Weird West: Definitive Edition

Weird West: Definitive Edition

Warmacblu 4 Apr, 2022 @ 4:13pm 
Yeah, I don't want to play each character the exact same, that would get kinda boring I would think.
Motivia  [author] 4 Apr, 2022 @ 8:16am 
Will have to try that with him. Does seem to be more of the style he would use.
Warmacblu 4 Apr, 2022 @ 7:27am 
I never had ammo issues because I used the environment a ton and set traps and stealth knocked out. You can corral a bunch of enemies to a point with a distraction then shoot and explosive barrel. Or with Pigman, gather all of the enemies together and rush them with his abilities. I am trying out a more shotgun/melee approach with him and it's fun, something different than Jane.
Motivia  [author] 4 Apr, 2022 @ 2:55am 
Continued from prior entry / was cut due to length :

I kept essentials like meat and extra picks and shovels in the Saddlebags and one of each on one of the posse and my ore and skins until I got back to the back plus the unused amulets which are a pain to lick across the vendor on. Basic the economy comes down to ammo, Med kits, and having axes and shovels handy when you need them. Since it takes no time to have green gear I was casting copper bars and selling them and breaking down the gold and silver ones I was coming across.

The ammo though is where the true management of the game is. You can usually find enough water barrels to top off health unless you pull major aggro which usual only happened when I hit pathing issues with a posse member. Besides Albright after she joined the posse I wasn’t too worried about the other posse member.
Motivia  [author] 4 Apr, 2022 @ 2:53am 
Well you still loose the abilities and will have to be on the look out for them. I have played any further yet but towards the end my biggest issue was honestly ammo. I was scrapping all the weapon drops unless they were going to sell for a nice dollar for the ammo that the give. As the rifle was my prime weapon as I loved the silent first shot ability I went through it faster than I liked to admit and I often would buy out all the towns firearms stores.

I rarely used shotgun myself so I had a zillion rounds for the shotgun just for drops and loot alone. At least I was mining enough or and finding enough loot here and here that about two-thirds throw the Bounty Hunter Act I realized even though I had essentially two extra loot bags with me if you count the posse that soon it didn’t come worth all the juggling to loot everything .
Warmacblu 3 Apr, 2022 @ 9:15pm 
You can recruit Jane and all of your gear is still available. Also when you purchase a horse, everything you had in the saddlebags is also there. I am torn about this, part of me is happy that all of our stuff is there but there is also a part of me that wishes it was all gone so that I get to start over from scratch. I guess I could have just not recruited Jane.
Motivia  [author] 3 Apr, 2022 @ 4:45pm 
Hurts to go from decent gear and money, and ore in the bank, and 100 Rep down to zip and 50 gold and grey gear and not a single amulet or vest on the piglet. Oh Well, guess I have to get used to it, know different than playing different classes in another RPG. Also the first story ACT was pretty entertaining and I could have continued it for a while longer as I still had plenty of bounties and side quest but I decided I wanted to move along.