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Obiecte (27)
Wreck Locator
Creată de Biff_W
Feature When there's a wreck in 1000m range, you will receive its "SOS" signal on your sonar monitor. This doesn't require starting a new campaign to make an effect. Note Shipwrecks may not be located in the following cases: 1.The shipwreck has no containe...
Creată de Imperium Secundus
极光工业为某科研公司设计制造的小型科研船。 谁会找一家战舰工厂定制科研船?这艘船的建造费用高昂——仅有小部分经费是用在科研设备上的。实际上,这艘科研船拥有全套完整的武装系统。但既然客户与工业都说这是一艘科研船,那她就是一艘科研船。尚且不知道她的船员们有什么科学突破,不过她击杀巨兽的事却是有目共睹。 “让船员们更有安全感。”看来,设计部门很好的贯彻了客户的需求。船内装有较先进的控制系统与不少大屏幕——这家客户与极光工业关系不错,否则工业只会像大部分联盟船厂那样直接将勉强能用的设备堆在船内。 价格:3850mk...
Creată de 法莎莉雅
高难度任务加入站点任务,奖励丰富(主要是我觉得,战斗不够嗨!所以增加战斗获得奖励的任务) 因为大型怪物直接还是会有碰撞,所以一次不能刷太多,不然会互相干扰无法正常进攻,只能控制在2~3只 目前有 黑摩螺克群,女妖,双或三女妖,末日蠕虫,毁灭蠕虫,双末日蠕虫,双毁灭蠕虫 提高了一下任务出现概率和条件,现在第一海域也可以刷出来了 增加了黄金之风任务,一堆黄金锤头鲨 增加了大棘刺群,精英迅猛龙群,大型爬行者,爬行者母皇的任务 增加捕钩兽的任务 增加三个高难巢穴任务(试验) 增加一个洞穴里清理画皮的任务(试验) 增...
Creată de 233-1
温馨提示:如果您在游玩时出现任何生理或心理上的不适,请立刻停止游玩。如果情况严重请及时就医。如果您无法承受意料之外的损失,请不要订阅!请不要订阅!请不要订阅!(为了您好) Tip: If you experience any physical or psychological discomfort while playing, please stop playing immediately. If the condition is serious, please consult a doctor promp...
Creată de aaron.golder
Disclaimer: This mod is a fixed version of the "ALIEN - XENOMORPH" mod made by harrixon and rickashell. All credit for sprites and the original script goes to them. I only made the fix and changed the project structure. If the creators have a problem with ...
Creată de whosyourdaddy
该mod为加工台添加了两个额外的过滤选项: 分类(医疗、武器、潜水、装备等...) 内容包(Vanilla、BOS、EK Pack、ITA 等...) 需要客户端LUA,与一切Mod物品完全兼容。 This mod adds two additional filtering options to the fabricator: Categories (Medical, Weapon, Diving, Equipment, etc...) Content Package (Vanilla, BOS, EK P...
CRUX 南十字 巡洋舰
Creată de Imperium Secundus
极光工业“远望”工程的最后一艘战舰。由于建造巡洋舰耗资巨大,此工程在南十字建造完成后便结束了。与之前的战舰相同,南十字上大量使用了显示屏,并且对金属墙壁进行了遮挡。船内沿用了不少前期战舰的技术,并进行了优化。这艘战舰是专为对舰作战与对生物作战设计的,装备有复合炮塔与近防炮。南十字还没有实战经历,但即便缺少作战经验,她仍能用如同暴雨的弹幕淹没掉各种敌人。 规格:82×19m 价格:11000mk 运货量:32箱 推荐人数:6~10人...
Dead Space
Creată de Kamikaze Airlines
Dead Space Mod for Barotrauma! There are now more developers working on this mod. Hopefully we can bring you more content soon! Currently this mod includes; - Unitologist faction - Dead Space monsters - Weapons such as the Plasma Cutter and Pulse riifle - ...
[Discontinued] EK Armory CN Patch
Creată de Logic_530
原模组 EK Armory ...
[Legacy] EK | Armory
Creată de Videogames
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Mod relies on core-game functionality that no longer is present. This mod is primarily balanced towards campaign; with various supplies purchasable from outposts, fortifications, and research centers; and many items to craft includi...
[Abandoned] First aid kit
Creată de Dewmoont
Universal set of bandage+saline+morphine. You can craft this item or buy it in some outpost for 150. The table of the item's properties is given below. Reduce Affliction Amount bleeding 2 burn 5 blood loss 2.5 damage 5 Affliction Amount oxygen low 2 opiate...
Improved XP Rates
Creată de manchyy
This mod buffs the brutal vanilla XP formulas, resulting in higher rates. Experience rates in Barotrauma are dynamic to your character's skill levels. Which means that the higher your level the more actions (and time) it will require for you to level up. T...
Lua For Barotrauma
Creată de Evil Factory
Updated for the v1.5.9.2 Summer Update + Hotfix + Hotfix 2 + Hotfix 3 Discord: Consider supporting the project: This is a Barotrauma modification that ad...
Meaningful Upgrades
Creată de Videogames
A mod which improves the existing upgrade system and adds new ones. Upgrade cost scales more linearly with what you are paying for. More incentive to max out an upgrade category instead of buying a different sub. Some Items can be upgraded to +50% or +100%...
Meaningful Upgrades CN
Creată de DarthCY
为Meaningful Upgrades添加了简体中文汉化,这是一种外挂的汉化,里面不包含本体。 需要安装原mod,将此mod放置于原mod之后并勾选。 写了一篇简单的汉化mod制作教程,大家可以参考参考:
Richer Merchant
Creată de Misor63
Richer Merchant Are you worried that the merchant's balance is too low? Do you want to sell more items? This mod makes merchant richer and allows you to sell the groceries you find from shipwrecks. Please note: this mod does not modify the amount of money ...
Creată de Imperium Secundus
"我仰头向上,视线穿过厚重的冰层,向璀璨的星空祈求祝福。" 以曾经的太空战舰造型为蓝图而制造的轻型驱逐舰。其内部被装修的干净整洁,船上大量的信息屏让人回想起以前那段傲游太空的岁月。 没人知道工业的那些人为什么要造出这样一个与木卫二的冰洋格格不入的怪物。整洁的内饰与大屏幕是经不起木卫二的考验的,一次次航行后这些东西最终都会变得残破不堪。而这艘船也一直停靠在工业船坞的那个角落里,静静等待着属于她的远航。 或许,她只归属于人们头上那片无垠的星海。 价格:8000马克 规格:57×19m 载货量:38箱 推荐人数:...
Submarine Weapon Sound Makeover
Creată de lobster
A small and simple audio mod that overrides turreted weapons to give them custom sounds. All Audio taken from Mechwarrior Online and the "Chunky Guns" sound mod for it. If you disagree with a thing I did or something's wrong, please use the provided discus...
[Deprecated] Unlimited Ammunition Box
Creată de Misor63
Deprecated, please use Unlimited Items Added the following items : Unlimited Coilgun Ammunition Box Unlimited Piercing Ammunition Box Unlimited Depleted Fuel Coilgun Ammunition Box Unlimited Physicorium Ammunition Box Unlimited Exploding Ammunition Box Unl...
[Deprecated] Unlimited Gun Ammunition
Creată de Misor63
Deprecated, please use Unlimited Items Added the following items : You can put them to original weapons. Unlimited Alien Power Cell Unlimited SMG Magazine Unlimited Depleted Fuel SMG Magazine Unlimited Exploding SMG Magazine Unlimited Assault Rifle Magazin...
[Deprecated] Unlimited Railgun EK Armory Pack
Creată de Misor63
It's a EK Armory Pack part independent of Unlimited Railgun EK Pack. Railgun Magazines : You can put the railgun magazine into the Railgun Shell Rack. Unlimited Railgun Sonar Decoy Magazine Unlimited Nuclear Sonar Decoy Magazine Unlimited Railgun Flechette...
[Deprecated] Unlimited Tool
Creată de Misor63
Deprecated, please use Unlimited Items Added the following items : Toolbelt Mk.2 : The improved Toolbelt can carry most items, and the slots are increased to 30. Artifact Transport Case Mk.2 : The improved Artifact Transport Case has 6 slots. Welding Tool ...
Creată de Noking
Diving 潜水模组 CN/EN “上九天揽月下五洋捉鳖” ●●●简介●●● 1.增加一套潜水服 2.增加一个水下推进器 3.增加一个耳机 4.增加一个球灯 5.潜水服面罩半透明化 ●●●参数●●● 1.堡垒潜水服:在深渊潜水服的基础上提高抗性到80%,增加眩晕,麻痹,自带声呐,略微减速,能抵御10000米水压 2.高级水下助推器:速度更快,并自带声呐信标功能,可开关灯光照明 3.增强耳机:提升通讯距离 4.球灯:一个便携灯,可大范围照明 5.半透明头盔被官方抄了 英化提供:DKAMX ---------...
重要 Important - Support language: Chinese, English - Github:Barotrauma-Animated - Discord: - Change Note:Steam Changelog - QQ群号:322191319 223590606 兼容补丁 Compatibility Patch 欧罗巴战争EuropaWar Compatibility Patch 精神创伤Neurotrauma Com...
Creată de Imperium Secundus
阿娜希塔 巡洋舰 在积累了一定经验后所建造的大型巡洋舰,其上首次搭载了无人机系统,可以远程操控小型穿梭艇。安装了直接消耗电力的光束炮,缩减武器种类的同时也减轻了不少后勤的压力。使用了角度切换炮塔的系统,可以用一个潜望镜控制多个方向的炮塔。6-10人最佳 水平极速29-下潜极速17 售价13500 规格75X28 载货量48 ...
Creată de Imperium Secundus
卡戎 驱逐舰 专为拦截,奇袭,支援而设计的小型炮艇,装备了连射炮和可通过驾驶室控制的爆矢电磁炮,能够对小型目标造成有效杀伤。可手动开启超载充能,电容器会以减少耐久为代价用最快速度充能。5-8人最佳 水平极速34-下潜极速17 售价8500 规格54X15 载货量48 ...