Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

469 ratings
Dungeons & Dragons (D&D | DND) 5e - Game Table

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Dungeons & Dragons (D&D | DND) 5e - Game Table

Important Annoucment
Big visual overhaul update is incoming. The update will make ALL cards visually easier to read and will be coming in Waves. This update will follow the same formatting style of the current play test cards in the game, and will be the same formatting for when 5.5e comes out (September 17th), making all cards very easily backwards compatible. Updates will also include all the new content releasing throughout the year.
  • Wave 1 (Completed): Visual Overhaul to all Feats, Classes, Races (Changing to Species), and Backgrounds + new ones
  • Wave 2 (Completed): Visual Overhaul to all Spells + adding new spells from the Third Party Partners of D&D
  • Wave 3 (In Progress): Visual Overhaul to all current stat blocks and will get the rest in before 5.5e PHB release
  • Wave 4: Visual Overhaul to all item and magic item cards, will arrive after 5.5e PHB release
Legacy cards will not be deleted right now so don't worry about this update messing up your current games. But they will be moved to a outdated box and will eventually be deleted from the mod by the end of Wave 3 or when 5.5e comes out (whichever comes first) and replaced by the updated cards.

Latest Update
  • Reworked formatting styles of all Spell cards (558 Spell cards in total)
  • Added all current 3rd party Spells (Explorer's guide to Wildemount, Humblewood & Tal'droei Campaign Setting, Dungeons of Drakkenheim, and Grim Hollow: Lair of Etharis)
  • Updated/added Box Art for Dunamancy and Contaminated Spells + PDF
  • Replaced Spells in respective Classes, Feats, Backgrounds, Species, etc.
  • Added Essentials Rules PDF to Character Creation box

It's back, the Dungeons and Dragons table you guys have been waiting for. This workshop addon is a remastered version of RezMar's Dungeons and Dragons (DnD) 5e - Game Session Setup

This workshop addon currently includes:

For Players
  • Class Cards (Up to Humblewood Campaign Setting)
  • Spell Cards (Up to Humblewood Campaign Setting)
  • Specie Cards (Up to Humblewood Campaign Setting)
  • Feat Cards (Up to Humblewood Campaign Setting)
  • Background Cards (Up to Humblewood Campaign Setting)
  • Shopping Catalogs
  • Item Cards (All Basic and Magic Items (Up to Bigby's Glory of the Giants)
  • Scripted Character, Inventory, Spell header, Sheets (Dark,Light, and Christmas)
  • Spell Slot tracker, Resource tracker, Action Bar addons (Dark and Light)
  • Player Chests
  • Dice Roller Strips (Public and Secret dice rollers)
  • DND Class & Spell Cards Mod

For Dungeon Masters

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions

How do I become the Dungeon Master?
Change your player color to black.

How do access the cards in the Boxes?
They're bag objects. Place your cursor over the boxes and hold Left-Click and drag your cursor to take stuff out. Keep doing that or Right-Click the boxes to search and Left-Click drag exactly what you want out.

How do I use One World / Load maps onto the table?

Can I import stats from Roll20 or D&D Beyond into the Character Sheets?
No, you have to manually input the stats.

Can I create my own Class, Spell, Creature, or Item cards?
Yes, on the DM side in the Homebrew Box and in the relevant boxes there are custom cards.

Me or a friend are having loading issues and/or are having huge lag spikes/crashing, can we fix this?
Yes, the table has a lot of assets so if your friends are lagging I suggest turning off VSync if its on. If they're crashing have them turn off Mod threading. Not able to load some items? Try turning off Mod Caching. Otherwise play around with stuff in the Graphics tab such as unchecking Full Size Textures, Cap Framerate, etc. Ping also depends on their internet connections and sometimes its just Tabletop's servers.

Also try limiting or straight up turning off Auto save frequencies. The game auto saves every couple of minutes and because there are a lot of assets the game freezes trying to save them all to a save file. Go to Menu/ Configuration/ Interface/ Misc.

Google Drive Link to Card Images

If you want to support me, you can tip me on Ko-Fi.

Don't forget to rate and favorite.

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NightStorm  [author] 20 May @ 6:11pm 
@Teru, When you create a map in OneWorld with the blank maps, both have to have different names.

When you change the image and then click "Import", a pop up will say it found matching "Custom Object(s)", click "Cancel". If you click "Update", TTS will update every map to have the same image.
Teru 16 May @ 10:37pm 
Hello! I'm not quite sure I'm understanding the OneWorld Blank maps.

In this scenario I'm creating two maps with different image files, but once I import the second map file the image overwrites the first. File names stay different but the second map image fully overwrites the first and the guides aren't doing me much good.

Any help would be appreciated!
Bustly 13 May @ 2:17am 
heya while i don't need it, i think any future homebrewers may also appreciate creature card! thanks again for your help i was able to create sgeh jaeger content for the table perfectly
NightStorm  [author] 19 Apr @ 11:30am 
@Bustly, Added the Small Card templates and fixed the Font issue on the Old ones. The only custom font you need is the one in the folder. Update the font file to the one in the folder in case you get missing font error again.
Bustly 19 Apr @ 5:22am 
also if you don't mind, could we also get a psd for an item/generic card? as in the square sort with an icon embedded in the header.
Bustly 19 Apr @ 4:51am 
sorry to bother again, but it appears there were two fonts you used, one's called ddicons instead of dndicons, and there are some noted differences that would make both required such as the hitdice icon not being on dndicons or some of the symbols being jostled around between dd and dnd making it extremely difficult to correct.
Bustly 18 Apr @ 11:06am 
awesome thank you!
NightStorm  [author] 18 Apr @ 9:20am 
@Bustly, Modesto Poster for the Thumbnails and Aspect Ratio is 512 x 512, I've also added my PSD templates to a folder in the Google Drive.
Bustly 18 Apr @ 6:30am 
hey nightstorm this table is absolutely amazing! i wanna make homebrew content using the image assets given in the google drive, but i don't know the font used in the files.
NightStorm  [author] 16 Apr @ 4:40pm 
@Inspector de Patas, For some reason the Kraken table One World version had a bunch Star War songs added. I deleted them now.