Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

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Items (7)
Better City Events
Created by Yam
Better City Events By the Russia Reworked dev team. GitHub link, Discord link (shared with Russia Reworked discord, see #better-city-events). What is the mod about? This mod adds more events for the fall of important cities (or states) while making them av...
Colored Puppets & Country specific names
Created by Nekololi
As of today, ANY vanilla country can change color of their puppets and ALL majors and Poland has unique names IF NAMES ARE CHANGING BUT COLORS NOT, YOU GOT NOT COMPATIBLE MOD THAT OVERWRITES COSMETIC.TXT Ironman compatible... No If you see some naming issu...
Radiant Flags: Historical and Realistic (Updated for Trial of Allegiance)
Created by Aes
= = = = = ACHIEVEMENT AND MULTIPLAYER COMPATIBLE = = = = = = = = = = 1.14.* COMPATIBLE, SHOULD BE COMPATIBLE WITH EVERY VERSION = = = = = WARNING: This mods contains swastikas in its flags. If you want or need to play without them, there's a swastika-free ...
Player-Led Peace Conferences
Created by Neutrino
This mod gives players full and direct control of peace conference proceedings in wars they are involved in. Wars without player involvement conclude as normal. Currently supports patch 1.14 and above. If you're playing on version 1.10 or 1.11, please use ...
Sensible Political Map
Created by Enriador
https://i.imgur.com/fmPYN9u.png - - - 1.11.x COMPATIBLE - - - A map mod inspired by the mods 'WW's Map+' , 'Flat Country Colors', 'Thick Black Country Borders' and 'Red Impassable Border'....
The Road to 56 [Beta]
Created by Greatexperiment
July 2024 Update! **Highlights** * New focus tree for Romania. * Tank module expansion and rebalance. **Additions** * Monarchist Luxembourg can now form the Holy Roman Empire. * Focus descriptions for Ukraine. **Adjustments** * Slovenia is now required and...
Toolpack 2023 Edition
Created by Lite
This mod fixes toolpack and also adds a few more features. Achievments not allowed I've seen some people copying my icon. do NOT copy my icon. --------------- HOW TO USE --------------- Click on the arrow pointing towards the left above the army/navy/airfo...