Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

117 ratings
Pax Britannica Official Submods Collection
A Collection of Officially Endorsed Submods for Pax Britannica: An Imperial Timeline
Items (9)
Pax Britannica: An Imperial Timeline
Created by New Grestin
"With this principle, you may live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension." - Nikola Tesla https://i.imgur.com/HKWxMSd.png https://i.imgur.com/Ybw14Bb.png For more than a century, Imperial Britain has ruled over nearly a billion souls, with domi...
Pax Britannica: A Colourblind Timeline
Created by GermanSunTzu
A submod for Pax Britannica: An Imperial Timeline ( https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2792132018 ) Makes the ideology colours more distinct....
+JP: Pax Britannica: An Imperial Timeline
Created by Kirindar
Pax Britannica: An Imperial Timelineを日本語化するmodです。 翻訳率や変更箇所についてはページ上部変更履歴にて 不具合などの報告や質問は下記Discordかコメント欄まで 他modの宣伝をコメントでする場合、dmください。 注意 このmodはAdditional Japanese map fontsを必要としません。併用したら雰囲気が損なわれ、バグが発生する可能性があります。 この原理で、あなたの理解を超えた人為的な恐怖を、あなたは目にするかもしれない -二コラ・テスラ...
Pax Britannica: Lo-Fi Beats to Commit Man-Made Horrors To
Created by New Grestin
https://i.imgur.com/Kimo2QE.png Intended to accompany the base mod, Pax Britannica: An Imperial Timeline. This music mod contains three new radio stations with 78 songs: https://i.imgur.com/8ZexFeZ.png Pax Britannica - Original Music: A variety of original...
Created by Glowingone
使用汉化时请将启动器语言改为简体中文。 本汉化为Submod形式,请配合原mod使用。请通过以下链接订阅PB本体与音乐包: https://steamproxy.net/workshop/filedetails/?id=2792132018 https://steamproxy.net/workshop/filedetails/?id=2792130727 简介 以此原则为指导,你也许能活着看到超乎想象的人为灾难。 -尼古拉·特斯拉- 一个多世纪来,大英帝国统治着数十亿的生灵,英国的势力遍布...
Pax Britannica: An Imperial Timeline: Русская Локализация [Beta]
Created by FladioN
Группа перевода НГПМ: https://vk.com/newmodsp Русскоязычное сообщество Paradox Interactive: https://vk.com/pdxint Вот уже больше века Имперская Британия правит более, чем миллиардом верноподданных, её доминионы простираются по всему свету. Старинная династ...
Pax Britannica: Visible Subideologies
Created by Krumtum
Yup, it's another one of "these" mods. This mod DOESN'T add subideologies to Pax Britannica! It makes them visible in the politics and diplomatic tab. Also, you can't see when or if you will have elections in the politics tab :)...
Pax Britannica: Accepted Cultures Map Mode
Created by Krumtum
yay, another submod...
Pax Britannica Español
Traduccion hecha de manera automatica, aun que a diferencia de Old World Blues, esta esta mucho mejor traducida siendo pocos los errores como la falta de mayusculas en algunos nombres. Pd: Subi mal el mod la primera vez, ahora deberia funcionar sin problem...