Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

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Millennium Dawn( Мой набор модов)
Items (5)
Anime Music Collection
Created by Majo Max
Currently up to date with Hearts of Iron 4 version 1.14.* INTRODUCTION This Anime Music Collection contains dozens and dozens of tracks from various anime and anime-adjacent sources such as Demon Slayer, Attack on Titan, Gundam, and many others. The collec...
Millennium Anime 2
Created by baconizerfordays
Will not change checksum! With permission from Juliet, this mod simply continues Millennium Anime to the newer version of Millennium Dawn. This mod is stand-alone and doesn't need the original Millennium Anime to work. Portraits that are of lower-quality a...
Millennium Dawn new companies
Created by Freezer
Mod adds new companies and battalions such as : -Logistics company -Helicopter Logistics company -Military Police Battalion -Air Recon Battalion -Air Recon Company -Motorized Special Forces Battalion -Special Forces Air Assault Battalion -Medical Company -...
Millennium Dawn new companies RUS (Русская локализация)
Created by Rigsed
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/790865475063068544/34CBC07D7ED73B6282B3F7AF2E3D47BB462BF9B1/ Перевод мода Millennium Dawn new companies. Мод добавляет новые роты и батальоны, такие как : Логистическая компания Вертолетная логистическая компания ...
Millennium Dawn: A Modern Day Mod
Created by Millennium Dawn Mod
https://i.imgur.com/hpEdk0J.png https://i.imgur.com/MYaznE7.png With the dawn of a new millennium, a new chapter in human history is about to be written. Globalization continues to change the lives of countless billions while rising extremism is showing si...