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Weaponized Borg Cube {V 2.1}
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10 Jul, 2014 @ 5:48pm
9 Sep, 2014 @ 7:29am
15 Change Notes ( view )

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Weaponized Borg Cube {V 2.1}

I have created one of the most powerful and destructive ships ever for its size. Inspired by the Star Trek Borg Cube,* it is the ultimate battleship. This cube, appropriately entitled the "Boom Box," this cube can give and take quite a beating!

The Boom Box's dimensions are 40x40x40 blocks with a durable tri-layer heavy armor coating, and it has 2 "floors": 1 floor is devoted to the 132 Large Thrusters and 148 Small Thrusters that are located inside the cube (the thrusters are inside the cube so that it would take a ton of enemy fire to cripple the cube's movement in any one direction), and the top floor containing 20 Large Reactors, 316 gyroscopes, and the very heavily protected "Control Room," which contains the cockpits. Due to the box's large size, it cannot turn easily (Until Borg Cube version 1.2 and 2.0, when I added a ton of gyroscopes). To make up for that, the Control Room has 6 cockpits facing all 6 directions. In that way, you can go into the Control Room, check which side points the closest to the enemy ship, and go into the respective cockpit to more easily face your opponent. And if you take heavy damage to one side of the cube, you can get into an adjacent cockpit and rotate the box so you can face your opponent with an undamaged side of the box.

The Boom Box has major firepower to annihilate even the toughest large ships. The cube uses its 120 Missile Turrets as its main weaponary system; it also has 24 Gatling Turrets and 32 Interior Turrets that you can turn on to amp up your firepower or stop incoming missiles from hitting the box** (the reason why the cube's name is "Boom" Box is because it has a lot more Missile Turrets than the other two types of turrets combined). Do you fight enemy players that love going out of your turrets' range of firing and then firing their rocket launchers at you? I have installed 54 omni-directional manual missile launchers that will fire on all sides of the cube, allowing you to still have some way to hit an enemy from afar. And what would happen if enemy players tried to board the box and hack into it? I have 5 interior guard turrets guarding the entrances to the cube that will stop enemies from other factions from entering the cube.

Overall, the Boom Box will not disappoint you if you are looking for a terrifyingly dangerous Borg Cube to obliterate enemy players. Have fun turning your enemies' every moment in battle into a nightmare of pain and misery!

Warning: Because of it's size and firepower, the Box can cause lag, especially on multiplayer.

To do list:
Create a small fighter hangar of some sort, one that might be accessible by rotors, pistons, or the hangar doors

{This list is bound to change when I think of more additions and ideas others recommend that I like.}

{Feel free to rate and critique my ship and say how to improve the cube to make it truly invulnerable. Remember, I can't improve it if you don't tell me about it!}

*The shape of the box is meant to resemble a Cube, not the exterior prongs and other things that are on a real Borg Cube or the myriads of alcoves in the interior... wait... maybe I can do that with the cryo chamgers.................

**I have turned off the Gatling and Interior Turrets because they create a good amount of lag (as of update 1.045 and probably forever), due to their constant firing. Also, you don't really need them if you are trying to obliterate your opponents, as they do rather little extra damage when used in combination with the Missile Turrets.
Son Of Salt  [author] 3 Dec, 2015 @ 12:47pm 
Hello! I know it has been a while since I have said anything much about the cube. I have not worked on it much recently, but me and my new co-creator, CABrandt, are planning of continuing building of the Cubelet. We will try to implement the new sliding doors and hydrogen thrusters onto the ship, since lack of thruster power is one of the main issues with this ship. Also, it will be a blueprint, which should help make the Cubelet easier to access.
Son Of Salt  [author] 24 Aug, 2015 @ 10:06am 
The new Borg Cube, which I have dubbed the "Cubelet," is nearing completion. While it is meant to be a warship, it has most of the commodities needed on a long journey in survival mode. It has 8 cryo-chambers, the only way to get oxygen on the ship, an assembler, an arc reactor, and all of that and more is all connected by conveyors. I will post here when I am done with making it.
Son Of Salt  [author] 5 Aug, 2015 @ 7:09pm 
I am working on a better version of this ship. If you are a Star Trek fan, you may have heard of a Fusion Cube. Well, I am working on one of the individual pieces of this lethal ship. With this new ship, the turrets will hit each other a lot less, and it will feature the latest commodities, like oxygen and jump drives. You'll hear more about this later.
Son Of Salt  [author] 9 Sep, 2014 @ 12:44pm 
Version 2.1 is out! Change log: Added 72 Missile Turrets, added 8 Interior Turrets, added a missing Rocket Launcher, made all of the Interior Lights blink to simulate a "red" alert, but with the classic Borg green coloration, added an "Interior Lights" group and a "Doors" group, renamed the "All Turrets" group to "All (Exterior) Turrets", since the Interior Guard Turrets aren't in that group, and changed all Interior Turrets to have the default 200 m. range and for them not to target meteors
Son Of Salt  [author] 22 Aug, 2014 @ 5:22pm 
Version 2.0 is out! Change log: Added 148 gyroscopes, added 12 Large Thrusters by replacing 28 of my Small Thrusters to increase speed, moved the location of the Gravity Generators and removed one of them, combined the two floors of the thruster room(s) into one floor, connected the Large Reactors together with the Conveyor system, replaced the Beacon with an Antenna, allowing you to access the Box's control panel without being at a Control Panel block, fixed a problem with the turret grouping, made the Gatling Turrets and the Gyroscopes more symmetrical
MY NAME IS FUCK 4 Aug, 2014 @ 12:39pm 
Any time, man.
Son Of Salt  [author] 4 Aug, 2014 @ 12:03pm 
I have decided against adding the little prongs and other details to the ship that a normal Borg Cube has for two reasons: #1: It would get in the way of the missile launchers and turrets, causing possible implosion and #2: The Boom Box is only made to vaugely resemble a Borg Cube, not mirror one. Thank you for the suggestion though, Thrashcan, and if you find any other ways to improve it, let me know!
MY NAME IS FUCK 23 Jul, 2014 @ 6:00pm 
I like it, but maybe a bit more detail to the outside? Some more sci-fi looking details like the original Borg Cube.
Son Of Salt  [author] 23 Jul, 2014 @ 1:00pm 
Version 1.2 is out! Change log: Added 100 gyroscopes, which solved the turning problem, added inside guard Interior Turrets to stop opposing faction members from entering
Son Of Salt  [author] 22 Jul, 2014 @ 11:05am 
Version 1.1 is out! Change log: Made aesthetic changes, added missing down-pointing thruster group, patched up holes in outer hull