Black Desert

Black Desert

77 ratings
My personal guide for all new players and beyond.
By Nhika
I have 8000 hours (mostly AFK), always been a slow progressive player in any MMORPG I've played due to sheer utter laziness.
I'll include a general step by step what to do on a fresh account -> seasonal -> mid to end game guides.
Do your main quest - Many million pre-reqs BDO players need to do!
Reasons to do your main quest.
1. Contribution Points
2. Energy/Knowledge
3. Overall knowledge of the map and towns
4. Quest accessories (gives you a boost for seasonal starts)
5. Basic armor (Naru pen)
6. Naru armor can be exchanged for Narchillan armor at Fughar!
FYI (SEASONAL NOOBS) -> you got some options!
-do the 2nd start for a tet accessory earring if you already have a "main" on MSQ
-quest skip (still have to quest to "Velia") to get the option to skip ---> get power leveled to 61 boom seasonal done!

Honestly, pace yourself. Talk to every "?" you see, alt+tab and youtube some guides while you are "auto-running" to your next quest objective.

If you are extremely patient, and want more storage... you could make ALT's and do some of the quests to start getting more inventory slots on ALT characters.

In-game loot guide
I highly recommend looking at monster zones, nowadays you can just click it on the map and it will show what the spot is good for, what rare items you can get etc.

For example; if you hate questing -> grinding for Asula accessories or working on the Tri Asula necklace is a good start... but all of the starting "newbie" accessories aren't worth it anymore since Seasonal became a thing. (You need a Tri Asula necklace eventually for one of your Journals I believe).

"Recommended AP" is usually a bit too low for that spot, probably better to be 10-20 AP higher so you can "1 shot" the monsters.

Pay to "Win" and Cash Shop info
Honestly I'm writing this because I keep seeing newbies drop $100 and buy weird stuff.

Here is somewhat of a priority list I guess. But a majority of the time it's best to wait for sales.

1. Tent "$40", always use your 20% off coupon on the tent or wait for a sale
HUGE advantage, 50% drop rate increase for 50mil
Minor buff for monster damage
Villa buffs (or run to desert and grab a weekly rental thingy)
2. Value Packs, again probably best to wait for sales or use a coupon on...
If you are super broke; you can stockpile items and liquidate everything on market with the "LOYALTY 1 day Value Pack" or just wait until you get a free 7 day one from daily logins etc.
3. Pets - probably best to go up tiers 1 at a time for each pet..
Tier 2
Tier 1
Tier 1
Tier 1
Tier 1

Tier 2
Tier 2
Tier 1
Tier 1
Tier 1

This way you can potentially get lucky; and get a random Tier 3 pet.

If you land a Tier 3, you could honestly try to roll for a T4 and evolve the pet (Makes all pets loot 15% faster).

The game also gives "KUKU" via events, also check the marketplace for "daily" rewards, players like me list that ♥♥♥♥ on the market because we are capped.

4. Worker Lodging / Town Storages
Probably one of the better investments for "long term". Every hardcore lifeskiller caps out their lodging from Cash shop because it pays off in the long run by saving CP (which can be used for other things).

5. Fairy skill rerolls. It's cheaper on a fresh fairy with only 1 skill (For cheer 5). It's a bit more important that PvPers have cheer 5. Everyone recommends infinity potion grinding for newer players now - so you can have more sustain for endgame.

6. Artisan Memories
Arguably one of the bigger whale investments here. People will say RNG is RNG when you are enhancing -> but if you are constantly failing TET on stuff = you get bigger failstacks for bigger stuff later down the road.

7. Outfits to Crons
Whales do this to have multiple attempts for tet/pen blackstar FYI
The rest of the 90% of the playerbase will just pre-order outfits and wait for a whale to buy 10+1 at a time bundles to sell on the market so they can buy it...

-Example -> some people are P2W swiping crons for TET->PEN blackstar attempts. This is a 14bil weapon that sells for 120bil, but it's a 1-2% chance! Only do this with your fattest failstack!

If there is inventory slots on sale, put it on your fisher ALT (fishing events give alot of dough)
If there is weight on sale, put it on your lifeskill(shai) alt and process.
Processing outfit is amazing. You will see SIEGE PLAYERS (700+ gearscore apes) processing afk all the time, usually LOGS that their worker empire gets.
Seasonal speed-run
1.Have your friend/guildmate power level you to 61
(Loyalty shop 530% exp scroll, daily 200% scroll merged into a 600%, 100%, black spirit 20%, Food buff, Seasonal Crystal 50%)
No big deal here if you don't get boosted to 61, you can AFK train on seasonal server too.

2. Collect all of the rewards and tap your gear to tet, then use the seasonal pass "stone" for pen weapon.

3. Enhance all gear to "TRI" -> talk to Fughar
Fughar gives 1 "40" failstack, so you should end up with X4 from armor and X3 from Weapons.

4.Enhance all gear to "TET" -> talk to Fughar
Same thing, except "60" failstacks.

5. Get the 140 failstack from seasonal pass item.

6. Graduation Reward priority
Obviously new players will pick the "30 AP" necklace.
Then it will be the Pen Capotia BELT "17 AP"
And for the rest it's probably best to go for the 100 stacks

Need more materials?
Weeklies have been changed from like 5k kill quests to 500.. Seasonal even easier.
Always pick 600 timeless unless you're going for accessories.
Second weekly should be ore (for accessories)

Remember you only need a few accessories to pen, so don't kill yourself going for full pen tuvala, there's still various other accessories around,
Seasonal Enhancing Tips/Gear
This part gets complicated, if you are still confused; ask a fellow guildy to stream or stream for them and let them hold your hand step by step.

Fughar in total gives you 7 "40" fails, and 7 "60" failstacks. (Advice of Valks).
Essentially the higher the number, the higher your next odds are.

PRI Tuvala mainhand -> Duo is a 20% chance with 0, and 50% chance or whatever at +10.

So to get your first Pen weapon..
Refine to TRI -> Fughar gives you a +40 from the quest.
Personally I used a 20 stack at TRI, and just kept refining back to TRI to use whatever the 20 stack turned into.
If it went past 40, I would keep it for PEN.

Doing this process; I actually hit mainhand, subhand, body and helmet to pen without grinding and using the materials I was given from logins and just getting powerleveled (not including the 600 timeless from pollies I've yet to do).

Also the season pass explains how to get 1 free nadar band, so you can just character swap and "collect" big failstacks without talking to the blacksmith and spending 1-3million silver to turn fails into an "Advice of Valks".

If you are a non-enhancer or are getting frustrated with the "odds"
Go ahead and refine to TRI -> +40 stack to TET -> +60 to pen.

Read next section, but all of these 40's and 60's made are better used on "real" items like Blackstar weapons or Distortion Earrings later down the road!

Failstacks and why you don't want to waste them.
In the previous sections I mentioned that I saved the 60 fails from Fughar for a reason.
This is because you can build fails on seasonal gear "easily", and roulette it like it was nobodies business.

So every time you grind you can turn in the seasonal drops for vendor silver, and exchange 500 stones for a "40" fail.

Once you are out of seasonal here are a few things you can use the "Advice of Valks/Fails" for.

20 -> Pri
40 -> DUO
60 -> TRI
100 -> TET

Example... if you are a big time gambler using these stacks to make a "TET accessory is huge profits.
Just grind, constantly pre-order and minimum price an accessory of your choice.

If you want to play it safe.. and avoid enhancing.. -> cheap defensive accessories like Orkinrad/Centaur/Cicils
They are still worth money.

If you want to play with the big boys... tungrad ring.. distortion earrings (20 bil at tet?)
AFTER Seasonals
Work on Journals (raises your gearscore..)
Once a week "Kzarka" for 1 ap and 1 dp
Life "HP" journals
All of this stuff is account wide.. so do it?
Abyss for global storage management AND a free pen armor.
Cook for CP
Knowledge (I would stop at 400 energy.. but if you're bored why not lol)
Farm farm for money. Like actual "FARMS" not grinding!
Enhance to build "failstacks"
Invest Silver into meaningful things (next couple guides).
Find a good guild.

Your gear should look something like;

Full tet boss (Pen something from Jetina or save and buy PEN replacements, then Caphras it to lv 4)
Capotia Ring (can replace with any tet ring, tungrad is 18AP)
Jetina Ring (20 AP at pen however long that takes)
Cloud Earring (Essentially a TET Narcs)
Tuvala Earring (Narcs or Distortions or Quest accessory from Winter Zone)
Capotia pen necklace
Tuvala Belt (You could try tapping together or buying a cheap Orkinrads - or wait until 2nd season for a 2nd Pen Capotia)

If you're 580+ I would recommend looking for some T1 Node War guilds. They all should be paying well for active members.
10 Guild missions a day, depending on what you grind you can get 50-100mil.

Guilds can "call to gather" and summon everyone to a spot, like Garmoth.

Vell is typically an ALT you don't use - floating in the ocean, fully afkable if your GM/Lifeskiller has a boat. Don't waste 30 minutes meeting at Velia unless it's to get an ALT out there.

Based on Size, small (1-24), med (25-49), large (50-74), XL (75-100 players). The guild gets like 50-300mil to the guild funds, not including guild missions. This money "pools up".

Guild masters can pay people based on tiers 1-10, so pay attention to what you're getting in the mail - GM scammers tend to pay their close friends more than everyone else.
- 10 NON sprouts have to be ONLINE for payouts.
- can't be more than 75% or something of the funds

Example - I was offline forever in a lifeskilling chill guild and still got 50m every couple of weeks lol.
Some NODE WAR guilds need flame turret slaves, and they'll even pay you a bigger chunk nowadays to sit in the flame tower/ride elephants or man cannons.
Simple life skill setups
Got 100 CP?
Get 10 farms
Raise your farming by checking on it every so often so you can remove parasites.
Once your farming is high enough you will breed spam crops.
Full inventory of crops -> gather crops for free money
Breeding -> free stonetail fodder or 900CP nowadays per 20 byproducts

If you are too lazy to raise your farming skill... (it doesn't take long)
Breed Special Haystacks, each one is like 1mil each.. so if you breed 10 you'll probably end up with 15-20.. so just sell the excess.

Look up how to make Pickled Vegetables... literally all vendor ingredients you can stockpile and cook.
I use dark rift "5k durability" cooking utensils.

WORKER EMPIRE (Just slowly roll workers each time you're full energy on your ALTs)
All skilled
All professional
All professional GOBLINS
All artisan

Velia first (corn, eggs, wheat etc)
Heidel second (cooking honey, pumpkins, maple etc)
Calpheon third (fir birch cedar)
Tent fourth (tree nodes)
Altinova 5th (ore south of the town)
Valencia City 6th (coconuts and date palm)

Based on CP, these are the areas you want workers at initially, at 300-400 CP you should be able to have all of the decent/close nodes to the towns filled up with workers and lodging.

Constantly beer up your workers every day for a month to a year and see how much silver you get.
Enhancing Playstyle
Each day he grinds, with always a pre-order on minimum price accessories.
Taps all accessories he gets on the weekends to duo
Breaks even, so he goes for Tri
Gets really lucky on TET and sells.

Works on blackstar to build "super" failstacks, or enhances in general and ends up with 200+ fails to use on super endgame items like Pen blackstar, Pen accessories

End of year he'll have a bunch of TET accessories and roulettes all of them with the 200fails
Boom -> becomes rich asf

Constantly liquidates his worker empire/farm money, processes and is lazy so he'll at-least pre-order a few accessories at a time.
Saving/Semi AFK Playstyle
Updated this playstyle;
Nowadays they give 150+ failstacks, on top of "devouring" materials. So I could see someone throughout 3-6 months collecting freebies and building a 200FS out of their ass!

Good luck on your Tet->Pen Blackstar attempts!

These guys usually -> Fully grind agris, save up all their silver.
Buyout the market for processing mats -> afk throughout the week.
End of the week they'll either tap or just keep saving.

Eventually after 2-3 months, boom 100bil for an upgrade!

Avoid burnout boys and girls!
Full on Lifeskiller
Probably one of the richest players in the game.

Gathers meat all in one day so he can cook enough to turn in boxes for the week or 3 days at a time.

Pre-orders stuff to make trade crates with for big profits.

Has a carrack to barter with.

Hunting meta for a tons of silver.

After a year or so he'll have so much money, he has more gear than the players that grind.
Gear progression FAST
1. Complete TWO graduation characters for;
Full Pen seasonal gear (turns into full TET boss)
Full Pen Seasonal accessories (ring and earring are free for leveling up)
Pen Capotia Necklace first graduation, Pen Belt for second graduation (30 AP, 17 AP).

2. Do everything Jetina related. Converts all TET boss to PEN. Actually pretty cheap to save and buy pieces you're missing too if you don't want to mess with this.

3. Buy TET Blackstar weapons or Duo Godyr

4. Tighten up your artifact combinations and crystals (two corrupts for 20% crit damage is a good start).

5. Jetina PEN ring (20 AP)

6. Journals for AP/DP, do all of them.

7. Buy VELLS heart (3AP)

8. Fallen god armor either buy or caphras your gear to C10 and buying the flame needed (13 monster damage reduction is nuts). Most people do body -> helmet -> gloves -> shoes

Some people full C4, then Full C6, then go for Fallen god.

9. Save up for PEN blackstars, you can farm legendary treasure items like Mana/HP pot, or buy them as you grind.

Above 265 AP -> Crystals, Sets, Artifacts and Journals are your biggest "gains", and using Frenzy Draught/Food/Perfume/Church buffs + Z buff.
(Addons +30, Frenzy +30, food +20, z +30, add AP + monster AP in in-game stats to see your AP CAP to do certain spots).

Recommended Classes
You can't go wrong with Guardian/Zerker. Both are good in PvP and PvE.
Crit damage bonuses are very good in capped wars.

Witch/Wiz, drop taunt ball, spam back attacks on mobs every 15 seconds. Most wanted class for siege/node wars.

Keep your main full weight/inventory, when you want to quit, just use it as a TAG base and/or life skiller with all of the weight and enjoy afk fishing.

While working on Jetina gear/accessory
You can do Infinite potion at the same time/weeklies.
Park an alt at the pot spot of choice, then hop on your main at Orcs or whatever.

Keep in mind, even though the inf pot spots don't give as much money.. as long as your workers and farm is growing crops it doesn't matter. You can always pre-order a few cheap accessories and tap them to still get money.

Then later on when you are on your main/281K+ you can start dropping more money for max out pre-orders on accessories.

Gambling vs Safe higher odds
I've known some players that literally enhance whenever they hit 1bil and repeat.
Then there are players that basically do the same thing, but they will only make "DUO" to sell because it's more "reliable" instead of gambling for TRI/TET.

Or you know; just go for tri+ when you break even.


I buy 10 billion in accessories.
Tap ALL of them to DUO.

If I end up with 10BILLION in sales ->
I tap for TRI

If I end up with LESS than 10 bil ->
I save all of them for next enhancement session

---> Go for TET/PEN


I spend money on memory fragments on gear.
Every fail on tet I get an investment into a big 100+ failstack to use on something more profitable later on.. like tet distortions or something.

Feels like losing money but...

--> later on you have a 200+/300 failstack to use on the best accessories in the game.

Example 3:
Enhance all "farmed" accessories
Liquidate all enhancement materials

Slowly and patiently gain gearscore.

My Striker PvP Guide (Video)
Currently at 12k views! Thank you all for the support!
Dawn 14 Sep @ 8:06am 
Witch, Nova, Berzek, Lahn is absolute SS tier. Nova awa is very hard for newbies, she has High APM.
Nhika  [author] 8 Sep @ 4:56pm 
Made this guide back in 2022, been updating.
Berzerker is still the meta class, and so is Witch/Wiz S/A tier in endgame grinding spots.
temphy 2 Sep @ 1:59am 
knew this was a braindead guide but the zerk recommendation truly solidified it lmao
Bones 18 Aug @ 8:21am 
Thank you for the help :steamhappy:
Dawn 14 Aug @ 7:17am 
Season Gear: NEVER use cron stones, valk's scrolls,artisan memory etc. Filled gem stones easy to get.
Reason 22 May @ 4:06pm 
I'm new to this game and I didn't understand jack sh*t of what you wrote.
Not a bad guide, but obviously a bad game.
I already paid to play; and your advice is to still put money on it?
I need a broke player guide; this isn't working for me...
seriously, I need a guide to explain me what the heck is going on in this game because all I've experienced so far is going back and forth doing nothing for meaningless rewards.

(Talk to someone, interact with object, talk to someone, get item, talk to someone, kill a harmless animal, talk to someone, get reward, talk to someone, interact once again with object; rinse and repeat before it gets boring so you can get max level and pvp in a fairly unbalanced gamemode)
titan 14 Jul, 2023 @ 2:07pm 
Filson 26 Apr, 2023 @ 2:57am 
CFABE12756CF453D, I dont play this game anymore, its the code for prime gaming loot - Haetae pet enjoy :)
Nhika  [author] 6 Jan, 2023 @ 6:41am 
You just check the price of what the node is getting you, but when I was new I just connected everything to Heidel because I was lazy lol
KEDOT SONTOL 6 Jan, 2023 @ 3:58am 
hey nice guide, can you make a guide for full nodes? since i'm confuse which nodes are important