25 ratings
Samurai Mask for Belt Slots (Samurai Armor Expanded) Patch
File Size
330.468 KB
5 Nov, 2022 @ 2:16am
1 Change Note ( view )

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Samurai Mask for Belt Slots (Samurai Armor Expanded) Patch

The Subarashii Oneさんが作成されたSamurai Mask for Belt Slots (Samurai Armor Expanded)を以下の内容で調整します。
このMODはSamurai Armor Expanded Patchの調整内容も含んでいますので、同時にサブスクライブは不要。

・Ancient Samurai Clothpantsを鍛冶場(重装甲)から革製防具を作製する作業台で製作できるように変更。
※Ancient Samurai Clothpantsは革防具のため。

Adjust the Samurai Mask for Belt Slots (Samurai Armor Expanded) created by The Subarashii One with the following contents.
This mod also includes the adjustments of the Samurai Armor Expanded Patch, so there is no need to subscribe to it at the same time.

- Changed so that equipment that is listed on the research list but cannot be produced can be produced.
- Changed so that Ancient Samurai Clothpants can be produced at the Leather Armour Crafting Bench from the Heavy Armour Smithy.
*Ancient Samurai Clothpants are made of leather.

MOD : Samurai_belt_mask Patch