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Entangling Slaaneshi Hellscourges
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28 Aug, 2022 @ 7:40pm
18 Feb, 2023 @ 11:43am
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Entangling Slaaneshi Hellscourges

Adds Entangled Contact Ability to Slaaneshi Hellscourge Units!
This mod adds a new "Entangled!" contact ability to Hellscourge variants of Chaos Warriors of Slaanesh and Chosen of Slaanesh. This amplifies their anvil/support type role by debuffing enemy speed and defense for their damage dealing allies to exploit.

  • Hellscourge whip equipped Chaos Warriors and Chosen gain the "Entangled!" contact ability that reduces enemy speed by 10% and melee defense by 10% for 10 seconds.
  • This does not change any other stats or units (e.g. Hellstriders of Slaanesh).

Is this save game compatible?

Is this compatible with reskin mods?

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Boer Hunter 21 Jun, 2023 @ 12:51am 
I think this has a place in undivided armies especially. Mix them in your frontline with nurgle stuff, get a flank with some Khorne boys and your set. I don't think its necessarily a downgrade to have entangling instead of poison, does something unique.
Spartan VI  [author] 12 May, 2023 @ 8:20pm 
You can only apply 1 "contact phase" in the melee weapons database table, so this mod would overwrite the poison contact phase that was added to these units in update 3.0.

At this point, poison is even stronger than the entangle contact ability that this mod brings, so using this mod would be a nerf compared to 3.0. I would no longer use this mod unless you feel hellscourges are too strong in vanilla, I suppose.

No plans to update this mod further since they're essentially "fixed" in vanilla.
CheesyRamen 23 Apr, 2023 @ 6:51am 
@Solaire, I believe hellscourges got poison attacks with 3.0 and generally units can only have 1 contact effect at a time. Idk which will take priority but this could present issues in coop if the 2 clients disagree which contact effect takes priority.
Solaire 14 Apr, 2023 @ 6:07am 
Does this need an update with 3.0?
Spartan VI  [author] 18 Feb, 2023 @ 11:38am 
Patch 2.4 gave Hellscourges AP after all, was holding out hope for a unique contact ability for such a unique weapon.

Going to sync their weapon values closer to the Patch 2.4 values, then reduce the Entangled! contact ability to only a 10% debuff to melee defense and speed, since they're pretty good damage dealers now.
Gleen Cross 20 Jan, 2023 @ 6:34pm 
For people complaining about the 90% thing, you can reduce (or remove) that by editing the pack file with RPFM, it's the "special_ability_phase_stat_effects" table. However, I found the number curious, 0,1 = 90%?
Veratos 3 Nov, 2022 @ 6:25am 
That 90% reduction is nasty, not sure it's the most balanced decision.
Rick Sanchez 14 Oct, 2022 @ 5:31am 
Adding the 90% reduction of armor piercing was a terrible idea, can you please revert? It makes absolutely zero sense from both a gameplay and lore perspective. 90% is insanely strong, it basically neuters EVERY armor piercing entity and makes these units virtually unkillable. There's no reason that this contact effect should do that.
KoDan76 3 Oct, 2022 @ 2:20pm 
Two questions:
Why does it reduce Armor Piercing damage? I feel like it should jsut reduce melee attack, don't really see how getting entangled by a whip reduces the damage of your weapon.
Second: Would you consider modding this to the DE unit with whips?
Cultish 30 Sep, 2022 @ 5:03am 
90% AP reduction seems far too strong. May as well not even use AP units against them at all at that point.