Conan Exiles

Conan Exiles

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PIPPI MOD 💬 MUSHI from scratch
By Laurasesina
Learn how to use all the features of Mushi Editor. It's used to create dialogues and actions in an npc, with this you can do: missions, scenarios, games (bets, rock-paper-scissors...), skill masters, event triggers...

Mushi Editor is a tool of the Joshtech's “Pippi - User & Server Management” Mod.
First of all, sorry for my English, it isn't my native language.
THESPIAN: Creation
Server Settings
The first thing you need to be able to follow this guide is to be Server Admin and have Admin permissions active, you do this by pressing:

Esc > Settings > Server Settings > Make Me Admin (double-click).

You'll see the notifications "Admin Rights Granted" and "You are already allowed to cheat" appear.

You need to have admin permissions because a normal player won't have access to the Mushi Editor.

Create a Thespian
The second thing you need is the “Thespian” tool. A Thespian is an npc that you place as an Admin in the world. They can neither take damage from players or beasts nor apply damage, they're just "actors".

You get it by giving:

Esc > Admin Panel > Cheat Panel. On the right of the screen, in Spawn Item > Building you write “Thespian”.

Select it in your Action Bar and you can position it like any other item (rotate, adjust pitch and tilt, auto align...). Once placed in the world, access it by holding down E, you'll get this* Radial Menu:

*You may have different options in your Radial Menu due to different installed mods.

In this Menu you've the option to delete and return the Thespian to your inventory but losing all its configuration that you haven't saved in the Local Storage. But don't worry, a confirmation message appears in case you accidentally hit it.

For the next section of the guide you must hit Edit.
THESPIAN: Settings
While editing the Thespian keep in mind that the changes you make won't be reflected in it until you hit Apply.

Now, let's go by parts:
  • NAME: This name will appear in white letters flying over the Thespian's head.
    E.g.: Éibhir, Nasib, Geromer, Valsara... The web Behind the name[]can help you find names for all the npc's that do, filtered by gender, culture, meaning...

  • PROFESSION: Subname you want to give it, it'll appear in gray capital letters flying over it. E.g.: Gambler, Beggar, Suspicious man, Blacksmith, Bounty hunter...

  • THESPIAN TYPE: The type that interests us to be able to use Mushi is Dialogue Thespian, but I'll describe the others so that you know 100 % the functions of the Thespian:

    Regular: It doesn't do anything, it doesn't say anything, it just makes an appearance, you can use it to make bulk.

    Banker: As you can see in the image below, by interacting with it you can use it as a Bank, deposit and withdraw money, see your available funds, etc. In the Private Chat you see your bank movements reflected.

Profession Merchant: You must select in Pre-set Profession the list of items (that you have already set up previously) with which you want this Thespian to trade. The Profession Merchant items are chosen by you, and when a player buys them they're generated... so it's a server-player market. I explain it to you with images and in more detail a little further down.

Social Merchant: The items that it sells
are placed by the players. These items are removed from the player once the player places them on the thespian. When another player buys these items, they're removed from the thespian... so it's a player-to-player market.
In this image you can see how players can put up for sale whatever they want (a thrall for example) and they themselves choose the sale price. In PREVIEW MERCHANT you can see all the items that are for sale.

Dialogue Thespian: The only one who uses Mushi Editor. Interacting with it will open a dialog window (which you edit with Mushi). On the left are the dialog options you can tell him and on the right his face and text.
  • EMOTE: Activate the animation you select on the Thespian, it'll repeat it infinitely. You've tons to choose from, e.g.: By Set, Converse, Grovel, Cimmerian Dance, 2H Sword Idle, Squirm... Some are very useful for carefree Thespians, e.g.: Lean, Look left, Sit, Wipe arm left... Because they don't give the feeling that the Thespian is in an infinite loop, as it happens with Spit, Yawn, Point...

  • ANIMATION SPEED: If you've selected any animation for the Thespian, you can increase (up to x2) or decrease (up to x0) the speed at which it plays. Thanks to this you can ensure that certain animations aren't so repetitive.

  • ANIMATION LOCKED POSITION: You can freeze the position you want of the animation you've selected for your Thespian. Each number is a frame of the animation.
    For example, in the Kneel animation, 0 = the animation flows normally. 50 = The Thespian is standing still. 120 = Begins to crouch. 200 = Bend the knee. 300 = Fully kneeling. Thanks to this you can keep it still in the position that interests you, for example: Point (without raising and lowering the arm), Bow (always inclined)...

  • EQUIPMENT KIT: You must first go to Esc > Admin Panel > Kits.
    Here you'll create the kit (armor and weapon set) with which you can equip your Thespian. If it's a single Thespian I recommend that you equip him in the Equipment Editor, but if there're several Thespians (one more soldier from the army, one more dancer from the brothel, one more worker from many...) better use this Equipment kit, because you will be able to dress them all identical or similar in just a few clicks.

    On the right side click on CREATE KIT and name it. You can edit it (EDIT KIT NAME and EDIT KIT DESCRIPTION), delete it (DELETE KIT) and even duplicate it (CLONE KIT). Select the kit you just created and press ADD ITEM at the bottom of the screen. Select which items you want them to equip and the dyes. Unit selection and chance are so you can make variations of clothing within a group of Thespians, e.g.: brothel dancers wearing the same clothes but dyed in different colors, soldiers wearing the same armor but some wear a helmet and others don't... When you've all the kit done you can select it in the Equipment kit. Remember to check the Use Kit for Equipment box.
  • PRE-SET PROFESSION: You must first go to Esc > Admin Panel > Economy. Ignore the Currency Settings and AirDrop Settings sections to the right. Look to the left, in Professions press ADD and give this type of merchant a name (e.g.: Blacksmith, Carpenter...), below press ADD ITEM to add the list of items that will be for sale, the units available and their respective price (you put the price of the pack of units). Remember that you can remove the article (REMOVE) or edit it (EDIT) whenever you want. Now you can select the type of merchant you just created in the Thespian's Pre-set Profession.

    When interacting with the Thespian, this window will appear in which you can BUY by pressing PURCHASE and SELL.

  • VOICE ACTOR: Select one of four different male voices available, applies to Profession Merchant and Social Merchant. The voice says hello, goodbye and reacts when you buy items.

  • HEAD TRACKING checkbox: If checked, when you're close enough the Thespian will follow you with his gaze and head movement. If unchecked the Thespian always looks straight ahead. It's checked by default.

  • LAUNCH MUSHIEDITOR: This is what matters! In the following sections of the guide I explain it to you.

  • EQUIPMENT EDITOR: Here you can equip the Thespian. You must drag the armor from your inventory to the editor boxes (you don't lose the armor from your inventory), as it appears in the images.

  • CHARACTER EDITOR: Here you can customize the Thespian physically. As you can see in the images, it's as customizable as a player's pj.

You have a local storage in the Launch MushiEditor, the Equipment Editor and the Character Editor, which you can access in their upper right corners:

In the Character Editor it's very useful to make Thespians that look alike, like Nordheimers (bearded, blond, fair-skinned) or Darfarians (dark-haired, dark-skinned) and then just tinker with some values ​​so they aren't identical.

In the Equipment Editor it's as useful as the Equipment kit but without the probability function.

In the Mushi Editor it's useful to not lose the Script if you accidentally delete the Thespian and to make base Scripts (e.g.: Base Script for repeatable gathering missions).
MUSHI: Getting started
We start with Mushi!
We are going to start with the Mushi basics, then with each type of node and we will end by seeing its joint application in several examples... All with advice, possible uses and explanatory images.

This is what Mushi Editor looks like:

First steps

1. Open the Launch MushiEditor.

2. Mushi Editor is a dialog and action editor that you configure for a Thespian (npc). It is configured through nodes (boxes that carry out specific actions) connected to each other.

3. To create the nodes right click on the background and select the one you want. To move them, keep left clicking on the node and move it. To delete them, right click on the node you want to delete and press DELETE, this will also delete the connections that went in and out of that node.

4. For two nodes to be connected you must join them by left clicking on the Output of the first and on the Input of the second. An orange line will appear between them. It doesn't matter if this line goes through another eighty nodes or which way it goes, the only thing that matters is the Output and Input that it connects. Various connectors can come out of each Output and several connectors can enter each Input, there is no limit. To remove a connection, left click on the orange line.

5. To move around the Script hold right click on the background and move the mouse.

6. Remember that in order for your Thespian to be "activated" as a dialogue npc, you had to select Dialogue Thespian in Thespian Type before. Thus, interacting with it at E will open the dialog window.



New: Create a new "Mushi board" or Script, that is, the visual area where you can place the nodes. By doing so you will lose the Script you had open unless you save it.

Save: Save the Script in the specific Thespian you are using, but not in Local Storage, so if you delete that Thespian you will lose the progress.

Local Script Storage: It is the local storage of the Scripts. When you make a new Mushi you must give NEW SAVE to save it correctly, with the name of the Thespian, that of the creator (you) and the description or function of the Thespian. As you update it, you must also update its save by pressing OVERWRITE. To delete it, DELETE, and to load any of the Scripts that you already have saved, LOAD.

Remember that these Scripts are saved on your pc, not on the server.

Generate / Load MushiString: Convert the friendly Mushi node format to MushiString text format, suitable for you to share your Script with other people. You can also paste here the Scripts that the Pippi community shares in their Discord. Keep in mind that all the Script will be copied and pasted perfectly (including the text written in each node) except the OP Value of the CharVar, LocVar... which are set to 0.

Load Template: Here are some templates as a tutorial, and three examples of how to use the Mushi Editor. You can load them to familiarize yourself with Mushi.

Mushi Editor Settings: You don't need to touch much, especially the last box where it warns "only do this if you know what you're doing!". If you want you can change the second value, the Auto-Save Interval so that your Script does an auto-save every less or more time. Anyway, in my opinion, it's perfect the way it is.

Close: Closes the Mushi Editor. If you hit Close but you forgot to save, calm down because it always asks if you're sure, like in the image. Even so, it is best that you get into the habit of hitting Save and then Close.


ID Lookups: If you need to know the ID of an Item, Recipe or Feat, from here you can consult all of them. However nodes that require you to enter one of these IDs already have a browser on the node itself.

LocVar Lookup: A log of LocVars that affect the particular Thespian you are using. Also from here you can create them (ADD LOCVAR), edit them (EDIT LOCVAR) and delete them (DELETE LOCVAR).

GlobVar Lookup A log of GlobVars that affect all Thespians. Also from here you can create them (ADD GLOBVAR), edit them (EDIT GLOBVAR) and delete them (DELETE GLOBVAR).


The web page with the official pdf tutorial of Mushi Editor opens in your browser. You have the link in the "Pippi mod" section of this guide.


Information about the mod and its creator, Joshtech.
MUSHI: Commands
With these commands you will be able to add variables to customize the text in the DialogueNodes, OptionNodes, Chat Messages and Webhook Messages.

The image on the left is inside Mushi, on the right is what the player will see:

<playername> name of the player on Steam. In Mushi: Greetings, my name is <playername>. In Thespian: Greetings, my name is Laura.

Tip: Being the name of Steam, it mayn't match the gender of the character the player has chosen in Conan Exiles. You can see the name that will appear for each player by selecting Esc > Admin Panel > Players and looking at their Player Name there. If they have an icon placed in the name it will appear as a hyphen (-).

<playerfunds> currencies the player owns. In Mushi: You have <playerfunds>. In Thespian: You have 10 Gold 71 Silver 55 Bronze.

Tip: If you don't need to be that detailed you can use the ConditionNode Has Funds and simply mention in the connected DialogueNodes "You don't have enough coins" or "I see you've amassed a fortune".

<gender> gender of the player character. In Mushi: You are a brave <gender>. In Thespian: You are a brave male.

Tip: To make a more natural dialogue, use the ConditionNode Is Gender Male with the Output True connected to a DialogueNode that says "You are a brave man" and the Output False connected to a DialogueNode that says "You are a brave woman."

<race> race of the player character. In Mushi: The <race> have never been trustworthy. In Thespian: The Cimmerians have never been trustworthy.

<exp> experience the player has. In Mushi: You have already gained <exp> experience points. In Thespian: You have already achieved 18203 experience points.

<qTime=MissionName> time left to do a repeatable mission again. In Mushi: There are still <qTime=Collect Wood> left until I need more wood. In Thespian: There are still 3 days, 21 hours, 30 minutes, 11 seconds left until I need more wood.

Tip: To make the dialogue more fluid, I recommend putting a ConditionNode Has Quest Collect Wood, with the Output True connected to a DialogueNode that says "There are still a few days until I need more wood." The Output False should connect to the player being able to replay the mission.

<charvar=CVName>, <locvar=LVName> and <globvar=GVName> number of the CharVar, LocVar or GlobVar value you have. I explain it in more detail in the CharVars, LocVars and GlobVars section of this guide. In Mushi: Your reputation level with my people is <charvar=Persian Rep>. In Thespian: Your reputation level with my people is 15.

Tip: So that the dialogue isn't so forced, I recommend you to put a ConditionNode CharVar Condition Less Than 30 Persian Rep, with the Output True connected to a DialogueNode that says "You are not sufficiently known among my people ". And with the Output False connected to a DialogueNode that says "Among mine people speak very well of you".

<imgurl=ValidURL> interactive image added only in the ActionNode Chat Message. In Mushi: Take, here I have represented my god. <imgurl=> In the chat: in the lower images you will see how the text and the image appear when you press it.

Tip: Use only links with the image in .png or .jpg format.
The link works in all types of chat, but the preview of the image and that it is interactive (clicking on it enlarges it as much as the screen) only works in Private or Local chats.
You can use this command to have the Thespian deliver a map to the player, a list of some ingredients, a picture of a part of the Exile Lands where there is a hidden treasure...
🍀 Origin Node
The only node that comes by default in Mushi and the only one that cannot be deleted.
It's the start of everything, so if not a single node is connected to it, nothing will appear when you interact with the Thespian.

Tip: Before starting missions or long dialogues place it to the left of the Script, so you have more space.
🌊 Dialogue Node
It is the text of the Thespian. Everything you write in this node, the Thespian will say it (it will move his lips).

The node's text will be played at the speed you indicate in Text Speed ​​% (the higher percentage = faster, and vice versa). I usually use 80 for normal texts, 50 for texts in which songs or poems are recited and 10 for, for example, if I only put ". . ." because I want it to look like the Thespian is thinking. However, players at any time can make each node's text appear in its entirety by pressing Space, and scroll up and down by scroll with the mouse wheel.

The Append checkbox is disabled by default. This causes each DialogueNode to play independently.
If you put two DialogueNodes in a row and have Append unchecked on both of them, you need to put a WaitNode between them, because as soon as the wait time expires, the text of the first DialogueNode will be replaced by the text of the second node.
If you check the box on a node, the text of that node will be played after the text of the previous DialogueNode, not replacing it. If you put two DialogueNodes in a row and you have Append checked in the second, you will have to put a [space] or an [enter] in the text at the end of the first node or at the beginning of the second node, so that when it is read it is correctly written.

Here you can see how it looks in Mushi and how it is reflected in the conversation with the Thespian:

Tips: Don't put too long texts in each DialogueNode (about ten lines maximum) in case something goes wrong, you lose as little as possible... for this you can use the Append function that I have explained.

You can use this node not only for what the Thespian says but also to describe what he does (you can put it in parentheses () or in asterisks ** to make it clear that it is an action),
for example: *yawns widely upon hearing your request*, *you see how he rummages through his backpack*, *it's dead*...
💦 Option Node
It is the player text. Anything you type into this node will appear to the player in a clickable box, which will activate subsequent nodes.

Tips: Since the player will see it in boxes as an option dialog, it's best not to put very long texts in the OptionNodes.

Inform both the OptionNode and the DialogueNode of the actions that they trigger, for example: If after an OptionNode you put an ActionNode that closes the dialog, you can write "I'll be back with the skins you ordered. (Leave)". And the same if after a DialogueNode you put an ActionNode that starts a mission or that receives or delivers objects or money. E.g.: "You have fought well, have your reward. (Gives you 9 gold coins)".

🍁 Condition Node
Conditions the possibility that the next node performs its action or not, whatever it may be. This is the only node that has two Outputs: True and False.
Connect to Output True the nodes that you want to happen if the player meets the requirements of the ConditionNode. Connect to Output False the nodes that you want to be activated if the player doesn't comply with them.

You can select one of the conditions they offer, let's see them one by one:
  • Has Item: Checks if the player has this item
    in their inventory. Select the magnifying
    glass in Template ID to choose the item
    (as in the image) or directly write the ID,
    and specify in Amount the quantity that it should have.
    Possible use: Requirement to complete a
    quest and receive the reward, check if the player has the item that the npc asked for.

  • Is Level: Checks if the player has the specific level you select.

  • Is Level Range: Checks if the player is in the level range you specify.
    Possible use: Intimidating power, between levels 0 and 15 the threat doesn't take effect,
    between 15 and 50 it is effective, between 50 and 100 in addition to being effective the intimidated npc gives you an extra (gold coins or a gift). It also serves to restrict access to quests or feats.

  • Has Quest: Checks if the player has obtained the quest you specify.
    Possible use: Restrict OptionNodes on npc's until they have the quest, where they ask about their targets, which would be meaningless if they don't have it active.

  • Has Completed Quest: Checks if the player has completed the quest.
  • Has Funds: Checks if the player has the amount of gold, silver and bronze coins. The Output True of this node is normally connected to a Remove Funds ActionNode. If you put the ActionNode without this ConditionNode and the player doesn't have the necessary amount of coins, it'll remain at 0 coins, but never with a negative value.
    Possible use: The player won't be able to give X amount of coins to bribe a Thespian if he doesn't have them.

  • Has Recipe: Checks if the player has this recipe learned. Select the magnifying glass in Recipe ID to choose the recipe (in a window similar to Has Item) or directly write its ID.
    Possible use: An npc doesn't want to give the player a quest to craft a steel pickaxe until the player has the pickaxe recipe.

  • Has Feat: Checks if the player has this feat learned. Type the feat ID in Feat ID or search for it by clicking on the magnifying glass.
    Possible use: A Set Priest Thespian checks to see if the player is devoted to their god with this ConditionNode, and if not, teaches the Acolyte of Set feat with an ActionNode Give Feat.
    The difference between Recipe and Feat: a feat is a set of recipes and a recipe is the ability to create a specific item. For example: The Acolyte of Set feat gives you the recipes to create the Sepulcher of Set, the Setite Ritual Knife, the Set Antidote, and the Set Brazier.
  • Has Rank: Checks the rank that the player has assigned within the server (Normal, VIP, Moderator, Admin...). Select one or more in Pippi Rank Tags.
    Possible use: Limits options to normal players that only admins should be able to see, such as the LocVar value of a specific Thespian. You can also limit that only VIP players can get kits.

    To set Rank: press Esc > Admin Panel > Pippi Settings. In the central part of the screen you will see Rank Settings, there press NEW RANK to add more (with name and color in the Chat), EDIT RANK to edit them and DELETE RANK to delete it.

    To assign each player a Rank: press Esc > Admin Panel > Players. In the middle of the screen you'll see Pippi Player Config. With checking / unchecking the boxes you assign or remove a rank to a player. You can also do this with a Set Rank ActionNode.

  • Is Gender: Checks if the character the player has created is male or female.
    Possible use: Place this ConditionNode before a DialogueNode to fit the text to each player, e.g.: "Greetings noble warrior!" and "Greetings beautiful lady!". Also for dialogues of flirtation or conflict by gender.

  • Is Player Name: Checks that the Steam player name is the same (or partially the same). It can't be used much on large servers since it isn't viable because you've to know the Steam name of each user, but it's useful on servers with few players and servers between friends.
    Possible use: Make a Thespian shaman / fortuneteller that calls each player by name in real life (probably no player expects it).

  • LocVar Condition: Checks the value of the LocVar you specified.
  • CharVar Condition: Checks the value of the CharVar you specified.
  • GlobVar Condition: Checks the value of the GlobVar you specified.
    I'll explain what LocVar, CharVar and GlobVar are, their differences and how to use them in a section of the guide below.
    Possible use: Determine the phases of a long quest, e.g.: 5 = the player has spoken to the Thespian for the first time, 10 = asks for a material (start of the quest), 15 = asks you to make a weapon, 20 = has received the reward (end of quest), 25 = sees that the Thespian has killed himself using the weapon he made for him.
In this image I show you an example of a CharVar created for a Thespian to change his welcome phrase once he has met the player for the first time, to that his reaction to seeing him for the second time be consistent. You can see that in OP you select that the value of CharVar that the player has is greater than or equal to the OP Value 5, of the CharVar Name Welcome brothel.

Here True would connect to a DialogueNode "Glad to see you here again" and False would connect to a DialogueNode "This is our first time meeting, who are you?".
  • Has Experience: Checks if the player has more or less experience. It serves the same purpose as the Is Level and Is Level Ranges ConditionNodes, but is even more specific.

    "less than x" Less Than < "equal to x" Equals == "greater than or less than, but not equal to x" NOT Equals != "greater than x" Greater Than > "greater than or equal to x" Greater || Equal >= "less than or equal to x" Less || Equals <=.

  • Is Inventory Empty:
    (I will write this subsection later)

Tip: You can also not connect nodes in either of the two Outputs, thus making the Thespian only speak, for example, if the player is x level or higher, and if not, the Thespian does nothing.
🌔 Action Node
Create a direct action on the player or dialogue. These actions happen in the background, so the player has no way of seeing / knowing that they are happening.
Most actions are similar to ConditionNode conditions, in that the ConditionNode is usually put first (checks if you have x) followed by the ActionNode (takes away x).

You can select one of the available actions, let's see them one by one:
  • Give Item: The Thespian gives an item to the player. Select the magnifying glass in Template ID to choose the item or directly write the ID, and specify in Amount the quantity that will be delivered.
    Possible use: Gives you an item you need to do the quest (e.g.: 1 Steel Pick).

  • Remove Item: The player hands an item to the Thespian. The process of selecting is identical to Give Item. Note that you must put a ConditionNode Has Item before this ActionNode, to check if the player has the item.
    Possible use: At the end of a mission you give him the item that proves that you have completed it (e.g.: 10 Hyena Pelt or 1 Hyena Head Trophy).
  • Give Quest: The Thespian gives the player a quest. Put the name you assigned to the quest in Quest Name.
    Leave the values ​​in the Expires in section to 0 if you want this to be a quest that players can only do once, but if you want it to be a repeatable quest (e.g.: gathering, purging...) with cooldown you must indicate it putting the values ​​of Days, Hours and Minutes as you want. So you can do, for example, daily or weekly missions.

    Check the Notify Player box if you want a message to appear at the top right of the screen informing the player (similar to the Complete Quest image below) or leave it unchecked if you want them not to be notified. Note that there is no quest log in Conan Exiles, so if you don't turn on the notification, the player won't know it's started.

  • Complete Quest: The Thespian completes a quest for the player. Put the name you have assigned to the quest in Quest Name and choose in Notify Player whether or not the player will receive a notification that they have completed it (as it appears in the image on the right).
    In the Give Quest and Complete Quest notification, the name of a mission can contain approximately 15 / 17 characters, if the name is longer some letters will be cut off.

  • Delete Quest: The quest you indicate is deleted from the player record (a record that can only be accessed by admins, not players). It will count as if the quest was never given to the player, so deleted quests will not be taken into account by the Has Quest and Has Completed Quest ConditionNodes, as all record of the quest in the player is deleted. As in the previous ones, you can activate Notify Player if you want a notification to appear to the player.

    To remove, add, edit, complete or reduce the CD to single player missions: Esc > Admin Panel > Players. Select the player and on the right press VIEW QUEST FLAGS.

  • Give Funds: The Thespian gives the player the coins you indicate.
    Possible use: Delivery of payment for a blackmail that you have done to him, an item that you have given him or the reward for a completed mission.
  • Remove Funds: The player gives the Thespian the indicated coins. Remember that you should put a Has Funds ConditionNode before this ActionNode, to check that the player has all the coins before trying to take them away.
    Possible use: The player helps the Thespian pay off a debt, buys a particular item from him, gives some coins to a beggar...
    If you put this ActionNode without the corresponding ConditionNode and the player does not have the necessary number of coins, it will remain at 0 coins, but never with a negative value.

  • Trigger:
    With this node you can interact with some of the Pippi's tools, such as the NPC Summoner.
    (I will expand this subsection later)

  • Give Recipe: The Thespian gives the player a recipe. Select the one you want by pressing the magnifying glass or directly typing its ID in Recipe ID. It would be best to check first with a ConditionNode Has Recipe that the player doesn't already have that recipe.
    Possible use: If a Thespian asks the player to craft a tool for him, have the Thespian teach him how to craft it by giving him the recipe.

  • Remove Recipe: The Thespian takes a recipe from the player. It wouldn't make sense for them to take something away from the player if he doesn't have it, so it's advisable to put a ConditionNode Has Recipe first. The process of selecting the recipe is identical to that of Give Recipe, here I leave you an image of what the window that opens is like if you press the magnifying glass.

  • Give Feat: The Thespian gives the player a feat. Tap the magnifying glass to choose a feat or type its ID in Feat ID. As before, you had to put a ConditionNode Has Feat before this ActionNode.
    Possible use: A Set Priest wants you to worship his god too, so he teaches you the Acolyte of Set feat.
    As I explained in the previous section of this ConditionNode Has Feat guide, the difference between Recipe and Feat is as follows: a feat is a set of recipes and a recipe is the ability to create a specific item. For example: The Acolyte of Set feat gives you the recipes to create the Sepulcher of Set, the Setite Ritual Knife, the Set Antidote, and the Set Brazier.

  • Remove Feat: The Thespian removes a feat from the player.
    Possible use: A wizard casts a curse on the player, taking away their knowledge.
    This action is the only one that doesn't work at the moment, since instead of taking the feat from you, it gives it to you (even the "Learned x" message appears on the screen). In the "Bugs" section of this guide I explain a possible solution.
🌔 Action Node (part 2)
  • Play Sound: It will start playing the sound you have chosen. Note that as soon as the dialogue with the Thespian is closed the sound will stop, read Close Dialogue in this section to find out how to make the sound not stop.
    Sounds can only be obtained from the internal game files, unless you create a mod with your own sounds. Here I leave you an excel with the list of 10700 game sounds[], download it and copy the path of the file that interests you from the column from Full Game Path to Sound Path of the node.
    If the file path is correct, you will see that Valid Sound will change from False to True like in these images:

The only way to listen to the sounds is to test them in a Thespian, by having the Thespian play them through the dialog or by pressing Test on the ActionNode Play Sound (not all sounds work).
As perhaps 10 thousand files are too many for you to listen to, here is a list of 42 cataloged sounds[] for what they are / what that they evoke.
Possible use: Dramatize a specific phrase of a shaman with a sound of thunder, emphasize the giving of coins with the sound of tinkling metal, accompany the singing of a Thespian troubadour with a background lute...
  • Give Exp: The player receives as much experience as you indicate.
    Possible use: As part of the reward for completing a quest, in addition to the financial reward you can add experience reward.
  • Close Dialogue: Closes the dialog window. Check the Keep Mushi Engine Loaded checkbox only if you want a sound you've added with the ActionNode Play Sound not to stop as soon as the dialog is closed, but to continue listening to the player. Normally, you leave it unchecked.
    Remember throughout the dialog to regularly give the player the option to leave (close the dialog) so that they don't get tedious or forced to take quests they don't want to take.
    Possible use: It is absolutely necessary to close the dialog window automatically (without the player having to press CLOSE). If you put it after an OptionNode I recommend adding it to the "(Leave)" text, and if you put it after a DialogueNode you should put a WaitNode in between, otherwise the player won't be able to read the DialogueNode text.

  • Set Rank: Assign a rank to the player. You can also do this as admin by pressing Esc > Admin Panel > Players, in Pippi Player Config.
    Possible use: With the ConditionNode that the player gathers enough numerical value from a CharVar that represents that he has completed missions around the entire map and a ConditionNode of Has Level 100, that he can climb in the categories in your range list.

  • Remove Rank: Removes a rank from the player.
    Possible use: Forces a player to perform a mission with a lower rank, thus removing the privileges of having a VIP rank (without a kit generator, for example) until the mission ends, at which point which you can return its rank with an ActionNode Set Rank.

  • Warp Player: Teleports the player to the Warp you indicate in Warp Name.
    First you need to go to Esc > Admin Panel > Warps.
    Here you can create, edit and delete the destinations you want to be able to travel to in a second. To create one, position your character where you want the destination to be and press CREATE WARP. In Warp Settings you have many options, such as whether the Warp use has CD or they can only use it based on rank. Remember in each Warp you make to have the Enable Warps box checked so that it is active.
    You must place a ActionNode Close Dialogue after the ActionNode Warp Dialogue, otherwise the dialog will still be open when the player reaches the destination.
    I leave you the image of the Pippi Portal tool because its function is exactly the same as this ActionNode.

  • Modify Stat: Edit player stats. You can select it in Stat: remove some health, reduce maximum health, remove some energy, reduce maximum energy, edit its Strength (Might), Agility (Athleticism), Vitality (Health), Authority (Leadership), Grit (Stamina) Attributes and I think the rest of the stats are for a mod that I have never used, so I can't be more specific. You can indicate the amount of gain or loss in Modify Val with positive numbers to add and negative numbers to subtract.
    Possible use: A curse from a sorceress takes 100 points of maximum health from the player (-100 HealthMax), so they have to find an "antidote" in a Thespian healer who will restore it (+100 HealthMax). An Warrior Thespian, after performing a quest for him, rewards him by giving him a point of Strength (+1 AttributeMight).

  • LocVar Operation: Edit the value of the LocVar you specify.
  • CharVar Operation: Edit the value of the CharVar you specify.
  • GlobVar Operation: Edit the value of the GlobVar you specify.
    You can edit the value in OP by Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division or putting the same value that you indicate (Equals). Write in Name the name of your Var and in OP Value the number with which you want the operation to be performed on the value that the player already has of said Var. E.g.: Addition 5 (+5), Multiplication 2 (x2), Equal 15 (=15)... If it doesn't have a value yet, it defaults to 0.
    I'll explain what LocVar, CharVar and GlobVar are, their differences and how to use them in a section of the guide below.
🌔 Action Node (part 3)
  • Give Kit: The player receives a kit that you have previously created. In the section of this guide "THESPIAN: Settings" I explain in detail how to create the kits and how to equip them to a Thespian. In the same way that it works for a Thespian, it will work for a player, but you can even create kits of items that are not equippable (such as an entire armor set), such as a set of healing potions, various plants, a set of of starting tools... Select in Kit the one you want the player to receive from your list of kits.
    Possible use: So that you can wear their same clothes, some pirates give you a set of Barachan Reiver's armor as a reward for a quest.
  • Chat Message: Write a message to appear in the Conan Exiles chat. You can make the player receive the message through the Global channel (all connected players can read it), Local or Private, choosing it in Type. In Chat Name write who you want to appear as the sender of the message (normally you write the name of the Thespian), and in Chat Message write the message itself.
    You can add the commands that I explain in the "MUSHI: Commands" section to customize the text and include images.
    Possible use: Inform the player when they recieve feats "You have learned Acolyte of Set", when given directions to follow a quest "Itzalar asks you to continue north, beyond the city of Sepermeru, until you find some ruins...", when you need to show a map or a list of ingredients...
    You can also not put the name of any Thespian in Chat Name, but instead put, for example "The Exiled Lands" or "<playername>". You can do this to give general information, such as narrator.
  • Webhook Message: Type a message to be sent to your server's Discord. You will only be able to send messages from the Webhook to Discord, not vice versa.
    You must have previously configured your Webhooks in Esc > Admin Panel > Discord. To add a new one press ADD at the bottom of the screen, write the name you want to assign it and paste the URL that you have copied from the Discord. To get the URL do the following in the Discord app:

    Discord of your server > Server Settings > Integrations > Webhooks > New Webhook > Write the name you want to assign it and the (already existing) text channel to which it is sent, press Copy Webhook URL to be able to paste it in the node of Mushi.

    On the left side of the screen you will see the Discord Webhooks you already have assigned, and on the right side the commands you can automate to be sent to the webhook of your choice. You can edit the blank text so that it is, for example, in Spanish "<playername> se ha unido al servidor" instead of "<playername> joined the server", or any other customization you want. In the image below you can see how a test of this tool will appear on your Discord server.
    You have all the information you need: Online server, player kills, player server joining and all the chat log. Also, in order to view the chat through Discord press Esc > Admin Panel > Chat channels and you will need to check the Report to Discord box for each channel you want to be transcribed to your Discord channel.
    In the ActionNode Webhook Message, select in Webhook the one you want and below, in Webhook Message, write the message you want to be sent. Use the commands that I explained in the "MUSHI: Commands" section to facilitate sending information.
    Possible use: In the Discord of your server, create a text channel (I recommend that it be private) to receive all the information about the missions. This way you will know at what point each player is easily.

Tips: In most ActionNodes it is necessary, or at least recommended, to use their respective ConditionNode just before.

As you have seen, the player can see what has happened in very few actions, so I recommend you to use the DialogueNodes and OptionNodes to report at all times the actions that are going to be activated or have been activated. E.g.: (Leave), (Gives you 9 gold and 65 silver coins), (Gives you 3 Human Hearts), (Increases your reputation with the Persians)...
A good option for players to remember the events derived from a Thespian is to reflect them in the Chat with a ActionNode Chat Message.
🍄 Bounce Node
Moves the dialog to another part of the Script, without the need to connect them to each other. The BounceNode has two functions: Bounce and Land.
Bounce has the function of sender, it is the source of the dialog you are porting.
Land has the function of receiver, it is the destination to which the dialogue you transfer arrives.

When you create a Land, a unique identification number is generated, which you cannot change. That Land ID is unique to this Thespian, but it may be repeated in another Thespian on your server. When you put a Bounce you must put in Bounce to ID the ID that has generated the Land, so they join. There can be many Bounces for each Land.

The mode of use is: You create a Land. You create a Bounce and enter the same ID that the Land has. You connect the Output of any node to the Input of the Bounce of the BounceNode. Besides, you connect the Output of the Land of the BounceNode with any node with which you want the dialogue to continue. Now they would be united without the need to connect them as we normally do.

Tips: You can use it to reduce the number of nodes in the Script (thus leaving more free space). You achieve this, for example, if you have a set of nodes to perform a farewell (with Randomiser, Dialogues, Waits, Condition Is Gender, Options and Action Close Dialogue) and, instead of repeating aaall those nodes each time a farewell arises in the Thespian, you put a Land before the node set and a Bounce after every time there is a goodbye.

In the image below you can see an example of a simple cyclic script. The first Bounce with ID 17 transports the player to the bottom lane, to the Land with ID 17. In the event that the player does not get the number of dice right, they can try again, so instead of having to reroll all the nodes is enough for us with a single node (a Bounce with ID 17) that will transport us again to choose the number of dice.

You can also use it to make the Script visually neater. Place the dialogs in a more linear way thanks to the fact that you can move them to the part of the Script that you want, and without leaving an orange connector crossing the entire Script from side to side.
🍇 Randomiser Node
Choose aleatory one of the following nodes that are connected to its Output.

If the RandomiserNode derives five nodes, it will be creating a one in five chance that it will choose each of them.

Tips: Above all it is useful to create games and bets in Conan Exiles. The more nodes that come out of the RandomiserNode, the lower the probability of the player to hit his bet.

You can also use this node so that a Thespian's greeting is not repetitive. I recommend that the Thespians that you are going to put as Regular instead of Dialogue Thespian because they have no mission or nothing to say, make them Dialogue Thespian and put a Script like the one in this image. In the DialogueNodes you can put banal phrases like "Leave me alone", "I've never seen you around here before...". You could even include information relevant to the player, such as: "I heard Ademir mention that he needed help getting rid of some bandits...", "If you're looking for good weapons try visiting the armory, at the end of this street." Thanks to this, no Thespian will be useless and you will make the server come alive.

🌺 Wait Node
Add a timeout so that the node that follows does its action once the marked time has elapsed. As you can see, the number you can set is the Milliseconds, and just below it converts it to Seconds.
By default it is 500 milliseconds (half a second).

Tips: Advance it by at least 500 in 500 milliseconds (1000, 1500, 2000...), even so there are times when the milliseconds are not exact because it also needs time to process the conditions and actions .

Its use is essential if the Thespian is going to have the last word in the conversation. You would have to put the last DialogueNode, followed by a WaitNode (with the necessary seconds, having calculated the time it would take for the player to read the text calmly) and ending with a ActionNode Close Dialogue. If you don't do it like this, both the DialogueNode and the ActionNode Close Dialogue would do their action at the same time, so the player wouldn't have a millisecond to read the DialogueNode.
In order to quickly calculate this time, I do it counting on the fact that each line that is written in the node is equivalent to one second / one and a half seconds... Remember to calculate it with enough time for those who do not read very fast and always test it later.
Here you see an example of lines of text in the node vs seconds needed in the WaitNode:

I recommend its use between a DialogueNode and each of the OptionNodes that follow, since this way the player will be able to read it in order: first the Thespian's text (DialogueNode) and then his possible answers (OptionNodes) will appear one after another. Also, this way you can control the order in which the player sees the answers, and make for example that the option to leave the dialogue is always in last place.

In the image below I show you what I mean:

It's also useful if you want a sound you input with the ActionNode Play Sound to play at an exact moment in the dialogue, for example: the sound of lightning being played when a witch finishes reciting the text of a curse (putting a WaitNode of, maybe, 10 seconds) instead of as soon as you start speaking... to add drama to your words.

🌒 Comment Node
The only node that has no use in the Thespian's dialog programming, is only useful for you, to point out where you need to add something, to indicate where in the Script starts each phase of a mission...

It is the only node that you can change size at will, the rest have a fixed size.

UPDATE: After creating many dialogues on Thespians, I have only corrupted two saves. Precisely in his dialogues there were many enlarged Comment Nodes, so I think it is directly related. I recommend that you do not expand them, just in case.
MUSHI: CharVar, LocVar & GlobVar
*I recommend that before reading this section you are familiar with ConditionNodes and ActionNodes, either by practicing in Mushi Editor or through their respective sections of this guide.

We are going to define roughly what they are (in theory it seems very complicated, but with the practical examples that I am going to give you, it is easier):

They are some variables that generate a unique property with which you create and edit a specific characteristic, with which you can control many aspects that revolve around a player.
The only way you can get these variables to work is through a Thespian with the ActionNode CharVar / LocVar / GlobVar Operation. And you can make the dialog check its value with the ConditionNode CharVar / LocVar / GlobVar Condition.

You can use them to redirect Mushi's dialogue to advance quests that have multiple parts / phases, so that a Thespian can award a limited number of skill points among all players on the server, to manage reputations...

First let's see what variables we are talking about and the difference between them:
  • CharVar are Character Variables, or CV:
    Its name and its value are stored in the character of each player.
    All Thespians can access and change that information with nodes.
    It is by far the one I use the most, because as you will see in the examples it has many constant uses. With this variable you can create everything you imagine focused on the character of each player.

  • The LocVar are Local Variables, or LV:
    Its name and its value are stored in this Thespian.
    Only this Thespian can access and change that information with nodes.
    It is the best variable for doing missions or events in which all the players collaborate in a single common goal through a single Thespian. This way the players will feel that they live in a community within your server.

  • The GlobVar are Global Variables, or GV:
    Its name and its value are stored in the server.
    All Thespians can access and change that information with nodes.
    It is a useful variable for projects of missions or events designed on a large scale, which affect not only all players equally but also have several different Thespians involved.

Now we are going to give several examples of each of them.
All Vars, unless you state otherwise, start with a default value of 0, so in the following examples I'm counting on that:

*The texts of the example Scripts images are in Spanish, but what is important about them is the structure, not the content.
CharVar examples
EXAMPLE 1: The "Bounty Hunter" property determines each phase of a multi-step mission.

Walkthrough: Set up a Thespian that gives the player a quest about finding a Man (let's call him X) in his camp and killing him (ActionNode Give Quest), while also setting him an ActionNode CharVar Operation Addition 5 in "Bounty Hunter". At the end of this example I will put a table with all the phases of this mission, to make it clearer.
In addition, even if it is not mentioned in each step, the player will always have the option to talk to the Thespian who has given him the mission (to inform him or ask him what to do) and he will have a DialogueNode according to the phase of the mission. where you are This is achieved by putting the Thespian as many ConditionNodes CharVar Condition Equals == x in "Bounty Hunter" as there are mission phases. And, for example, to the blacksmith Thespian that I will mention later, you do not need to put the ConditionNodes of all the phases, but only those that have to do with it (CV Condition Equals == 15, another 20 and another 25).

Let's get on with the mission. The player heads towards the camp that the Thespian had indicated and finds that it is leveled and burned. The player sees that there is only one dying Survivor who dies upon starting the dialogue, with a DialogueNode "Help... (The man exhales his last breath in front of you)" and an ActionNode CharVar Operation Addition 5 on "Bounty Hunter". The player returns to the Thespian to tell him what he has seen, who believes that the Man X is still alive and believes that a Sepermeru blacksmith Thespian may know where he is (ActionNode CV +5). The player goes to Sepermeru to talk to the blacksmith Thespian and questions him, who tells him that in exchange for some ingots he will talk (ActionNode CV +5). When the player hands him the ingots, the blacksmith Thespian laughs (ActionNode CV +5) and the Man X appears behind the player (ActionNode Trigger NPC Spawner "Man X") and the conversation ends. The player must defeat him and loot his body to receive an item with which he can prove to the Thespian that he has actually killed Man X. The player reaches the Thespian and after a ConditionNode CharVar Condition Equals == 25 True and a ConditionNode Has Item "Man X item" True, the mission is completed with an ActionNode Give Complete Quest and an ActionNode CV +5. The Thespian hands the player the reward (ActionNode CV +5) and ends.

Each value of the "Bounty Hunter" CV with its meaning:

The meaning applied to the player
He hasn't gotten the quest yet
He gets the quest from the Thespian
He finds the camp devastated
He informs the Thespian that he has not found Man X
The Thespian blacksmith asks him for ingots in exchange for information
The Thespian blacksmith has deceived him
The Thespian completes the quest for him.
So that he can't take the reward infinite times

The only alternative to just using a CharVar would be to turn in and complete a quest (with the Notify Player checkbox unchecked) per stage, which is much more complicated.

In Mushi:
(I will create this Script later, all other examples are done)

EXAMPLE 2: The increased "Infamous" property causes honorable Thespians to react poorly to you and vile Thespians to react well, as if the players had karma.

Walkthrough: The player should be able to choose in some missions whether to do something good for the Thespians (pay a debt for them, refuse a bounty...) or do something bad (threaten to rob them, demand a bigger bounty...), and the same with encounters in the world with different Thespians, who can choose whether to do something good for them (give water to thirsty slaves, give alms to beggars...) or something bad (steal objects, lie to take advantage...).

I am going to give you the example of a specific Thespian that I have mentioned to you. A beggar Thespian begs the player for alms and three OptionNodes appear: "Here you have some coins (You give him 9 coppers)", "I don't have enough coins to give you" and "Get away from me! (You spit on him)".
The first option would lead to an ActionNode CharVar Operation Subtraction 5 on "Infamous".
The second option would not lead to anything, since it is the neutral answer.
The third option would lead to an ActionNode CharVar Operation Addition 5 set to "Infamous".
As you can see, players with negative infamous means they do honorable acts, those with values ​​close to 0 mean they tend to stay neutral or in a balance between good and evil, and those with high infamy means who often do malicious acts.

With this base, you can create other Thespians that, although they don't add or subtract "Infamous" with an ActionNode to the players, they can use that information through the ConditionNodes. In a bandit camp, the Chief Thespian of the bandits will input a ConditionNode CharVar Condition Greater || Equals >= 50 on "Infamous". In this True node it will be that it gives the player quests to continue doing evil together "I've heard that nothing stops you from taking what you want when you want it, I like it!" and False will be that he doesn't respect the player and doesn't want to make deals with him "We don't want people like you around here!".
Likewise, in a nobler Nordheimer fortress, the Thespian Captain will have a ConditionNode CharVar Condition Less || Equals <= 0 in "Infamous". In this node True will be that he gives the player help missions to his people "All I have heard from you are acts of kindness and mercy" and False will be that he despises the player and will refuse to continue talking to him "Gossip counts murky tales of your brazenness and dishonor, we don't want the likes of you here!"

Normally it doesn't make sense for the player to know that a CV has increased or decreased in value, but in this particular case it does. You could add an ActionNode Chat Message Private "Your Infamous has increased" or "Your Infamous has decreased". Subtle, but enough to let them know that sometimes their actions will have consequences.

In Mushi:

This would be an example of a Script[]to increase or decrease Infamous.

Click on the word "Script" to see the image in a larger size on an external web page.

Ideally, you would add one more CharVar to this Thespian so that once players give it coins or spit on it, they can't repeat it. To prevent them from farming Infamous.
And it would be very realistic that, in addition, when talking to him again, he reacts differently depending on whether the player has treated him well or badly.

OTHER EXAMPLES: You can use it to make a Thespian change his welcome phrase once he has already met the player for the first time; so that another dialogue is generated if the player has already spoken with another Thespian about x topic (and that they do not repeat it); to define the subplots of a mission (if you have done a, b or c during the mission so that a reward or another is generated), etc.
LocVar examples
EXAMPLE 1: The "Bridge" property makes players collaborate on the same construction project to support a Thespian.

Walkthrough: You place a Thespian near a river that can be bridged with building blocks. He has several requests for players to bring him large amounts of basic materials (wood, stone, iron, rope...) to create the bridge, so all players may or may not contribute to the delivery of these materials. Every time any player delivers x amount of some material, they will activate an ActionNode LocVar Operation Addition 5 on "Bridge".
As you see in the LocVar Lookup of Mushi that the LocVar "Bridge" increases its value, you as admin must build the bridge little by little (thus the players will have the illusion that it is the Thespian who builds the bridge, the players who contribute will see the fruits and those who do not contribute will see that the server has life). For example, when the value of the LocVar "Bridge" is 15 build the piers, when 25 build a bridge entrance, when 35 the other side entrance, when 50 join the entrances so that the bridge is operational, when 60 build a roof to the bridge and put decorations and lighting on it.
Thanks to the ConditionNodes (using a LocVar Condition Greater Than > 15 True followed by another LocVar Condition Less || Equals <= 25 True) you will be able to make the Thespian give welcome phrases according to how far along the bridge is going, like "Several exiles are spending their time helping me with this bridge... I am very grateful to them" (in the first steps), "I could not have achieved this milestone without the help of all the exiles who have brought me materials" (when the bridge is 100 % built).

In Mushi:

This is the Script[]that the bridge builder would have.

Click on the image, then on its upper link and on the magnifying glass to see it really big.

As they are going to be DialogueNodes and OptionNodes that each player is going to read several times, I recommend you put more branches after the RandomiserNodes so that they do not become too repetitive.
Thanks to the CharVar "Known Geromer" all players will go through the introduction dialog even though the bridge construction has already started. To make it even more realistic, it would only be necessary to add a couple of LV Condition Greater + LV Condition Less ranges so that the dialogue would make more sense and change the verbs "I am going to build" to "I am building" in them.

EXAMPLE 2: The "Strength Instructor" property decreases as players spend it.

Walkthrough: Open Mushi Editor, click on the LOOKUPS menu and select LocVar Lookup. Here, create a new LocVar called "Strength Instructor" and give it a value of 15 (with this you are making the base have 15, this is especially useful for this type of example in which there is stock or something that is spent).
Place a Thespian who, first of all, checks with a ConditionNode LocVar Condition Greater Than > 0 on "Strength Instructor" whether or not he has skill points to deliver. This Thespian will offer the player to master a skill in exchange for a very valuable item, so when the player hands in the item (ConditionNode Has Item True) the Thespian will give the player a skill point with an ActionNode Modify Stat 1 AttributeMight, followed by an ActionNode LocVar Operation Subtraction 1 on "Strength Instructor". With these nodes you will have made the player have one more point of might in his Attributes, and the Thespian will have spent / consumed a delivery of skill points. Which means he can still give a skill point to only 14 other players.

The next player will go through the same process, spending another delivery of skill points, and so on thirteen more players. After the first fifteen players have found this Thespian, turned in the item, and earned the skill point, the next player to talk to the Thespian (the sixteenth and subsequent players) will encounter a ConditionNode LocVar Condition Greater Than > 0 in "Strength Instructor" False, which will be followed by a DialogueNode "Sorry, traveler, I'm exhausted after handing out my teachings to so many adventurers... I have nothing more to say." and he will run out of the skill point.

In Mushi:

This is the Script[]that the Strength Instructor would have.

Click on the image, then on its upper link and on the magnifying glass to see it really big.

Here it would have been more practical to reduce the two CharVars ("Known Master" and "Delivered Item") into one and call it the same way as the GlobVar ("Strength Instructor"), so it would be easier to remember and not be repeated no name. In addition, this greatly simplifies the Script, since simply the value 0 of the CV would mean that it is the first time that the player speaks with the Thespian, the value 5 would mean that he has met him but has not given him the object, and the value 10 it would mean that he has given you the object.
For the example I think that with the two CVs it is better explained, but keep it in mind for when you make your Scripts.

OTHER EXAMPLES: You can use it so that, among all the players, they give a Thespian x amount of a very rare item; also so that whenever players talk to a Thespian, they are in a different mood (causing different prices on their items for sale), with a RandomiserNode when opening the dialog leading to multiple ActionNodes that add or subtract the variable etc.
GlobVar examples
EXAMPLE 1: The "Statues" property provides a reward based on whether or not players have interacted with multiple different Thespians.

Walkthrough: You place four Thespians scattered around the world, appearing transparent (thanks to the Aspect of Invisibility item from the DungeonMasterTools mod) and a Statuette of the Warmaker item at their feet. So the players will press E on the statue but the dialogue with the Thespian who is in the same position will appear. In the image on the right you can see what I mean, since you only see the statue but it seems that the name comes from it, when in fact it is from the Thespian.

Said Thespian will have a ConditionNode of GlobVar Condition Equals == 0 on "Statues". Its Output True (it will be the first time any player has touched any of these statues) will award the player 100 gold and will also increase their GlobVar "Statues" value with an ActionNode GlobVar Operation Addition 5 on "Statues".

Once this happens, all four statues will simultaneously have 5 in their "Statues" GlobVar value. So the next player who finds that or another statue and interacts with it, will come across the ConditionNode of GlobVar Condition Equals == 0 in "Statues", but since it is no longer = 0, the dialog will take them to Output False, so a DialogueNode will appear saying "This reward has already been claimed".

In Mushi:

This would be the Script[]that each of the Statuette of the Warmaker would have.

EXAMPLE 2: The "Picts Rep" property reduces a tribe's reluctance to meet exiles from outside its own tribe.

Walkthrough: You build a small Pictish-themed jungle camp, with several Thespians dressed in Pictish garb. The Tribe Chief is the only quest giver to players, and once a player completes it, he will have access to all other Thespians in the tribe's quests. To force each of the players to go through this, put a ConditionNode Has Completed Quest "The Beast" without which they cannot access the other quests.

Upon completing each of the missions there will be an ActionNode GlobVar Operation Addition 5 on "Picts Rep" if the player has helped them within the mission and an ActionNode GlobVar Operation Subtraction 5 on "Picts Rep" if the player has been selfish within the mission. of the mission.
Thus, the reaction they have when seeing all the players will depend on the actions of all the players who interact with the Pict tribe. You can influence the type of phrases (more violent or kinder), the prices of the items they sell (more expensive or cheaper), etc. You achieve this by using a GlobVar Condition Greater Than > 5 True followed by another GlobVar Condition Less || Equals <= 15 True... This range would mean that among all the players they have completed at least between one and three missions helping the Picts, or that they have completed, for example, eight missions helping the Picts but five not helping them (so these are would subtract from the others).

In Mushi:

This would be the Script[]of the Chief of the tribe.

Click on the image, then on its upper link and on the magnifying glass to see it really big.

This would be the base Script[]of the rest of the picts of the tribe, VERY schematic.

OTHER EXAMPLES: You can use it to collect player statistics, such as how many times your players have accessed the Thespian; so that a Thespian who is a "traveling merchant" (actually they are several Thespians that you copy in various points of the map, both their physical and their Mushi Script) warn the players when they run out of stock of the items, etc.


I have tried to make these examples in a visually simple way as well as using all the nodes of the Mushi (so you can see their use in practice). But keep in mind that these Scripts will always be able to add more extras so that the dialogue is more complete and more realistic, with the regular use of Is gender, using the Randomiser much more, mentioning the gods of the lore of Conan the Barbarian, using sounds, giving more answer options to each question the player is asked...

With this information you now have, you can use just one CV or one LV for each Thespian, or you can do as in most of the examples, where we have used one GV, one CV and one mission, or one LV and several CVs. . In short, use all the tools you have at your disposal thanks to Pippi.

You will see that in all the examples that I put, I advance the CV, LC or GV Value by 5. It is to clarify myself better, not because it is necessary. You can put both negative and positive values.
💡 More tips
  • Whenever you can write to the nodes, you will have the option to Cut, Copy, Paste...

  • You can double-click numerical values to change them directly. You will always see them with little arrows on the sides.

  • Try to create the Script in the most orderly way possible and with the connections placed intuitively, so that even if the dialog is complicated, you will have a clear idea of ​​where each line and node branch comes from and goes to.

  • When you put the name of the same mission or the same CharVar in different nodes and/or in different Thespians, it is better to do it by copying and pasting the text instead of writing it, so that there can be no errors.

  • In the same server, always use the same format within Mushi, let me explain: make the actions always read between parentheses or always between asterisks, without mixing; formulate the sentences of the chat messages in a similar way; match a single sound to the same action, etc.

  • Inform and remind the players as much as you want through the ActionNode Chat Message. E.g.: Objectives of a quest, gaining reputation, giving a map (with the add image command), even transcribing the entire dialogue with the Thespian in the chat.

  • Always test every Thespian you make, trying all the dialogue options, checking that you receive the quests, the rewards, etc. It is easy that in a very large Script we forget to connect one node to the next.

  • To get a URL of your own images and creations I recommend that you upload them for free to one of these pages: Imgbb[], Imgur[https//] or ImagesShack. Once you have opened the link that you have been provided, right click on the image > Open image in a new tab. It will open for you with a new link (which should end in .png or .jpg), and that's the URL you need to enter in the Flaggi and Wallpaper tools and when you use the <imgurl=ValidURL> command in the ActionNode Chat Message.

  • I explain how the Output True and Flase of the ConditionNode Has Quest and Has Completed Quest work, in case the mission also has a cooldown:
    - Has Quest True: You have the quest but you haven't completed it yet (you still have to deliver the objectives).
    - Has Quest False: At the moment you have not obtained the quest or you have already completed it.
    - Has Completed Quest True: You've already completed the quest and the CD time hasn't passed (you can't repeat it yet).
    - Has Completed Quest False: You've already completed the quest and the time on the CD has passed (you can repeat it).

  • It is so tedious for you to enter and exit Conan Exiles every so often and swallow the long cinematic, I tell you how to remove it:

    Right click on Conan Exiles in Steam > Manage > Browse local files > Conan Sandbox > Config > Open "DefaultGame" file On lines 55, 56 and 57 change the + sign to a - sign.

    After this, when you enter Conan Exiles you will have a black screen for a moment and then the main menu of the game will load much faster.
🔨 Bugs

There are two bugs that happen very rarely, but they happen:

Depending on how many words are on each line, it might go a little crazy and Mushi will reposition the last word from one line to the next and vice versa endlessly. This doesn't affect the conversation with the Thespian, but it is very annoying to watch while in Mushi.
Solution: Add a word or reformulate the sentence so that the words occupy "the correct thing".

The other bug can ♥♥♥♥ you because it deletes content, since it exchanges the characters of our alphabet for random symbols. It happens sometimes when you select a body of text, delete and delete again.
Solution: Delete all the text and rewrite it.
In the gif on the left you can see how the two bugs happen at the same time. A fantasy for the eyes.


*This may be a bug that only occurs on my server due to my choice of mods, so it may not happen to you.

If you select Remove Feat instead of taking the feat, it gives it to you.
Solution: You won't be able to remove feats through Mushi but you can do it as an admin.

Esc > Admin Panel > Players. Select the player and press on the right VIEW FEATS.


This is the same bug with two possible solutions:

Normally Mushi does not allow you to delete the connections when opening a Script with multiple nodes and connections already made between them.
Solution: Move one of the nodes to which the connection you want to delete is attached, as if to refresh it.

In the image on the left you can see that the connection looks bright orange despite having the mouse cursor over it, that's because it won't let you delete it. In the image on the right you can see that the connection has a darker color, that means you can delete it.

Sometimes it also does not allow you to delete connections that join nodes that are very far from each other.
Solution: The optimal position for the Mushi to allow you to delete the connections is having the first node positioned to the left of the other. Also, the connected nodes should not be too far from each other, so that you can see them on your pc screen.
🎮 Pippi mod
Mod Pippi - User & Server Management created by Joshtech has several official guides in pdf, here they are:

User manual[] v.1.8.1 (third edition)
User manual addendum[] v. 1.8.1. - 1.8.3
Social merchants[] v. 2.0.3
Mushi system[] v. 2.1.0
Player cleanup[] v. 2.2.0
Quick guide for character and thespian layouts[] v. 2.1.11
Big data snapshot manager[] v. 2.1.11
Ranks and flaggi[] v. 2.1.12
Profession merchants[] v. 2.2.2
You will have already verified that Pippi is a very complete and intuitive mod, with everything you may want and need for your server, full of mechanics that facilitate the admin's work, always with confirmation popups before performing an action that can delete your progress, etc.

In addition this mod has other functions, such as Pippi currency, chat, server rules, player, clan, npc, and build management, commands, kits, warps, Heatmap...

Its creator continually updates and improves it, in addition to the contributions of his large community in the official Pippi Discord.
In said Discord all kinds of doubts are resolved, you have information about the tools in the #pippi_admin_tools section, and about the server management systems in #official_manual_and_videos, you have the section #shared_mushi_scripts in which they share scripts (in Mushi String) of already created missions, and other sections in which they share pngs for the Wallpaper and Flaggi tools such as #wallpaper_repository and #flaggi_repository, plus #request_flaggi_wallpaper to help people or request yourself (if you don't have much Photoshop knowledge) flag pngs or images with x characteristics, and, in definitely, everything.

🎮 All Pippi tools
If you want to use them, you just have to press Esc > Admin Panel > Cheat Panel, and on the right of the screen, look for them in Spawn Item > Building. Once you make the selections put them on your action bar to be able to place them in the world.

In case you don't know all the other tools that this mod offers, here they are*:
*This is not a guide of the tools, I only describe them.
    • NPC Spawner: Place a spawn point where you can choose the type of NPC that spawns (friendly or enemy), edit its life, damage and exp., that it has more or less radius of action, that it leaves a specific loot when dying... It's deprecated since 3.0.
    • Loot Spawner: Place a container from which you can choose the external appearance (literally any placeable object in the game, including mods), what it contains, who can or cannot access it, how often the loot appears, if it is notified in chat...
    • Glorb: Place an orb of light from which you can choose if it has a solid color, if it blinks or if it emits pulses (and at what speed it does them), you also edit the intensity of the light, the radius it covers, the color with great precision...
    • Portal: Place a portal that will teleport the player, you can choose the size and color of the portal, whether or not its name appears floating, where it will teleport the player (you must have created the Warps previously)...
    • Flaggi: Place a tall flag that you can only edit the image URL of. This must end in .png and be in a square format, where the flag only occupies a third on the left. The flag waves when the wind blows.
    • Thespian: Place an npc with whom you can interact in different ways, such as a banker, merchant, dialogue... You can also edit his physique, his clothing, his voice, the animation he performs...
    • Egress: Place an entrance (select one of the six doors, four gates and five different hatches) from which you can choose the unique hours that can be accessed, the password, the required object or the coins to pay to enter...
    • Pippi Jack: Set up a wooden table with three chairs where the player can sit and play Black Jack. As an admin, the only thing you can do differently from the player is to collect the coins that the players have left betting.
    • Wallpaper: Place an image by adding its URL (ending in .png or .jpg), you can choose its size, warp or scale it, whether or not players can go through it, whether or not they can scale it...
    • Pippi Note: Place a note on a vertical surface, which when opened visually turns into a book in which you can write all the text you want occupying all the pages you want.

    • Checkpoint: Place the start of a time trial, you can choose whether it is on horseback or on foot, whether or not it is a closed circuit (and how many laps), add and edit each waypoint of the race, put a board with the scores.. .
    • Easel: Place a blank canvas on an easel, you can paint on it by choosing the type, size and opacity of the brush, the color used...

    • NPC Summoner: Place a point of appearance for groups of NPCs, you can choose them among all the NPCs of the game. You can change if they will spawn in waves and the management of these, their loot when they die, when and where they appear...
    • Lazor: Place the origin of a laser emitter from which you can choose its color, its pattern and speed of movement, its width, its length...

    • Re Placeable: Place a placeable which you can change its appearance at any time and you can literally choose any placeable object in the game, including those from buildings and mods.
    • Marker: Place a marker in the world that is reflected on the map, you can choose its icon (there are many to choose from and of various colors) and its name.

    • Cryptex: Place a giant cryptex from which you can choose the attempts the player has to solve it, the correct answer, and the events that happen on both hits and misses.

    • Musiq Box: Place a sound source that will play MP3 and MP4 tracks.
      The tool is not yet in the final phase.

    • Cam Loc: Place a camera movement that you can configure.
      It is still in the experimental phase.

    • TZone, TPlate, TSeq, TPlatform, TTime, TControl, TCombiner y TRand:
      They are tools that the creator of the mod recently added and I have not yet tested enough to explain them properly. But basically they are tools that interact with each other to create waves and events.

    Tip: Here are some examples to make it clearer what the image format should be for the Flaggi tool. Within that it must have a square shape, you can make it the size you want, but to make it look quality they recommend between 900 x 900 and 1200 x 1200.

    By "the flag only occupies a third on the left" I mean what you see in the image on the right: 1/3 (always on the left) is the visible image (the flag) and the remaining 2/3 will be transparent. In the third that covers the visible image you can make the shape of the flag to your liking: short, narrow, with breaks... As you can see in these two examples:

    👥 The tools on your server
    How do these tools look introduced in the world of Conan Exiles?

    Here are some images of the server that PechuguitaPollo and I are working on:

    • The racetrack (inside)

    - Wallpaper: two long pennants and one shorter pennant in the background.
    - Thespian: thirteen in total, some Regular, others Dialogue Thespian, the vast majority with some emote on.

    • The seer's tent

    - Thespian: two with chair sitting emote, both are Dialogue Thespians starting a quest.

    • The brothel

    - Wallpaper: two rows of pennants in the background, several paintings hanging on the walls.
    - Thespian: three on the stage with emotes of different dances and one in the other room.
    - Egress: on the top floor (not seen in the screenshot) there are rooms that you can only access in exchange for some coins.

    • The racetrack (outside)

    - Flaggi: two to mark the starting point of the race.
    - Checkpoint: next to the flags.
    - Thespian: several to inform the players about the different races there are, entertainers...

    • The hall of portals

    - Portal: three portals with different characteristics (color, destination...). The surrounding area has been decorated based on where the player is going to be teleported to.

    • The temple

    - Glorb: an orb of light placed in the mouth of the frog-like statue to give it a magical look.
    - Thespian: in front of the statue, a Dialogue Thespian that has the Aspect of invisibility from the DungeonMasterTools mod in his Equipment Editor, to give the player the impression that he is talking to the statue.

    • The Arena

    - NPC Summoner: they do not appear until the event is triggered.
    - Egress: Players will not be able to go through one of the gates until they make a deal to enter the Arena to fight.

    • Sepermeru (buildings and npcs added)

    - Pippi Jack: it is next to the Sepermeru tavern, between the tables, on a fur rug. Next to it is a Dialogue Thespian who teaches the player how the game works.
    - NPC Spawner: three npcs dressed as Persians secure the entrance to the (new) Sepermeru bank (the building in front of the tavern).
    - Thespian: many Dialogue Thespians to fill in (with little dialogue), some start important missions, others trivial missions, others are specialized Profession Merchant, inside the bank there is a Banker... The vast majority with an emote and all with the profession they do (even if this is "Drunk").

    • Other buildings

    You can create buildings like these to put different civilizations in them that give players their own quests and tasks, and integrate various tools from the Pippi Mod. Here are examples of a Greek temple, a brothel, a Japanese castle, and a Persian fortress:

    *The server has 78 mods, so some of the items shown in these images are from mods.

    I will add more images later (with so many updates our server is down)

    🎮 Other mods
    Here I leave you a small selection of mods that you may be interested in adding with Pippi, since they improve the customization of the Thespians or add objects without any use within the game, only so that you can use them in the missions you do with Mushi.

    OSH quest item, created by okudaira nobumasa: Add usable items for quests.
    Asshuri Treasures, created by shogakusha: Add items for quest and more.
    Deco & Placeables (Road to Crafting Overhaul), created by Asghaard: Adds 3D to some objects, usable with Pippi's Re Placeable tool.
    Dungeon Master Tools, created by Rousch IV, Epiphany IV and Humperdoo: Add items and buildings to create dungeons, plus various transmogrifications and the Aspect of Invisibility.
    WARRIOR Mutator for Conan Exiles, created by Warrior J: Adds transmogs you can equip to Thespians and more.
    Accessory Wardrobe, created by Whiskey: Lots more accessory slots on NPCSpawner and pj's.
    ✴ THE END
    I hope you liked and found this guide useful. Any questions you have and if you see any errors throughout the guide, please let me know through the comments! Also, sorry for my English, it isn't my native language.

    Here is the link to this same guide in Spanish:
    Here is a guide with the mod Underdark of Acheron maps:
    Here is a guide for Endgame Extended Weapon Arsenal (EEWA) mod (also in Spanish):


    Laurasesina  [author] 25 May @ 4:02pm 
    Thank you very much for your comments! And thanks for including that info about the translation, I appreciate it :D
    NoGirlsOnTheInternet 21 May @ 9:15am 
    Wow - Thank you for taking the time to write all of this out! You answered a number of questions I've run into as I'm developing a storyline for my server. <3

    For non-Spanish speakers, some screenshot tools (Snipping Tool in Windows, for example) can extract text from screenshots. You can then copy/paste that into your favorite language translator ( for example.)
    Kaisho 29 Mar @ 3:32pm 
    Thank you, I was able to make my first Mushi Script based on your information.
    Laurasesina  [author] 14 Aug, 2023 @ 10:45pm 
    Hi & thanks! I assume you mean the nodes of the variable examples. They are the only ones whose interior is not translated because their texts are not very relevant. Anyway, just before the "CharVar examples" I notified it saying "The texts of the example Scripts are in Spanish, but what is important about them is the structure, not the content"
    I hope this guide still helps you!
    mstrmagemerlin 13 Aug, 2023 @ 9:40am 
    Well, the guide is very good...however, your nodes are all in another language other than English, so I could not tell what was in the individual nodes.
    Laurasesina  [author] 2 Jun, 2023 @ 1:48am 
    Thank you so much! I'm glad you like it
    Mialiah 1 Jun, 2023 @ 8:55pm 
    This guide is fantastic.
    Laurasesina  [author] 21 Mar, 2023 @ 9:19pm 
    No, the guide is only here, on Steam, both in English and Spanish. Anyway, thanks for your interest, I hope it works for you!
    DreamAngelCore 21 Mar, 2023 @ 9:20am 
    Hi, Is there somewhere I can download this info?