Assassin's Creed Valhalla

Assassin's Creed Valhalla

32 ratings
10 Most Hilarious Side Characters And NPCs
These NPCs, be it encountered regularly or during an event or side quest, help to bring out some good comic relief in Eivor's journey of building a home in England. Here are the ten best NPCs that accomplish just this.
10/10 Ivarr

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While Ivarr does admittedly end up becoming pretty dark towards the end of his character arc, he is funny in a dark kind of way in the beginning.

This is highlighted by a scene in which Eivor is interrogating a king's wife only for him to throw in a severed head her way and his casual demeanor towards Eivor while Ivarr is torturing someone. Though a player's view of him drastically changes, at the start it seemed as though he would be quite the character.
9/10 The Bad Father
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There a plenty of bad parents out there, but this one might just take the cake. In Suthsexe, players might stumble upon a man, The Bad Father, as he tries to throw his own daughter in the river in order to appease some god or devil.

Upon discovering the truth of the matter, Eivor will discover that this man knew about it and just wanted to get rid of his daughter that badly since he feels she is ungrateful towards him. The father is so comically bad that it is hilarious if you really think about it.
8/10 Shaun Hastings
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An old face in the game's present day setting and returning from the older games is the sarcastic but reliable Shaun who first appeared in the second game. His wit is matched by his knowledge since Shaun is usually the one who provides historical context and some witty banter on the game's people and locales.
7/10 Gunnar
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The blacksmith of Ravensthorpe always manages to lighten up a room whenever he's onscreen. This includes his pretty cheerful demeanor and remarks when he improves an item for Eivor.
Perhaps the funniest moment though is when he has Eivor dress up and go trick-or-treating in Gloucester in a medieval version of Halloween. The jokes he makes at the expense of the usually serious Eivor dressing up is one of the game's highlights.
6/10 Viper Egg Lady
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In a world event underneath Ledecestre, players will encounter a Saxon lady who asks for Eivor to collect a select amount of viper eggs for some unknown purpose. She seems oddly extremely excited over receiving these eggs. Once they give her the eggs, they are in for a rather stinky surprise.

Yes, giving the eggs will have the lady make a massive fart that even has Eivor gagging for fresh air. If the players look directly above where she is standing, there is a large grate where several people are located breathing in the women's flatulence. Who would think that toilet humor was popular in the ninth century?
5/10 Keith
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Keith, along with his band, can be found in Essex at the bottom of a viewpoint which is where The Prodigy event can be found which involves smacking a bishop around to protect the freedom of music.

Keith and his band in the game are actually a nod to the real-life band The Prodigy who hails from Essex county England. The fun event also contains lyrics to their hit song "Smack My Bishop". Fans of the group are bound to laugh at the references hidden with the event.
4/10 Hunwald
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Hunwald is the son of the ealdorman of Lincolnshire and is one of those likable goofs. His upbeat attitude is different compared to some of the other nobles in the game which makes his scenes pretty funny due to his attitude and exaggerated mindset.

Though he can be kind of a dunce when it comes to ruling, he has a good heart and will look out for his friends when they need him most. Which is why players who chose him to be ealdorman of Lincolnshire did so.
3/10 The Flyters
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It would be hard to pick just one of the many flyters throughout the game, since they are all unique in their own way. The player just never knows who they are going to flyt against next in order to improve their stamina.

From a monk who flyt Eivor with mere hand motions, to a faceless character who cannot flyt if his life depended on him, each flyter will stick with the player in some kind of way.
2/10 Winchell
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While exploring Grantebridgescire, players might find themselves encountering a nudist man, Winchell, spouting about how being nude is how God and Jesus intended humanity to be. Talking to him will trigger a world event in which Eivor will have to give him a crate full of the clothes of a nudist colony he was kicked out of.

The humor comes from the strangeness of Winchell and the event in general. It seems as though nudists have existed since the medieval period and is not a more recent occurence.
1/10 Axehead
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Ever had a friend that has something on their face and you don't know how to tell them about it? Axehead, who can be found in Grantebridgescire in a world event, is that guy who just so happens to have a battle axe lodged into his head. His description of having an itch or cut that will not go away while completely ignorant of his predicament is pure gold.

His confusion as Eivor struggles to explain what has happened makes the scene all the better. Unfortunately for him, Eivor will have to remove the axe which kills him after they have done so.

moyer4487 29 Feb @ 12:12am 
Axe Head reminds me of that grenade nose dude in Cyber Punk. I ended up killing him though. He was one of my later fights in Beat the Brat missions. when i punched him in his mug it popped the grenades pin and boom! No more Grenade Nose dude.
Common_Nighthawk 4 Feb @ 11:35am 
No mention of the King of the Hill or Otta, son of Slugga
fo98t 1 May, 2023 @ 3:57pm 
very nice
WICKED MANTICORE 7 Dec, 2022 @ 6:43am 