Planet Coaster

Planet Coaster

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Parco del Cormôr - PHASE 1
Tags: park, sandbox
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11.690 MB
13 Oct, 2022 @ 7:59am
19 Sep, 2024 @ 2:13pm
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Parco del Cormôr - PHASE 1


Welcome to phase 1 of Parco del Cormôr (Cormôr Park), a fictional amusement park inside a real botanical garden.[]

First opened in the mid '90s the amusement park was originally meant to help preserving and showcasing the local insect fauna through a newly built butterfly house, providing local artists with a place to perform and offer guided tours on the history of the waterway the park borrows the name from.

With growing demand for a proper entertainment complex the management decided invest into the park introducing its still standing flagship rides - an S&S air launched coaster and an Intamin drop tower. The attractions selection was then further improved with the addition of an Intamin Zacspin.

What lies int the future for the southern half of the park? Check out PHASE 2 here!
Watch the ZacSpin POV here
Watch the S&S air launch coaster POV here


Its always hard to finish a park in this game... even when you have clear plans and goals.
It's even harder when you don't, and I didn't.
Fortunately there's many talented players around and some of them were nice enough to help me out when begged asked for, here's a list of all the people who DIRECTLY contributed to this project

in alphabetical order:
  • iDro who built the TMTK road signs specifically for me and provided many other TMTK items
  • Intim305 who built the original zacspin track
  • Matejakezman who provided the base blueprint for the climbing wall
  • Mazee who built me a great interiors set
  • Mistize who helped me tons with reshade
  • Silent Member who built and named the zascpin station interiors and the hawk statue
  • Zurg who gave me the idea for the winter trees

    And finally, the entire BroNation discord server

Building references: Parco del Cormor in Udine, butterfly house in Bordano, Udine nord highway toll booth in Udine, arena Alpe Adria in Lignano, local church in Pers, Vertigo in Gardaland, Powder keg in SDC, Kirnu in Linnanmäki.

  • The billboard was used for the custom workshop thumbnail and can be deleted right away ignoring any potential ''missing resources'' warnings.

  • This park was built using mods.

  • All TMTK items are necessary for this park, I added a list to make unsubrscribing them when not needed anymore as easy as possible.

  • This park was built using the Noir filter at ~30% strenght (lowest intensity possible) and I strongly reccomend using it while viewing the park for a correct colour balance.

Theme: recreation / realism

McBatty 23 May, 2023 @ 7:12am 
One of the best
Emaxmagnus  [author] 23 Oct, 2022 @ 8:32am 
@RCT D! the reshade preset is a ''lite'' version of Mistize's public ''muggy'' preset release which can be found here the list can be create on any workshop item by clicking on the ''Add/Remove Required Items'' section and then ''subscribed items''
DemonaLisaKills 21 Oct, 2022 @ 8:59pm 
This is very clean and cool! Fantastic job!
RCT D! 21 Oct, 2022 @ 2:56pm 
Hey I love this project. It´s so stunning and looks so realistic. Could you share your reshade settings? And how do you create this used toolkit object list on steam?