Grand Theft Auto V

Grand Theft Auto V

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How 2 Spedz
By Morbillionaire
A small guide on how to go faster and save time While playing GTA V and Online
GTA V and Online especially can be time consuming games. Luckily for all of us, there are few tips and tricks that can be used to help us shave a few second here and there. Most of everything I write about in this guide are applicable to single and multiplayer with some exceptions.
On Foot Tech
This section will be covering tricks that can be used while NOT in a vehicle.

Camera Tom-Foolery

GTA V like most beloved games is built on a foundation of soggy toothpicks and chewed-up Hubba Bubba. This wobbly foundation is the starting point to saving time in our adventures in Los Santos. One of the main thing to take note of is the camera system. When GTA V was first released almost ten years ago, there was only a third person mode, but when the PS4/XB1 versions came out, R* added a first person camera, and this is were our speedy adventure begin. When you switch to first person, your character is put into the combat stance which slightly increases your movement speed. To be more specific, While in first person your walking speed is the same speed as holding shift in third person and holding shift in first person is the same speed as tapping shift in third person. This means that your going much faster for less effort which is always appreciated.

If you don't mind a little bit of effort however then there is a way to go even faster then just switching to first person. While in third person shoot to put yourself into the combat stance, start running and then constantly put away and then bring out your weapon, you will end up being faster then you would be going while in first person. Which strat you go with is largely based on personal preference.

Credit goes to DarkViperAU and DarkViperAUClips

Thing get turned on there head when your in doors however. While indoors first person movement speed is reduced (but it's still faster then running in third person). To maximize speed while indoors you should be in third person and jumping.

Credit goes to DarkViperAU and DarkViperAUClips

But wait, there's more! Swimming is something you're bound to do once or twice in Los Santos and there does happen to be way to make it efficient. While on the surface of the water you swim faster while in first person then you would be in third person. However when your underwater you swim faster while in third person. This leads to an interesting conundrum, if swimming on the surface is faster in FPP and swimming underwater is faster in TPP, then which one is faster overall? The answer to this question lies in your character's lung capacity. If your character has a high lung capacity then it may be faster to swim underwater in third person then go to surface once your air is about to run out then switch to first person to swim on the surface. If your character has a low lung capacity then just stick to swimming on the surface in first person.
Vehicle Tech
This section will be focusing on tech that can be done while in cars. This section is still technically under construction since there are some thing that i can't verify the usefulness of.

Curb/Kerb Boosting

Curb Boosting (or Kerb Boosting if your Bri'ish) is one of the easiest way's to go faster in the game. For those who don't know, Curb boosting is when you purposely drive two wheels over curbs (or any other bump) to lift your wheels off the road then drive back onto the road. This allows you to reach your top speed quicker then you would just driving. Curb boosting (and a lot of the tech in this section) is frame dependent, meaning that the higher your frame rate is the faster boost you will get.

Brake Boosting

Brake Boosting is a tech that can only be done when your driving over slight bumps in the road. First approach the bump at full speed, then once your car lifts up hold brake for about half a second while still holding holing accelerate (IT MUST BE THE BRAKE BUTTON, NOT HANDBRAKE!). If you see skid marks on the ground, then you did it right. From what i've heard, Brake Boosting can only be done with rear wheel and all wheel drive cars, but I'm not exactly sure about that claim.

Short Shifting

Short Shifting is a trick where you make your car shift gears up earlier than intended, thus increasing speed. To preform this trick, wait until you engine stats to rev quickly, then simply let go of the throttle for less then a second and hold it again. If you did it right, then your engine should have changed the noises it's making.

Thanks For Reading
Thank you for reading this guide, it took me a long time to make this guide since there a lot of things that have little documentation, or there is so much conflicting information that was really hard for me to wade through. I do plan on updating this guide with any more tech I can find.

Finally, here's a section of people who i believe deserve some credit for compiling a lot of the information.

DarkviperAU and various other speedrunners - For pushing this games to it's limits and discovering a lot of this tech.

GTAfourms - For compiling a lot of necessary information which cars.

Broughy1322 - For deep diving into the cars of GTA 5 and Online and explaining the different advance handling flags.