462 értékelés
Mod, 1.4, 1.5
3.034 MB
2022. okt. 21., 3:35
márc. 31., 1:03
7 változásjegyzék ( megnézés )
Ennek az elemnek a használatához DLC szükséges.

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Xenotech brings more genes, factions and xenotypes for the Biotech dlc. These xenos have their own custom namer for pawns, settlements and their factions. Genes included with Xenotech are regeneration, voices, tails, milkable, gender, wings, ears, tusks and more. Have fun creating your own xenos.

Factions are not pre-placed in your list so you don't have to worry about these factions. It's quite easy however to add them should you want to while generating a new world.

We also have a custom namer for settlement, names and new factions!

Some of the xenotypes are integrated in vanilla factions, so you might rarely see one or two pop up every now and then in events or caravans.

Q: How can I report bugs or ask for help?
A: Comment down below, or report it over at our discord, make sure to include your player log files if any.

Q: Add factions? Why can't I see them?
A: When you generate a world, you can easily select what factions you want and don't want. All of mine are not included in the startup line as to not cause inconvenience for players who don't want some or all of the factions I created. You can manually add those you'd like to see though.


Many thanks to the folks over at Yggdrasil and my friends over discord for their support!

Made by LTS, Contact LTS for any inquiries.
Rimworld is owned by Tynan Sylvester.

  • None at this moment
  • But I'd love your thoughts and suggestions for improvements!
235 megjegyzés
AzureKris júl. 9., 21:46 
I also have the same issue with missing limbs not healing and just constantly bleeding over and over again. exact same scenarios as MrDisem and Tidurian, EXCEPT, the character in question on my save is not a child, but an adult. I do use the Big and Small mods as well.
Tidurian júl. 9., 3:25 
addition: Forgot to mention it was a child as well. also : applies to any bodypart not only limbs. tested it with a pawn missing its thumb. regenerates into Cut off (fresh) - tended to "cut off" -> regenerates into "Cut off (fresh)" ad infinitum.
Tidurian júl. 9., 2:21 
I have the same issue as MrDisem. but it applies to the four armed humans from big and small genes and more. they "regrow limbs" into a "cut off (fresh)" state that is heavily bleeding. it gets tended into a "Cut off" however once the neogenesis strikes again it just replaces the hediff with "Cut off (fresh) once more. starting a never ending cycle.
Futstub máj. 29., 2:27 
Any chance you could add a desciption of the genes in the workshop page?
I for one am too lazy to first download a mod, start the game and then check for balance...
G-Fiti máj. 24., 7:04 
I was looking at the races your mods ads and was like wtf is an RK for a moment! XD
LordXamon ápr. 22., 8:49 
I found a typo. The description of the hip wings have a random line jump in there
MrDisem ápr. 22., 3:29 
Thank YOU.
LimeTreeSnake  [készítő] ápr. 22., 3:24 
Yeah I recall that bug, thought I had fixed it but sounds like children might have a special case with this. Shall look into! Thank you for clarifying!
MrDisem ápr. 21., 21:45 
And I just reload a save file a little bit before the attack, so I didn't resolve a problem with missing limbs.
MrDisem ápr. 21., 21:42 
Well, so what happened exactly, my child was wandering around a fox which started attacking my child. Fox almost tore apart the child, he lost his leg, arm and ear. My pawns killed the fox and healed the wounds of a child. After a little bit, I got a message that the child regrew his arm. And in fact he didn't, his arm was still missing and started heavily bleeding (it said he had 3 hours to live with this kind of bleeding). And my pawns treated his bleeding again and after few seconds I got a message again that he grew his arm, but it was a bleeding again. If you're asking me to replicate this situation - I can't, I don't know how. And I have mods like alpha genes as well. And I don't have any mod that can regrow limbs, so I think I don't have a conflict mod with this.