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Cult of Pleasure mechanics for Morathi
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2022年9月25日 4時37分
2023年4月15日 7時27分
9 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Cult of Pleasure mechanics for Morathi

What does this mod do
This mod gives the faction Cult of Pleasure the Seductive Influence mechanic, a custom cult and a new custom hero. Seductive influence thresholds for the various races have been ~doubled to compensate for having more tools to influence a faction. You now also have the ability to subjugate and liberate as settlement occupation options.

Also check out Seductive Influence *all races if you wish to expand the list of races Morathi can seduce and vassalise.

  • A unique type of cult settlement providing 4 building slots, with a discoverability system and dynamic building effects.
  • 82 different cult buildings, divided into 19 building chains
  • A new cultist hero with 40 different skill keys + an inbuilt HP skill dump unlocked at level 50 for those who play with an extra skill points mod
  • 55 unit capped units from Slaanesh, Norsca, High Elves, Wood Elves, Empire, Cathay, Kislev and Bretonnia that can be unlocked via context specific cult buildings

Special credits

My other mods
  1. Less Red more Art A mod the brings more art into the campaign UI alongside new main menu backgrounds with music

  2. Looking for Vampire Coasts sea shanty and other background movies? Menu Movies Expansion 1

  3. Looking for the Ogre Chant and other background movies? Menu Movies Expansion 2

  4. Seductive Influence *all races A mod the expands the number of seducible races

  5. Tired of all the vent pop ups? Event Suppression allows you to suppress event messages.

  6. Katarin always win the supporter race A mod that ensures Katarin always win the supporter race and confederate Walmart Rasputin

Q: The buildings doesn't appear
A: Certain mods like the UI improvement mod by Addan Deith edit the same file as this one. You can put this mod at the top of the load order to overwrite whatever mod causes the issue. Alternatively you can use the Unique Faction UI mod by Müsliriegel that incorporates the same changes as the UI improvement mod, but doesn't clash with this one.

Q: Why is the seductive influence tracker above my own armies/settlements?
A:It's a byproduct of Dark Elves being seducible, it have no practical effect on the campaign and I've yet to find a way to remove it from a specific faction.

Q: Is it save game compatible?
A: It's a one way street, you will probably be fine adding the mod to an ongoing campaign, but I wouldn't remove it from a campaign.

Q: Does this mod support multiplayer?
A: I don't know as I don't have anyone to test MP with. The game utilises a fair few scripts so it might cause desyncs. Give it a spin and report back if it doesn't work.

Future Plans
Possibly implement garrisons for embassy buildings. It was originally a part of the plan for initial release, but it doesn't seem to be as straightforward as with normal buildings

Known bugs
  1. Building an embassy, removing the embassy and then rebuilding it after 5+ turns will remove the periodic diplomatic bonus. I'm not quite sure why this is a thing, but if you didn't read this you would probably never know about the bug so I don't consider the bug critical.

All the folks over at the modding den[].

DJ Fro-Fro for developing RPFM.

Games Workshop for the event picture art.
145 件のコメント
Kalessin 5月21日 0時02分 
For those who need the 5.0 update link :
Kentathor 5月10日 10時19分 
It's already been updated with a submod, search for morathi and you'll find it.
󠀡 5月8日 23時01分 
update plz
Goth Disco Punk 4月2日 13時38分 
i dont speak russian either, and thats a good idea i hadnt considered!
iDon'tSpeakRussian! 4月1日 1時45分 
There is a mod that gives changeling AI normal settlements. Only if you play it you get cults and normal tzeench settlements.
That pretty much fixes the problem too :D
Goth Disco Punk 3月31日 23時44分 
thank u for making me realize i dont hate cult mechanics, just the changeling lol
forever alone 2月12日 11時57分 
iDon'tSpeakRussian! 2023年11月16日 0時06分 
Proper patch this time :)
(Diplomacy crash, negative bilion slaves, skill nodes)
Morathi fully fixed, Hopefully Azazel next :D
👁 2023年11月9日 23時38分 
Still breaks faction seduction for Azazel.
schattenkayn 2023年10月21日 4時22分 
im looking forward asswell for a fix for this mod would have loads of good Plans with this.