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The Tasty Expansion Pack
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The Tasty Expansion Pack

Tasty Expansion

New species traits that awaken your inner chef and allow you to make a 5 star restaurant worthy of feeding a galactic empire! :)

Allows advanced gene editing of populations to turn them into tasty snacks for hungry carnivorous species. (This boosts a species' cattle food yield and market value.)

- Multiple applications of the "Delicious" trait!
- Turning species DNA into a secret recipe to aid in snackifying them.
- Traits like Crunchy, Juicy, and Really F♥♥king Delicious!
- Moar

What are you waiting for! Go out there and make some awesome food! (War Crimes not included. Serve Merman Burgers and Federation Patties at your own risk.)

Machine Empire Expansions:
Heaven's Error Expansion:

- Adds the new origin, Reawakened Judgement Matrix.
- Adds the challenging new civic, Heaven's Error, a machine civic that unlocks powerful buildings in return for a soul hungry economy. Waging holy crusade against xenos and extracting their sins results in Dark Matter production, which fuels these reality warping machines. Be warned though, this civic has a difficult start on a forgotten Tomb World, and is incentivized to wage war on its nearest biological neighbor in order to satisfy its Dark Matter needs. Enslaving xenos to be purified in Temples of Absolution is the key to success.
- Adds 7 new Dark Matter buildings and 5 Infernal Machine traits, two of which require Reawakened Judgement Matrix.
- Adds 3 new armies, two of which require Dark Matter.
- Adds the portrait "Dark Instrument".

Violet Flood Expansion:

- Adds the new origin, Nanorobotic Plague.
- Adds the new civic, Violet Flood, a machine civic that transforms the entire corpus of the gestalt intelligence into a shifting mass of nanorobots. Designed to convert all matter into Living Metal, this civic excels at planetary resource aggregation, starbase defense, and becoming extremely entrenched in the systems it infects. Lending to a slow, but 'tall' playstyle.
- Both the origin and the civic allow access to the ascension perk "Unstoppable Replication", which once taken allows the terraforming of all planets into "Nanoplague Worlds". There are currently 2 Nanoplague Worlds, each with new districts. Any planets (including gas giants) are targets for terraforming into nanobots, allowing massive potential with few solar systems.
- Unlocks 8 special Living Metal buildings with powerful bonuses that are centered around alloy production and planetary defense.
- Adds the portrait "Fatal Element".

Hive MInd Expansions:
Mother of Monsters Expansion:

- Adds the new origin, Escaped Bioweapons.
- Adds a new civic, Mother of Monsters, allowing the creation of Kaiju, Apex Predators, and Extinction Sterilizer Swarms after researching the technology "Morphogenetic Field Mastery". Hives that birth great monsters are evolved to crush and consume other species with reckless abandon, causing massive collateral damage.
- Extinction Swarms aren't cheap, but for an advanced hive they serve as a powerful augment to Xeno-armies.
- Apex Predators are expensive, but are designed to slaughter armies without fear or tiring.
- Kaiju take years to grow, but once mature a single Kaiju can spell doom for a lesser species.
- Hives with the Mother of Monsters civic have access to the new building "Bioweapon Development Cluster", which produces biological research and aids in supplementing war resources at the cost of food and bioweapon "crime". (Upgrade to max at your own risk.)
- Adds the portrait "Bioweapon 'Promethius".

Embryonic Hive Expansion:

- Adds a new civic, Embryonic Hive, which can only be taken during empire creation. Embryonic Hives are proto-organisms that start feeble, and struggle to inhabit worlds, but eventually transform into a mature hive with unrivaled genetic adaptability once they shed their embryonic forms.
- Access to the "Metamorphosis" ascension perk. Taken as the 6th or greater ascension perk, after completing the genetic ascension tradition, this hive gains additional gene modification points, faster population modification speed, and exclusive powerful genetic traits. There are currently 14 Metamorphosis exclusive traits that heavily specialize hive subspecies.
- Warning: Embryonic Hive is complicated to play, and its true strengths come from tailoring different subspecies of your hive for different environments, leaderships, and jobs within the empire. Allowing incredible optimization for the clever hive master, and doom for the reckless gene dabbler.
- Adds the portrait "Opaline Hive".

Traditional Empire Expansions:
Celestial Prospectors Expansion:

- Adds the origin, All That Glitters, allowing an empire to start with a Treasure World and granting natural talent at securing trade deals and accumulating wealth.
- Adds a new civic, Treasure Hoarders, allowing an empire to terraform planets into "Treasure Worlds" by covering a planet in riches.
- Adds the portraits, "Planet Breaker", "Hoard Keeper", and "Vyper Intergalactic™".

Secret Expansions
Spoopy extra things!

Additional Portraits
- 7 additional portraits
- Secret portraits?

Generic Game Changes:
- Hives can now not only keep other xenos as livestock, but they can remove their population controls to allow enslaved xeno populations to grow. (Base game does not allow hivemind owned livestock to grow.)

Mod Compatibility and Code of Creation:
Universally compatible. This mod heavily avoids modifying core Stellaris code, and linker ignored files (like main.gui) to maximize mod compatibility. I avoid doing certain tempting things like custom strategic resources, but it means this mod is compatible with everything. Basically I'm aiming for code stability and compatibility over getting too greedy with my creativity lol. I want this mod to be basically be free DLC for anyone, the "Vanilla+ Players" and the "Heavily Modded Giga Gamers".

Chinese Localization Mod by 卡尔文迪斯梅特:

In Development
Any and all feedback is welcome! Please contact me if you notice any bugs or feel that certain values should be re-balanced!

Latest Changes
- Adjusted weights for Violet Flood job priorities to improve automation.
- Increased absolver dark matter production from 0.25 per job to 0.4.
- ROCK AND STONE (Spayce dwarb and problematic dragon added...)
- Ongoing typo correction because I have smooth brain...

Patreon! :3[]
Коментарів: 122
Sad Wet Cat ;3  [автор] 11 год. тому 
Of course!
⢰⣿⣿⣿⣿⡆⠊⢡⠀⠀ poggers
im sorry lol
BlindingPhoenix 12 год. тому 
Thank you so so much for doing this!
Sad Wet Cat ;3  [автор] 14 год. тому 
Just a note to add after more testing. If you have low amenities, there will be a little bit of a tug-of-war between the jobs. But it will maximize research if it can. This happens because when it has low amenities it takes a researcher and makes them an inductor, thus giving high amenities, so it then thinks it is now ok to take an inductor and make them a researcher, lowering the amenities and repeating the cycle. It behaves nicely if you have your amenities under control, and from a automation standpoint if you have a massive empire it is un-noticeable. It does bother me when I just watch the planet on fast forward though XD I am likely going to try to improve this system over time.
Sad Wet Cat ;3  [автор] 15 год. тому 
I think you're right! I've done two things and the system works much better now. First I moved the job to menial drones like you suggested, allowing it to be favorited over other menial drone jobs. And second I gave it equal weight and logic to the base maintenance drone. This makes it only outcompete research jobs if amenities are very low. To be exact, if amenities are less than 10, it will move a population into the job slot.

All this is making me realize how ramshackle Stellaris' automation is lol. Some of the stuff I am seeing in here is basically code-gore. I removed the frame limit so I could watch population fill jobs in the normal game at light-speed and it is...not good lmao.

Reading you loud and clear. I think I have decided I am going to separate the funny stuff out when I get the chance. It's a pretty big endevor so I am likely to procrastinate it (just being honest) but I want to do it. Enough people have asked!
BlindingPhoenix 16 год. тому 
I think I realized what the root of all these problems might be! Laminar Inductors are considered complex drones, not menial drones. Since they fill the role of the vanilla maintenance drones, they should likely be moved down to menials. According to the wiki, clerks/menial drones have a base job weight of .65, compared to 1 for basic resource jobs like technicians or miners, and 10 for most complex/specialist jobs. If the laminar inductors have a job weight tied with the vanilla complex drone jobs, then that would explain why they're getting filled ahead of research jobs! My species has bonuses to Unity production, which increases the weight of Unity jobs, and Laminar Inductors give a small amount of Unity. This would tip the scales and prioritize them over research, if I'm right.
Daevinski 23 год. тому 
Please, consider releasing a version with only the traits and no meme content. I know a lot of people love the funny stuff, but others prefer just the creepy, monster traits. :beeped:
Sad Wet Cat ;3  [автор] 23 год. тому 
I am glad it helped!

I took a look at the Stellaris base code and hunter drones are low priority but they slowly become higher priority per 22 crime your planet has. While I could mod this to trigger faster, I avoid modding base game code because that causes mod incompatibilities (if two modders change the same vanilla game file it make game go boom lol). To alleviate the issue without overwriting the base game, I have buffed the Laminar Inductor job crime reduction to -8 crime per inductor. This should make controlling crime much easier.

Science is pretty important, I had the number low because I'm stupid, so I have bumped it up higher. Now nano-science jobs are equal priority to alloy jobs! As for the vanilla research buildings I can't touch those without doing terrible things to your game so if your building a science world you'll likely have to favorite the job XD

Please let me know if you have any more suggestions! I appreciate the feedback!
BlindingPhoenix 24 верес. о 21:58 
Ah, I have found a bug, actually. Amenity jobs are being prioritized over researcher jobs. Laminar Inductors are being filled before any researchers.
BlindingPhoenix 24 верес. о 21:43 
@Sad Wet Cat ;3

The update has improved a *LOT*, thanks! I've still noticed two little issues, though. Hunter-Seeker drone jobs are among the last to be filled, behind even amenity jobs. However, deviancy/crime rises naturally with population count, so even if you have enough amenities you'll still get deviancy. I was able to handle this on my own by marking the job as a favorite, but that meant I was unable to favorite the researcher job, which I also wanted completely filled. In the base game, it feels like there's some kind of system where crime/deviancy related jobs and amenity jobs are only filled as they become necessary. There's no need to micromanage clerks or maintenance drones as your population grows, they just fill in as your amenities start to run low. Am I just imagining things, or is that a system that exists but isn't implemented here?
BlindingPhoenix 24 верес. о 19:44 
@Sad Wet Cat :3
Thank you so much! I'll try it out in a bit!