64 คะแนน
Merger Alter Anime Girls
หลักเกณฑ์เนื้อหา: เนื้อหาสำหรับผู้ใหญ่ทั่วไป, เนื้อหาโป๊เปลือยหรือเนื้อหาทางเพศบางอย่าง
980.988 MB
2 พ.ย. 2022 @ 4: 28am
26 ก.ย. @ 9: 51am
105 หมายเหตุการเปลี่ยนแปลง ( ดู )
This is a merger of
  • Alternate Neptunia and Anime Girls Portraits
  • Anime Girls as Lithoid
  • Add-on Goddess lineage
  • Add-on Alter Robotic Anime Girls (excluding overwriting part)
  • Of course unsubscribe those before subscribe this one.
  • I was going to name it Merger Alternate Neptunia and Anime Girls Portraits, but would be too long.

List of allergens
  • Some degree of sarcasm (imagine Toxoid advisor)
  • Anime
  • All female
  • Cleavage
  • Custom traits fit to my taste, they won't show up randomly! least I thought so.
  • Chaotic file structure....yeah my bad there.
Basic info
  • Re-written for MACHINE AGE DLC.
  • Portraits design around this mod
  • This portrait mod includes Neptunia, Idolmaster, Girls und Panzer, Symphogear, High school DxD and others.
  • Some portraits may available to certain leader classes. For example, commander class would only include military uniform, HDD form, etc. (I won't bother list which is which)
  • Some old portraits were made in compressed .dds file which looks quite bad when zoom in.
  • Currently has 3 portrait groups. Gaminduatrian as immortal specie, Alter Gaminduatrian as "normal" specie and Machine Girl as MACHINES.
  • First 2 groups include Lithoid types.
  • Portrait modding always available even not taking bio ascension perk.
  • Non-randomize. These portraits should not shows up any where randomly unless forced spawn.
  • No, I don't know what to name species to be more appropriately.
  • Only one name list.
  • Omit custom advisors, I'm currently unwilling to update them. (For some reason advisor just won't play sound war declaration between NPCs (AI) empires. Was it even my mod causing it?)
  • Not intend immortal species as NPC (AI) empire.
  • I made one extension
    It's not absolutely required. I keep it external because it required overwriting.

Custom Robots
  • Custom robot specie separate from vanilla robot, should show up only when custom specie is selected.
  • File regarding robots heavily copied from New Genesis mod.
  • Warning: origin Mechanist won't get this custom robot. Spending hours or even days to fix something I would not use does not sound very entertaining to me.....
  • Default name as Autodoll.

Immortal Species
  • Specie locked trait just like lithoid.
  • Come with leader traits, now simplified to "Goddess lineage" only.
  • Has "price tag" of -20% growth rate (30% for Crystalite) and 10% amenity upkeep.
  • Made opposite 3 overtune traits and add 3 "equal" alternatives with amenity and other as upkeep.
  • Goddess Lineage has issue with subterranean origin. Crystalite works fine.
  • Balance issue with Clone army origin.
  • Custom army Heavy Armored Valkyrie: Expensive assault army.

Custom Technologies and parts
  • Available only to immortal species using stating tech condition.
  • (Goddess) Bio Interface: Custom computer alternative to Sapient computer. For starship only, not platform. I don't want to out right push other combat computer out of picture.
    I use Precog computer as image for now. Game won't read my custom icons for some reason.
    Note: Long range computer for Frigate and cruiser has longer range but low fire rate.
    I only bother made this out annoyance against Contingency. (Bah! Stop following me!)
    Idea after Homeworld series.

Custom buildings
These are meant for custom immortal species only
  • Idol Theater: Add high amount of amenities and small amount of extra birthrate. Add 1% growth rate for pleasure seeker empire. Also has Warrior Culture version. This one influences by automation.

  • Forbidden Garden: Meant for pleasure seeker empire. cancelled for now. I do intend to replicate the Red light Demeanour here.

  • *Capital only* Synthetic Living Metal Production Center: Expensive building that produce total amount of Living Metal of 1. Meant for empire that has no access to Living Metal for any reason.

  • *Capital only* Basilicom of Galactic Wonder: Add Mega structure build capacity.

  • *Capital only* Artifact Hunter Guild: “Produce” minor artifacts. Require no unique tech but need Exotic gas as up keep.

  • *Capital only* Genetic Mastery Institute: add 3 trait points and 1 head scientist ( or whatever it's called).
    Can be upgrade further to get 5 trait points. Needless to say, it won't shows up if you don't want it.

(DISABLED)Buff Buildings
These buildings meant to "buff" some vanilla civics / ascension perks without overwriting any file. Mostly capitol only building. All empire with correspond civic/perk should have access to them.
  • Noble Academy: for civic philosopher king.
  • Academy of Transcendent Learning
  • Shadow Academy: for shadow council civic.
  • Civil Defense Academy: for Warrior Culture Civic. Still work in progress: add army health, unity.
  • Enigmatic Institute: for enigmatic Engineering perk. Well, this thing was made before cloak so I have to make it a bit weak.

Image sources

In case you want to use any of this content or I simply quit
  • Well, you have to get though unorganized file structure. (....due to inexperience)
  • At least credit my name, some of these portraits do take time to render .

  • You might find some .png beside .dds files. These are backups beside un-compressed .dds files.
  • Some portraits in files are not in use because there are either not ready or I don't know what to do with them.
More wall text of doom coming soon! If I remember what to mention that is!

Note to self
Portrait size for Paragon patch should be not larger than 500 wide by 380 height pixels and the character should be placed right at the middle. Not sure why change this all the sudden. *Ughhhh!!!!*
92 ความเห็น
Alferner 22 ก.ค. @ 9: 53am 
As long as I have Neptune as my eternal ruler I am satisfied Triley.
Triley  [ผู้สร้าง] 1 ก.ค. @ 8: 43am 
Regarding recent UI Overhaul Dynamic update: Well, I wasn't expected that welcoming changes.
But please don't expect me to update any large portrait to fit this update. Maybe a few of my favorite, but not most of them.
Triley  [ผู้สร้าง] 12 พ.ค. @ 2: 29pm 
Never mind again, just finish virtual tree to get auto fill job effect.
*Face palm*
Triley  [ผู้สร้าง] 12 พ.ค. @ 1: 25pm 
Bug again(?) : It seems "Machine Girl" has compatibility issue with Virtual Path.
Virtual pops just won't auto populate vacant jobs.
Not sure I can fix that.
Triley  [ผู้สร้าง] 11 พ.ค. @ 1: 27pm 
Found strange issue: I found some "blank" pops randomly which related to "Machine Girls" somehow.
Triley  [ผู้สร้าง] 10 พ.ค. @ 9: 19am 
For some reason, my old post does not show event ID at all.
It is cybernetics.5046
Triley  [ผู้สร้าง] 9 พ.ค. @ 12: 51pm 
Never mind about Virtual leader trait. I just need to finish Virtual path tree.
Triley  [ผู้สร้าง] 9 พ.ค. @ 10: 24am 
Problem found(?) during Virtual path. Leaders are not getting Virtual traits.
Triley  [ผู้สร้าง] 8 พ.ค. @ 7: 04am 
I change my mind, uploaded old 3.11 version. But Steam's automatic system still scan said mod for hours. Not sure what to do.
Triley  [ผู้สร้าง] 8 พ.ค. @ 1: 48am 
*Pant* Successfully updated to 3.12.1......I think.