Fallout 4

Fallout 4

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Best Left Forgotten
By Melchi
Fallout 4 add-on : Far Harbor. Main quest ; Best Left Forgotten. Retrieve Dima's Memories.

After reading guides explaining how difficult retrieving Dima's memories was for others, i decided to have a go.

I've played Fallout 4, for over 4000 hrs, And i'm on my 5th sole survivor.
This guide may help you because of its pure simplicity.
How to complete this mission.
Main Entry
Best left forgotten -
Brief walk-through

1, Save game before using computer in the Nucleus
2, do not interrupt Dima's verbal instruction.
3, Seek out extra Code blocks(glow white) Decoder relays(glow green)
4 place defence turrets along the path your green data indexers (look like radroaches) will take.
5 build bridges for the green rad-roaches to run across, and to reach spare blocks, decoder relays.
6 Store any block you find, especially the decoder relays, of which only 2 can be stored , so just move them until your ready to place.
you will have to build bridges to access the locations to divert the green lasers to destroy the red firewalls. Once the relay is placed you may remove the support blocks to be used elsewhere.

You will have to formulate a LOS methodology in order to complete this quest.

Remember the last level placement locations are only useful for obtaining the last relays.
Melchi  [author] 6 Apr @ 6:07am 
Here is a video I made . To explain further, Fallout4 expansion mission. "Best Left Forgotten" . [h1] https://youtu.be/UbKIgeTSSqM?si=2MrZIxvMno_D63cq [/h1]