After hav...
Fast Travel (GUI)
Created by SoraYuki
Description the original author is Isosurface. Build a fast travel network and travel instantly from sign post to sign post. Introduction 1. pop destination select dialog when right click on homesign. About Bugs please provide details: screenshot, log file...
Food Values - Item Tooltips (Server and Client)
Created by gregdwilson
Currently mod is not getting updates. If you want to continue develop the mod, feel free to use all files in my mod. Now includes - Fire Remaining Burn Time Controller support! To use, you hav...
Created by <default>
Automate gathering resources! G10MM-3R is a drone version of Glommer. Design inspired by Drones from Slime Rancher. It can: - Pick up various inventory items (uncooked food and resources), - Pick resources like Grass, Saplin...
Geometric Placement
Created by rezecib
Compatible with all versions of the game (Vanilla, Reign of Giants, Shipwrecked, Don't Starve Together-- separately listed on the Single-player workshop). You can also find it on the Klei Forums Snaps objects to a grid when placing and displays a build gri...
Gesture Wheel
Created by rezecib
Adds a wheel selection interface for emotes, making it easier to emote. By default, the hotkey is set to G (but you can configure it in the mod config options). Holding G will bring up the gesture wheel, then moving your mouse in a particular direction wil...
Global Positions
Created by rezecib
Map sharing works again! You don't even need to be in the A New Reign beta anymore! Code contributions are welcome: Features Show other players on the map (and hover over them to see who they are). Show player in...
Created by Kazehaya
禁止二传二改,禁止无授权搬运及用作其他用途 评论区已开放 mod介绍专栏(很久没更新了): mod介绍视频: ①吃土穷神: ②艾尔薇特Alvitr: https://www...
Halloween Treats
Created by Asura
New Features: * Trick or Treat system! You can knock on the house and ask for goodies. However, don't think that the doors'll be always open for you, there are still rules that you must follow in order to receive goodies! * New character - Wump, the Scarec...
Health Info
Created by NubsPixel
v2.2.03 - Quickfix v2.2.02 - Fixed incompatibility with some mods. - Added new prefabs to white list as of October 2021. Shows exact health of creatures on mouse-over or controller auto-target. This mod is inspired by Tell Me About Health (DS) which was po...
Homura Akemi
Created by 老王天天写bug
Summary It's a character mod. Video introduction below: health 75 sanity 200 hunger 150 damage 0.75×(melee)1×(ranged) In short, this character has two features. 1.Can craft bombs, rpg, guns and bullets. 2.Can freeze the time. S...
Created by 藤原妹红
仅为补档,不负责冲突崩溃等代码问题 详细介绍:BV1Kb4y1H7qF 作者:灵衣女王的鬼铠, 咕噜喵...
Increased Stack size
Created by ChaosMind42
Allows you to collect even more items All stackable items can be stacked up to a configurable amount from 20 to 999 (default is 99). In addition, the stack size can be configured independently for different item sizes (large, medium, small and tiny). Works...
Infinite Tent Uses
Created by Mucker
Simple mod that makes tents infinitely durable (aka sets the amount of uses to an unreasonably high number). Configure how many uses your tents have if you so wish, default setting is infinite. Now with Siestas, too. ...
M. louis
Created by ffffff
Don't edit art But you can fix bug or reupload more powerful version. CN Version: Name: Manutsawee Surname: ??? Nickname: Louis --------------------------------------------------------------...
Insight (Show Me+)
Created by penguin0616
Thank you for 500k subscribers! I never would have expected Insight to gain so many subscribers. Thank you for your support! Languages: English, Chinese Background Information Inspired by Show Me. Because I like to know everything about everything. Show me...
M. louis(CN)
Created by 富萝莉
Don't edit art But you can fix bug or reupload more powerful version. CN Version: Name: Manutsawee Surname: ??? Nickname: Louis --------------------------------------------------------------...
Mami Tomoe -Dev
Created by 老王天天写bug
Mami Tomoe From tv anime Puella Magi Madoka Magica Sorry, because the programming work is done by me alone, this mod is not completely localized now. It will be improved in the subsequent updates! MOD PAGE: (You may need a translator.) https://dont-starve-...
Meat Bag(肉袋)
Created by 丧芝
永远无法摆脱饥饿的实验体生物,巨大的嘴仿佛可以吞下一切. ______________________________ 生命:999 饥饿:100 理智:100 ______________________________ : 饥饿速度极快,处于饥饿状态时双倍扣血. : 拥有饱食度时会飞速恢复生命值,但在此期间移动速度会大幅衰减,并且攻击力降低50%. : 饥饿状态下会进入暴走模式,移动速度大幅提升,并且攻击力翻倍. : 体型巨大,生命值极高,但被攻击时会受到更多伤害. :无视任何食物带来的负面效果(包括不...
Maple (from Bofuri)
Created by Ealphax
Kaede Honjō (Maple) from "I Don't Want to Get Hurt, so I'll Max Out My Defense" enters The Constant ! Hunger : 120 Vitality : 200 -> 1000 Sanity : 200 Level up by eating monsters : gains 10 max health by eating raw monster meat (up to 1000) Putting every p...
Miami Rick (2020)
Created by rōnin
Wubba Lubba Dub Dub! It's Miami version of Rick Sanchez from 'Rick and Morty' which is featured in 'Pocket Mortys' video game. !!! NOTE: Mod is fully customizable, from voice to stats and perks. If you find it difficult to survive with his deafult stats or...
Mineable Gems
Created by star
Server side mode (only). Tag: "mineable gems" Configurable. Gives boulders a chance to drop gems. ----- Uses proper API style. New updates of the game won't affect the mod (99.999%). Maximum compatibility with any other existing and future mods. Stealable ...
Myth Characters-神话人物
Characters here! Welcome to the Myth Characters mod. Hello survivors, welcome to our world, may the spirits be with you… For our world is filled with many dangers, many challenges, all waiting for you. Will you choose to enjoy the beautiful sights, lounge ...
Created by 羽织织
Art:羽织haori Code:宵征 Thank Peacock for completing nanachi custom speech. Don’t forget to thumb up if you like it. You can click the following pictures to browse our other character mod from Made in Abyss.
Never Perish Icebox
Created by Aire Ayquaza
Food doesn't perish in the Icebox. Compatible with DsT RoG...
No Danger No Rich
Created by 某幻想家
简介 当鼠标上出现了什么奇怪的动作时,此时危险离你已经很近了,也意味着机遇的来临 声明 模组发布获得原作者完整授权,所上传的版本为原4.2.1中除“心情”设定以外的全部内容。 现上传者曾主要负责介绍页内容的维护,没什么模组经验,后面模组的更新和维护还需要经过学习和磨练,还望海涵。 意见反馈 新建了模组交流群(QQ:701291170),欢迎反馈意见或建议。 相关内容  介绍页 :网页由 朋也 搭建,内容由 某幻想家 维护(火鸡看了都说好)  DST-MOD Wiki :写在风铃的wiki上,请维护者联系我一...
Quick Drop
Created by Fidooop
Hold Shift to be able to right click on an item to drop it! (Hold CTRL as well and it will drop a single item from a stack) Thanks to Mister L for whipping up a mod icon for me while my image editor was broken. YES, changing control is POSSIBLE! Change the...
Quick Pick
Created by 辣椒小皇纸
The mod removes the animation of harvest grass, sapling, berrybush and other things, which makes them picked like a carrot. It makes almost everything pick quickly. Changelog Version 1.3.0 -Quick cooking foods on firepit. Version 1.2.0 -Added Wormwood Crop...
QuickAction for ActionQueue
Created by 小小龙
QuickAction for ActionQueue Introduce First of all, this mod relies on ActionQueue, it rewrote some functions of the "actionqueuer" components, so it must require a subscription of "ActionQueue RB2(RWYS supported)"ActionQueue RB2(RWYS supported). This is a...
Created by Skull
Server side mod. Instruction: Type cammands below to Re select your character / resurrect / Kill youself. spam can be stop by set the time interval! Drop function supported. Configuration supported. Commands: #restart - (Returning to character select scree...
Rimuru Tempest
Created by Scorpion
Rimuru Tempest Rimuru Tempest from anime "That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime" (Tensei Shytra Slime Datta Ken). Stats Abilities Level System For each slain creature, Rimuru receives a bonus to the maximum stats. https://...
Satori Komeiji
Created by Hansard
Satori Komeiji, the mind reading youkai in Touhou Project! Satori is the mistress of Chireiden in the Former Capital of the Underworld in Touhou Project. In charge of managing the vengeful spirits in the Underworld, she is capable of reading the heart and ...
Seafaring: Cannon, Turbine Engine, Floodlight, Boat Torches
Brings four new features: Boat Cannon, Boat Floodlight, Turbine Engine and Boat Torches. Nearly everything in this mod is configuratable. You can make everything as OP or as useless as you want. ============================================= --=== BOAT CANN...
Seele Vollerei
Created by bow-car
Seele Vollerei Description of the new version 'Hatter's hat store' is now in the 'version changes'. Dear players, if you are still enjoying this mod, Seele and you could read English instead of Chinese, please let me know you. If there's still quite amount...
shino 诗乃
Created by 玲珑姬Rumi
很久以前一个免费mod。人物mod。 朝田诗乃:生命值:100 精神值:100 饥饿度:300 攻击力:1.0 1:诗乃可以制作GGO武器箱和ALO武器箱。(诗乃出生自带一个GGO武器箱) 2:GGO武器箱可以开出三种GGO武器(格洛克18手枪,MP7冲锋枪,黑卡蒂反器材狙击枪)其中的一种,全部武器都通过零件修复耐久。 3:ALO武器箱可以开出三种ALO武器(精灵之弓,精灵圣剑,精灵回旋刃)其中的一种,全部武器都通过精灵之心修复耐久。 4:GGO武器威力巨大,因为强大的后坐力,每次攻击要消耗饥饿度,ALO武...
Show Me(中文)
Created by 傳說󰀘覺悟
For modules used by your own server, please move to the original author's module,For use and rewards, please go to: 自用,请勿搬运WeGame 就是Show Me(Origin)一样,将未能正确显示中文的修正,并兼容部分模组显示; showme v0.59.9.5 ...
Shirakami Fubuki
Created by ZeroRyuk
HololiveJP: Shirakami Fubuki   What is this mod? It adds HololiveJP Vtuber, Shirakami Fubuki in DST. The Fox Friend. Default Stats There is a huge config file enjoy it how you like it! ===========...
Created by 丧芝
暴风骤雨中的草偶娃娃正在歌唱. ______________________________ 生命:150 饥饿:150 理智:200 电量值:200 ______________________________ 烁玛天生自带一把电吉他.(攻击力34) 当烁玛装备电吉他时,能够使用Z键进入演奏模式,...
Simple Health Bar DST
Created by DYC
Click for DS Version Click for OLD Version if the new one crashed A simple health bar! It will be displayed in the combat status automatically. (It will not be displayed when the game is just loaded !!!!!!!!!!!! don't tell me the mod no longer works becaus...
Slice meats or something
Created by Capt Sobhan
I made this simple mod for my friends who play together. Please enjoy it. thank you. 1 Meat -> 2 Small meats 1 Dried meat -> 2 Small dried meats 1 Log -> 2 Twigs You can find these menu in the refine tab....
Small Map
Created by lifeking
This MOD adds a small minimap to the HUD. Full custom!!!! * If you are in trouble, use the M key to display the map! It may be improved. After that, if it doesn't improve, please send us a bug report. ...
Smart Minisign
救救孩子的英语吧 go die! You have to learn to draw by yourself! 1.1.4 Support Skin (Can be disabled in the settings) 1.1.1 Update Now can draw spiced foods. 1....
Created by MySora
Sort Tool
Created by Skull
Sort Tool - a client-side mod to sort your inventory and open chests. Usage: Press ']' Key(Default) to Sort Your Inventory! Press Ctrl + ']' Key(Default) to Sort Your Inventory except Backpack! Press Shift + ']' Key(Default) to Sort Your open Chests! Press...
Created by peter_a_klei
Soulmates mod allows for the crafting of Bindings Rings. Give the ring to your soulmate, this allows the carrier of the ring to teleport to you. For you to teleport to them, they will need to craft and give you a ring too. Known issues: There's a compatibi...
Stronger Giants & Players (Modified by zkip)
Created by zkip
# 全面加强 Stronger Giants & Players (Modified by zkip) 这是对 (全面加强)的调整: 1. 取消了随机伤害 2. 女武神的头盔激活后保持85%的防御而不是全防御,并且拥有霸体buff 本mod对使用后造成的后果不负有任何代价,分发协议与原mod一致。 感谢原作者的工作,如有侵权烦请告知。...
Created by
Version 1.6.0 has been updated. At present, most of the contents of mod have been translated into English, and the untranslated contents will continue to be improved in the future, and the subsequent contents will also be translated into English. New BOSS:...
Tools Are Fuels
Created by Snowhusky5
Get rid of all those axes and football helmets with 6% left. This mod turns almost EVERY item with a durability amount into valid fire pit fuel, so that you can easily get rid of useless, mostly-broken tools. The burntime depends on the components of an it...
Tropical Experience | The Volcano Biome
Created by vagnerdarochasantos
join our discord: Join Now THIS MOD NOT NEED MORE COMPLEMENTS AND THIS MOD IS NOT COMPATIBLE WITH OTHERS MODS. The Tropical Experience mod adds content from every DLC ever released on Don't Starve to Don't Starve Together, as well as adding event content a...
Uncompromising Mode (Under The Weather - Part 1!)
Created by Scrimbles Uncompromising Mode increases the risk and reward for Don't Starve Together. Uncompromising Mode (often shortened to "Uncomp" or "UM") was created with the goal of revitalizing the difficulty of DST. The mod adds randomness,...
Upgradeable Chest
Created by CCappu
upgrade your chest with boards. Larger content, same space. Woddie and Lucy rate this 5 stars. Q&A How Can I Upgrade? 1. Put at least 1 upgrade material in all the outermost slots. 2. Close the container. Degrade: 1. Clear your chest 2. Put 1 hammer into t...
Winter Feast Clean
Created by Villkiss
Has a configurable cleanup list. Default cleanup is every 5 days, directly deleting all items on the groud which in the cleanup list. Default cleanup list: Spidergland Houndstooth Stinger Guano Poop Spoiled food Winter ornament Winter ornament boss Winter ...
Wormhole Marks [DST]
Created by Black Mirror
Changes wormholes icons on mini map to colored icons. Every pair of worlmholes get its color icons after you use one of the wormhole. Can support up to 22 pairs of wormholes. If colors of the icons are not visible enough you can enable Draw over FoW in mod...
Created by Yus
Stats HEALTH: 220 HUNGER: 130 SANITY: 170 -Zhongli hates seafood Items Vortex Vanquisher DMG. Increases Shield Strength by 20/25/30/3...
Created by 乃木鸽子
Amiya -AMIYA- ·Coder:eatMew(咸鱼) ·Supervise:乃木鸽子(鸽子) ·Translater:bow-car(蛋壳) ·Action coder:老王天天写bug(小豪) ·Support:虚无 【Character feature】 *Leader: Can read...
[DST] Legion
Created by ti_Tout
Mod encyclopedia This mod's exclusive introduction website, which details all aspects of it. address: Author's words If you find a bug, I hope you can tell me in detail, I'll fix it as soon ...
[DST] Musha
Created by Sunnyyyyholic
- DS Single Musha <= LINK - - DST MyPet <= LINK - Puppy Princess Musha (The "DST" version and the "SINGLE" versions are different!) 퍼피 프린세스 뮤샤 *Special thanks to: Luka, HappyWow (SageArt_) (여기는 영어 페이지 입니다. 스팀에 자신의 정보를 한글로 바꾸시면 한글페이지로 나올거에요) ---------------...
[DST] Nautical HUD
Created by vampy.reD
Please, if you are going to use any drawing or anything from the art of this HUD, credits the real artists who made it!! Version 2.2 - added the CunningFox's HUD Skins library and Wilson's Refresh beard morsel icon!! Version 2.1 - Crafting Menu updated, Wa...
[DST]Frog traveller
A lillte frog traveller 代码programmers:灵衣女王的鬼铠 美术painter:魔法少女唐间竹子 原作:HIT-POINT 本mod版权属于原作方 Create the frog house. Give your little frog its luggage. (foo...
[DST]Too Many Items
Created by Skull
You can spawn anything. Support search and server control. Have 7 different tabs to show items. You can do anything now! Please use this: Usage: General: Press ( T ) to open menu.(can be cha...
[DST]Totooria Helmold
Created by 柴柴Chai-Chai Stats: Initial is fragile, 150 hungry, 200 sanity, 75 health Damage = Wendy Can Read LevelUP: Exp upgrade ...
[Onmyoji]Teruterubozu~The sunny fairy
·Code:小开心 ·Art:魔法少女唐间竹子 ·Support:ShootShootNitori 风铃草 ·Thanks:半夏微暖半夏凉 青木. ·The original: Onmyoji 陰陽師本格幻想RPG ·This character is belong to the original NetEase.
[Tips]Show attack time for hounds and bosses
Created by
function To prompt the attack time of the hound (worm) and the Boss. The coordinates will be displayed when the Boss already exist. If not, it indicates that the Boss doesn’t fit the conditions for generation. To display the attack time of the hound and th...
[TMIP]Too Many Items Plus
Created by Tendy
Stop maintenance 2021.12.10 Git repo: Too Many Items Plus Version: Allows you to spawn any item you want and more powerful features. You must be a Admin to use this. Press (T) to open spawn menu. Left Cli...
[yuyuyui] SONOKO NOGI [乃木园子]
Created by 乃木鸽子
-乃木園子は勇者である- ·代码:eatMew、灵衣女王的傲娇鬼铠 ·绘画:魔法少女唐间竹子 ·监督:乃木鸽子 ·英译:狗咸狗