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Solid Light - Missile Launchers (WC)
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Type: Mod
Mod category: Block, Other
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31. Dez. 2023 um 11:34
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Solid Light - Missile Launchers (WC)

A extremely W.I.P Fixed (non turreted) SL Missile launcher mod,

Max range of all weapons:3000
I have it set here since any more would have random planetary cargo ships nuking me from the sky lol.

These launchers are intended to be built into ships, they are "camouflaged" to blend in a bit with armor, though it is is impossible to make a perfect fit. (Note: SKINS do work on these weapons, since I use vanilla textures in my models)

Currently has 6 Launchers (ALL HAVE SMART HOMING PROJECTILES):
Some models will probably be redone, so block sizes might change maybe, I am not very good at adding details to "encased" types of weapons without it looking weird, or impractical. . .
Medium Missile Launcher LG: (3x2x3)
Energy Cost: ??, Burst Size: 6, Burst Reload: 10s, Burst full damage(HE/Shrap): 124,800

Medium Missile Launcher SG: (9x6x9)
Energy Cost: ??, Burst Size: 6, Burst Reload: 7.5s, Burst full damage(HE/Shrap): 61,200

Heavy Barrage Missile Launcher: (3x3x3)
Energy Cost: ??, Burst Size: 36, Burst Reload: 25s, Burst full damage(HE/Shrap): 115,200

Large Missile Launcher: (3x3x5)
Energy Cost: ??, Burst Size: 1, Burst Reload: 25s, Burst full damage(HE/Shrap): 308,000

Small Missile Launcher LG: (1x1x3)
Energy Cost: ??, Burst Size: 4, Burst Reload: 3s, Burst full damage(HE/Shrap): 16,000

Small Missile Launcher SG: (3x3x9)
Energy Cost: ??, Burst Size: 2, Burst Reload: 3s, Burst full damage(HE/Shrap): 8000

(The Utility launcher currently has problems shooting on it's own, so you will have to force it to shoot till I can fix it.)
Utillity Missile Launcher: (3x2x4)
Energy Cost: ??, Burst Size: 2, Burst Reload: 12s, Burst full damage: N/A

// All AOE Damage is pooled that means it continues to do damage to blocks in range until it uses up all its "damage",
// it is similar to how my MAC guns do damage, but in a AOE instead of a line
// (Light armor has 2.5k hp in total, 100 damage = 1 steel plate)


// (Note: Total damage is per bullet)
// (1 block is 2.5m)

Small Missile HE: AOE: 3m, AOE damage: 3800, Direct damage: 200, Total Damage: 4000
Medium Missile HE: AOE:8m, AOE damage:20,000, Direct damage: 800, Total Damage: 20,800
Medium Missile HE SG: AOE: 5m, AOE damage: 10,000, Direct damage: 200, Total Damage: 10,200
Large Missile HE: AOE: 25m, AOE damage: 300,000, Direct damage: 8000, Total Damage: 308,000


// (Note: Total damage is per bullet (it counts all fragments too))
// (Shrapangle is the cone in front of the projectile where it can spawn fragments)
// (Block Pierce is the Max blocks a projectile can go through (note: only fragments/shrapnel have the pierce))
// (Shield Pierce is what % damage gets past shields, it is per fragment)

shrap ammo is more expensive power wise, and is less accurate

Small Missile Shrap:
Shield Pierce: 3%, Block Pierce: 2, Shrapangle: 15, ShrapCount: 3, Direct damage: 733, Total Damage: 2199

Medium Missile Shrap:
Shield Pierce: 8%, Block Pierce: 4, Shrapangle: 20, ShrapCount: 6, Direct damage: 3467, Total Damage: 20,802

Medium Missile Shrap SG:
Shield Pierce: 7%, Block Pierce: 4, Shrapangle: 15, ShrapCount: 6, Direct damage: 1,700, Total Damage: 10,200

Large Missile Shrap:
Shield Pierce: 10%, Block Pierce: 8s, Shrapangle: 25, ShrapCount: 20, Direct damage: 15,400, Total Damage: 308,000


(let me know if you have any more ideas for this launcher, I just wanted to add a less direct damage type of weapon, but these are the only things that came to mind. . .)

Knockback: Mass(kg): 5000, AOE: 6, AOEDamage: 600,
AntiShield: DamagevsShield: 65,000

Missile launchers encased too deeply in armor won't fire on their own, that is by design by the WC devs,
idk if they can be fire manually though,but if they can, they will still home in on targets, since the ammo is in charge of homing.

I fixed the weapons not reloading on their own, now you can freely change the ammo type fired.

I used "colored" icons, looking at bluish-grey icons hurts my eyes now lol.

Launchers auto fire at enemies in range, though only if they have a LOS which is quite unfortunate. (eg 90 from the center) weapons on the opposite side of the ship from a target might need to be manually fired.

Add a custom muzzle flash for every weapon.
Add custom hit particles for every ammo type.
Add custom bullet travel particles for all ammo types with distinctions on look based on what type is being fired (shrapnel vs he, etc).

Let me know what ya think.

11 Kommentare
lAimBotl  [Autor] 3. Juli 2023 um 21:10 
vanilla doesn't support homing projectiles unfortunately
OttoArms 3. Juli 2023 um 21:07 
Please a none Weapon core, ty
Trialsphere 31. März 2023 um 18:15 
The thumbnail missile silos very closely resemble the nuke silo from FORTS, a game I adore. I love it.
Jappards200 14. März 2023 um 0:16 
Interesting, are these homing missiles in the traditional sense? Gatling turrets don't target them. The ranges should be more proportional to size though(heavy, large and medium bigger range than small).

Furthermore, the missiles rarely hit even on larger targets? I thought a larger enemy target(about 10mill kg) would be more easily hit, but its not quite the case. Large does a lot of damage when it does hit, but more than often it just flies about. Its fine to have missiles bounce a bit(especially if you want turrets to be able to target them), but after a few bounces it should probably hit.

If there are conveyor connections, can you put them on the block?
(e)GSV No Patience And No Time 29. Jan. 2023 um 14:43 
nice but range is too low for my taste
wingmaster 27. Jan. 2023 um 9:25 
well the star blazers mod pack has missile and torpedoes that go from 5 to 10 km the aryx weapons have ranges from 5 to 10
lAimBotl  [Autor] 27. Jan. 2023 um 9:12 
tbh I don't really know the ranges of most weapon mods these days, I just set it as 3km since that is quite under most cargo ships range from me normally in planets, though I could probably push it to 4km and be fine.
wingmaster 27. Jan. 2023 um 4:38 
well most combat in SE for me anyways takes place in space and a missile launcher that only reaches out to 3km is practically useless no offense
lAimBotl  [Autor] 26. Jan. 2023 um 16:05 
If you mean by perfectly fitting in with armor blocks, that might not be possible since they use connected textures that change based on the blocks placement, and it is impossible to do that with normal blocks.

All of them use vanilla textures, so they are paintable and skinable as much as vanilla blocks are.

I shall add that to my todo list (sloped weapons).


I could bump up the range a little, the main reason the range is "low" is so they are balanced in planets.
Hotaro 26. Jan. 2023 um 15:19 
I think as long as the skins were just compatible with the textures in the game and they could be paintable, straight flat sides are execptible. The one thing I would do is add variants that have sloped fronts at both angles. 45 degrees and not sure what the 2 block long slope is.. maybe 30 degrees? that would help expand block placement and utility.