Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

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TTT Tag-Gun
Content Type: Addon
Addon Type: Weapon
Addon Tags: Fun
File Size
1.576 MB
31 Aug, 2022 @ 2:56pm
4 Oct, 2024 @ 4:53am
17 Change Notes ( view )

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TTT Tag-Gun

In 2 collections by Emzatin
Emzatins 2021-2024 TTT Weapon Collection
46 items
Emzatins Up-to-Date Kollektion
114 items
The Tag-Gun is a weapon, that does no damage but applies a few effects to the target.
Everyone spawn with this gun, but it is mainly useful for innocents.

On hit your target is highlighted for 10 seconds, making them visible through walls.

If you're an innocent, you deal 20% more damage the last player youve tagged and you recieve 25% less from them.

This weapon is meant to be a tool for innocents to act on their suspicions without outright killing someone.
Traitor's can also use this gun, to remain under cover and to track someone through walls.

Almost any stats of this weapon can be changed via the following commands:
-ttt_taggun_pulsetime: How long innocents highlight their targets
-ttt_taggun_pulsetime_bytraitor: How long traitors highlight their targets
-ttt_taggun_pulsetime: How much extra damage does one do against their tagged enemy
-ttt_taggun_resistance: How much less damage do you recieve from your tagged enemy
-ttt_taggun_traitordamageeffects: When traitors tag a player, do they still recieve the damage and resistance buffs?
-ttt_taggun_ammo: Starting ammo
-ttt_taggun_trace: Enable bullet traces?
-ttt_taggun_message: Does the victim get notified when tagged?
ttt_taggun_message_delay: How many seconds is the message delayed?