Killing Floor 2

Killing Floor 2

39 人が評価
Payday 2 Sountrack
Maps and Mods: Maps, Gamemodes
452.380 MB
2022年9月7日 9時46分
1 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Payday 2 Sountrack

Replaces the game's combat music soundtrack with tracks from Payday 2. The music in main menu, between the waves and ambient are remained vanilla. I replaced each instrumental and vocal version of vanilla track with the same PD2 track, so no matter you turn music vocals on or off you will hear the same. The total music amount of PD2 I used in the mod is slightly lower than tracks amount of KF2, so few tracks are repeated but it shoudn’t be a big deal. Seasonal maps(Tragic Kingdom, Santas Workshop, Monster Ball, Airship) are replaced as well, they are stored in individual .bnk files except for Airship which is in the main .bnk file.


1. Subscribe to download the files. You may have to start KF2 to begin the download.

2. Locate and unpack the RAR file in:

3. Pick the one(s) you want and copy paste the bnk file(s) into:
\Documents\my games\KillingFloor2\KFGame\Published\BrewedPC\WWiseAudio\Windows
If you don’t have the path just create the exact folders yourself.
15 件のコメント
咖啡 2023年10月21日 3時19分 
咖啡 2023年10月17日 11時47分 
Dark Kill 2023年5月24日 13時32分 
@Necrilem You need to match the original menu music length to loop it properly (which is 2:48 long), if you put a song that has less than this, it will stop until reaches that time and only then will loop.

You can use this site to see the duration of ALL tracks if you need to:
Necrilem 2023年4月23日 6時03分 
Hey so, i tried to play around and switch out the default main menu music. I managed to do that by converting it from .wav to .wem, renaming it to the right "code". BUT it only plays once and then stops, rather than looping while being in the main menu.

Could you maybe help me with how to fix that so it actually keeps playing?
Honestly pretty lost with wwise and how everything works here audio wise
Dark Kill 2022年9月15日 17時24分 
well i´ll try that as well, thanks for the answer
OFERABK  [作成者] 2022年9月15日 4時10分 
ummm for me its pretty straightforward just turn it up using the volume slide
I have never tried using individual .wem files, if adjusting Wwise doesn't work, maybe you can turn up the volume before you process via Wwise?
Dark Kill 2022年9月14日 23時05分 
I use WWise to convert to .wem btw
Dark Kill 2022年9月14日 22時43分 
Do you have any tips on how turn up the volume of some songs? I started to mod some songs too, but 2 of them stayed with a low volume in game, while the rest was ok
Out-of-Game Fall Guy 2022年9月13日 18時30分 
Alright, I'm going to figure it out, thanks for the info m8 :47_thumb_up:
OFERABK  [作成者] 2022年9月13日 18時25分 
Some tips of my experience
1. The Wwise editor Tripwire provided has a total file limit up to 200, so you should delete most files inside Wwise that are irrelevant to your mod, except all the default work unit and Master-Mixer Hierarchy, otherwise you won’t be able to generate soundbank files
2.Usually each soundbank contains only the relative audio files, for instance a soundbank for a weapon wouldn’t contain anything from other weapons unless its re-used. You can check the corresponding events to confirm that. As for soundtracks, all the combat tracks for common maps, and three tracks from Airship are stored in MACT, tracks of other seasonal maps are stored in seperate soundbanks. MMU contains only tracks in main menu. AMB contains the tracks between waves, again seasonal maps have different soundbanks except for Monster Ball which is in its MACT bnk.